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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Feb 5, 2006
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Columbia, MO


So in August of 2007, my grandma decided to move in with us in our tiny 3 bedroom house. Now you gotta understand, my granny is no normal granny. She's originally from Bangladesh, and speaks absolutely no English and understands no Englsih (even though she tells my mom's other Bengali friends that she DOES understand English..which makes absolutely no sense..)


Also, she eats this disgusting stuff, like 'pan' and 'supari' and 'chuna' and flavored tobacco. And when she eats chuna (it's like, edible lime. It's white and powdery), she puts it on her finger and gnaws it off, and she gets it EVERYWHERE! There's chuna on our remote, on our sofa, on our door, on my bedpost, it's so annoying! And all she ever does is watch Hindi movies all day, and she NEVER STOPS ANNOYING ME! She's always either telling me to eat lunch, or eat dinner, or eat breakfast, or to wake up when it's WAY to early to wake up, or study arabic. And she's doing this all in her old Bengali lady squeal, which makes it 10x worse! D:< In addition, she smells really bad due to the fact that she wears ratty old saris that smell like mothballs and puts this GROSS coconut oil in her hair even though we tell her not to.




In February 2008, my aunt and uncle decided to move in our tiny 3 bedroom house. So now there's 7 people living in a 3 bedroom house...(should that even be possible..?). xP


Well, anyways, my uncle is a good guy. He's considerate, cool, and very respectful to my mom (his older sister). So he's cool and I've got no problem with him, and this isn't about him. :eek:


Yeah, anyways, so this is about my AUNT...UGH. MY AUNT. UUUUGH. Okay, let's say I'm watching TV with her.


Me: *watching TV*

Mami: Eeew, that lady is so fat! She's so ugly!

Me: ...

Mami: And, eew, look at that lady! She has a huge mole..and her hair! Gross! *snicker*

Me: ^_^ but still ...


She's always making fun of people like that! And that's pretty hypocritical of her, because she the biggest mustache in the world!! D:<


And the other day, I was on my P, and my dad is a loser and only buys small pads.. xP So I went to sleep wearing a small pad and forgot to put a towel under me, and in the morning there was a stain on the sheets. So my aunt finds it and announces it to the whole world during breakfast, and is LAUGHING about it. And my mom and I are like '...' and I'm like o///o :lol:


And whenever my dad says something bad or mean about me or to me, my aunt is always there laughing at me. :eek:




Sorry I went into super rant mode back there and please forgive me for any spelling or grammatical errors. xP


So...what should I do about my aunt and my grandma? D: They're really...annoying me. D:





Aww man.. Nice rant there. I hope you feel a little better? ^_^

Well, I guess you always have moving out to look forward to. I can't relate at all because I have always had a lot of personal space all of my life.

As much as you can't stand it now, after you are out you might look back and laugh or even miss them a little but yeah, wow. I would go completely nuts if I had to put up with all of that.

Aww man.. Nice rant there. I hope you feel a little better?  ^_^
Well, I guess you always have moving out to look forward to. I can't relate at all because I have always had a lot of personal space all of my life.

As much as you can't stand it now, after you are out you might look back and laugh or even miss them a little but yeah, wow. I would go completely nuts if I had to put up with all of that.
Oh Mothra, I wish you were my momma! ;0; *super hug*


Thanks, that made me feel better. And my rant cooled me down a little too. :lol: Yeah, the thought of moving out fills me with happy fizzy bubbles. Moving out... would be a fantasy for me. ^__^




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Awwwh. SeeBee, you could always get your grandma some new saris. They have some pretty ones out there.

And you could watch Hindi movies with her. They're not that bad. Just put on the subtitles. =D

I enjoy them. (I'm Indian.)

As far as the chuna goes, I don't know what to do there.

Try ignoring your aunt. If it get's really out of control, just avoid her. xP

But it's good to rant once in a while. Just write down your feelings somewhere. That's what I do. O:

Sorry for not helping that much. D:

But I go through some of the stuff too. I understand.

I know what show you're talking about. The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. The lady with the mole from the St. Mark.

But I feel sorry for you =(

Wow. o_O Sounds like you have a crazy family.

P.S. Tell your dad to buy big pads!! can be embarrassing sometimes too. Sometimes, when my friends, or the telephone company, or telemarketers call our house...sometimes my grandma picks up the phone. O__O


My friend: Hello?


My grandma: Me no English! Me no English talking! No!


My friend: O__O ? *hangs up*


My grandma: *hands phone to me* Nazibaaa (UGH she pronounces my name like that even though it's NAJEEBAH!!), talk on the phone! (she says this in Bengali)


Me: Hello...?


*no response*








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UGH YOUR OWN AUNTY!!!!making fun of YOU??!!and laughing about your p!!???MAN she needs SERIOUS medication.what i would do is get your parents and talk to them.and if that doesn't work pm me.then you can rant all you want!!ok??

hope that helps.

pmst :(

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^ Yes, I agree. Talk to your parents or a trusted family member about your issues. Communication is one of the all-time best keys to quality, effective solutions :eek:

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