A very..Strange dream


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Last night, I had a dream I played Great Bass recorder. O:

Except I couldn't play it, so I had to play Bass Recorder. D;

This is gross:

I had a dream when it was in a sewer, and little pices of poo were in little which hats. It was so funny. xD

I feel horrible.

Last night I had a dream where this man came into my class while I was alone and raped me. I wont go into details seeings as this is a family friendly forum, but I feel terrible.

I woke up feeling sick and wanting to throw up. Mum says I need to be extra careful in real life aswell. But seriously, it was so realistic. I cried a little today cuz I cant imagine it in real life [several of my friends have been raped]. I feel horrid.

Anyway, enough of my ranting.

Edit;; Oh, and it was cuz of the pics I posted on TT. It was a stalker from TT. Gosh, now I dont wanna post pics anymore :'(

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I feel horrible.
Last night I had a dream where this man came into my class while I was alone and raped me. I wont go into details seeings as this is a family friendly forum, but I feel terrible.

I woke up feeling sick and wanting to throw up. Mum says I need to be extra careful in real life aswell. But seriously, it was so realistic. I cried a little today cuz I cant imagine it in real life [several of my friends have been raped]. I feel horrid.

Anyway, enough of my ranting.

Edit;; Oh, and it was cuz of the pics I posted on TT. It was a stalker from TT. Gosh, now I dont wanna post pics anymore :'(
I had a dream involving rape, and I like... Never think of that person as a good person after it. Dx

Sorry about your friends. :mametchi: And I'm sorry you had that dream.

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WOAH!!!! Atleast he didn't rape you...

I have weird dreams all the time. Here is one:

My dad was building me and my mom and sister and himself a house that looked like a ship. It was made out of couches and chairs from club penguin. It was thundering and lightning out, and I was on club penguin, talking to my friend... er... lets call him R. Well R lives near me and rides his bike alot. And we were talking on club penguin and he said "brb" and i said "k". So he rings the doorbell of my house and I answer it. It was him and he had his nintendo ds in his pocket. My dad started to make a room for R in the ship type house. We go into a room that is in our basement, near our door. Then um.. lets call him Z. Z rings the doorbell and I answer it. He is on his bike too. We end up playing our Nintendo DSes, and having fun durring the thunder storm.

It was weird... and I don't know what half of my dreams mean.

Here is one I had when I was 4 or 5.

We go camping every year. (it is true) I was riding my bike or walking or something back to our campsite. The band kizz (i dunno how to spell it) was there. It was creepy.

I have the weirdest dreams. o_o

I feel horrible.
Last night I had a dream where this man came into my class while I was alone and raped me. I wont go into details seeings as this is a family friendly forum, but I feel terrible.

I woke up feeling sick and wanting to throw up. Mum says I need to be extra careful in real life aswell. But seriously, it was so realistic. I cried a little today cuz I cant imagine it in real life [several of my friends have been raped]. I feel horrid.

Anyway, enough of my ranting.

Edit;; Oh, and it was cuz of the pics I posted on TT. It was a stalker from TT. Gosh, now I dont wanna post pics anymore :'(
O: Ksenia!

Don't worry, dreams won't become real, as you know that ;D Stay calm. It'll be fineee. ^^

WOAH!!!! Atleast he didn't rape you...
I have weird dreams all the time. Here is one:

My dad was building me and my mom and sister and himself a house that looked like a ship. It was made out of couches and chairs from club penguin. It was thundering and lightning out, and I was on club penguin, talking to my friend... er... lets call him R. Well R lives near me and rides his bike alot. And we were talking on club penguin and he said "brb" and i said "k". So he rings the doorbell of my house and I answer it. It was him and he had his nintendo ds in his pocket. My dad started to make a room for R in the ship type house. We go into a room that is in our basement, near our door. Then um.. lets call him Z. Z rings the doorbell and I answer it. He is on his bike too. We end up playing our Nintendo DSes, and having fun durring the thunder storm.

It was weird... and I don't know what half of my dreams mean.

Here is one I had when I was 4 or 5.

We go camping every year. (it is true) I was riding my bike or walking or something back to our campsite. The band kizz (i dunno how to spell it) was there. It was creepy.

I have the weirdest dreams. o_o
Couches FROM club penguin? that is weird..

I had a dream the other day, it was weirder than weird.

I was... er... On the toilet (WTH?!) and then I got off the toilet and went downstairs. There was Inyuasha in the living room.. (lol i don't even watch that.) and then... It said 2:59pm and a minute later it said 6:59.pm. I was jumping on the sofa listining to some music (oh nooo) and all of a sudden I turned into a zora (the WTF moment) and I was lke "I SCREAM FOR GREEN BEANS!!!" and it said 9:32pm on the clock. Then instead of going to bed I went... Back to the bathroom and hopped in the bath (that was full of bubblebath and no water) and then I woke up.

I had a dream that me, my grandma and my sister were at this very ugly and old walmart, and this guy was looking at something, then saw us, ran up to us a tried selling us a cheap phone. o.o'

&& That we had band picture day, but it was all the bands combined. e.e'

And apparently, I played Flute for Symphonic band, and I sat next to Manny (He does flute for jazz, and percussion for band. ._.). ._.

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I get nightmares a lot. One time I drempt I was pregnant. I woke up and felt weird the rest of the day. 0_0

That wasn't a nightmare though, lol.

I get nightmares a lot. One time I drempt I was pregnant. I woke up and felt weird the rest of the day. 0_0That wasn't a nightmare though, lol.
I had a dream like that except my butt was hurting. xDDD

I keep dreaming about my lost lizards :angry: 3 out of 5 dreams are about my lizards.

I also have many strange and bizarre dreams. And they usually only make sense to me. Sometimes I'll dream about what's going to happen or what has happened, but usually it's just "PINK OSTRICH EATING ME! ZOMG! NO WAIT, NOW THE GIANT MARSHMALLOW OF DOOM IS STEALING MY CRAYONS."
I hated that dream. The one where the giant marshmallow of doom stole my crayons really did upset me very much. D:
Oh my gosh, I dream about things that are going to happen too! I mean sure, I dream about totally random and crazy things too, like your giant marshmallow (hilarious ;) ), but sometimes the more realistic ones actually happen. Or I dream about things I don't even know about, but they'll be completely accurate. Like one time I had a dream about being at my friend's cousins' house (she talks about them a lot). I was thinking about it all that day, so I told my friend about it. I was sitting there explaining what the house looked like, where all the rooms were, what color the walls were, what her cousins looked like. While I was describing all this, I was watching her eyes practically pop out of her head. Turns out, I had described the entire house and her cousins perfectly. I've never been to the place and I don't even know her cousins! It was really creepy.

when i was 7, i used to have all sorts of scary dreams. there was this one dream i remember when i was in my dad's truck, and my big brother asked me to pass the dvd remote. i was about to, then he turned around and another one just like him turned around, but with straight hair. (my real big bro has wavy hair). so i passed it to the real one, and ran out to my house as fast as i could. there was a whole bunch of ppl there, and i ran to my dad's room where he was. i told him everything, and he knows about it. then he locked the door and my dad's clone tried to break in. (it turned out the clone wants to live in our house, since at that time we were about to move.)

and that's when i woke up. :eek:

^ Odd. I often dream about people being cloned/ghostified or such. Oh yeah, and I keep dreaming my computer is taking over my mind xD

and sometimes i get dreams that the EXACT same things the EXACT ppl say comes up a day or two later. its like deja vu. :rolleyes:

Yeah, i get deja vu a lot. Like yesterday. I have it like every week.

I apparently played Bassoon, and I lived in a Morrowind setting (haven't played that game for like years.. ._.) and I went into this pub or house, and these people killed me. .__________.

So yeah. ._.

My friend had a dream that we were like Sweeny Todd. I rode a Raindow llama and killed people


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