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Well if it's really and truly already dead, it probably should be removed since the point of pro-life is for the baby to live. Not sure about the other thing though.

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I'm pro life. I was almost aborted because of my father. I have had two miscarriages and thankfully I have 2 kids of my own. Now think of these poor families and women who would love nothing more than to have a baby and be pregnant. These irresponsible people who get pregnant because the don't use common sense and use protection. How is that fair to that baby who deserves a chance to be born to live. I get it sometimes birth control isn't 100% and sometimes certain pregnancies can cause that woman health problems that could kill her. If she wants to make the choice to end the pregnancies so she doesn't die then so be it. But don't kill something because you were irresponsible. It should be a choice based on medical reasons alone. Adoption is an amazing thing for some people. Honestly... To have an abortion based off of not wanting to go through child birth!!! Really!! Sex is for procreation. Just saying!!

Sex is for procreation. Just saying!!
Actually that is arguable seeing as humans are not the only species who partake in it for pleasure alone rather than having babies. Accidents do happen, and some animals who cannot care for their young in some cases can somewhat instigate an 'abortion/miscarriage' (more or less), will abandon their babies, or eat them. But there's actually a lot of mental and physical health benefit; just babies, for some, are an unwanted side effect. Those who only partake in it for the sake of having children... I haven't heard of a single happy marriage in such a case since sex enables deep bonding between partners due to the release of various hormones. So it's not 'just' for procreation, but for bonding, health and wellness, as well as a de-stressor.

I guess my real beef with the whole thing is how the government and companies make it harder to obtain birth control so the whole abortion thing can be avoided. Did anyone here about Hobby Lobby trying to be rid of contraception services for their employee's health insurance? I find that to be awful because people need birth control for many reasons, and I do not feel it's right for a company to use religion as a way to deny others coverage. Companies are not allowed to discriminate against employees, and if a company is religious, I feel they shouldn't take full coverage away as that is discrimination against one who is part of a different or even non-religion. If it's a church that's one thing, they are an establishment of religion. But companies are not. Either give health coverage or don't give it, don't just pick and choose what you can cover or not. It's sadly already done with dental and vision, seeing as they used to once upon a time be altogether. What's next? Denial of surgeries unless it's a work injury or life threatening? No prescription medicine because a company believes in only homeopathic healing or non-intervention?

If the USA had better health and sex education coupled with better healthcare services, I doubt abortion would be a huge issue since accidental pregnancies wouldn't be as common or prevalent. Knowledge is power, and people need the tools to express that power.

(Also, not ragging on anyone here, just kinda giving my thoughts on the current events and all if anyone has been keeping up. I'm not here to bash any religion, it was just an example and is a current topic that's been going around in the news.)

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Someone will probably quote my post and be like "No you're wrong xoxoxox pls change your opinion". That's the problem with being in the minority. Pro-lifers are much rarer than pro-choicers. A pro-choicer may hate a pro-lifer and say horrible things to them, but as a pro-lifer I just sit back and let people think what they want even though I disagree.

Same with homosexuality. If a gay-supporter sees a non-gay supporter, they're like "OH MAI GAWD YOU'RE SUCH A HATEFUL HOMOPHOBE HAVE FUN BEING A (insert many inappropriate words here) FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE". If a non-gay supporter sees a gay-supporter, they just accept it and maybe point out they disagree but don't get into a whiny fit. Not saying everyone is like that, just generalizing what it's USUALLY like. :p

So I guess there's no such thing as opinion but oh well! This post is too long already and I'm meant to be doing an essay.
I very much respect your opinion. You're pro-life and that's totally okay.

The thing I disagree with is this statement: "Pro-lifers are much rarer than pro-choicers. A pro-choicer may hate a pro-lifer and say horrible things to them, but as a pro-lifer I just sit back and let people think what they want even though I disagree."

There are more pro-choice people than pro-life people, but there aren't WAY more. Pro-life is not really a minority.

You, quite admirably, respect others' opinions. But please don't think that the average pro-choicer is out to change your opinion. Yes, there are some militant pro-choice people, but it's unfair to say that most pro-choice people try to change you without admitting that probably a similar proportion of pro-lifers try to change others' opinions through devious--and sometimes violent--means. In the same way, a much larger portion of people on either side will not try to change people's opinions.

[And the same goes with LGBT stuff, though I won't get too in-depth with this. In a similar way, there are only a small portion on either side who militantly try to change viewpoints. The rest, in general, will respect the ideas of the other side.]

My opinion is as it stands, that a women should always be given the option of abortion, and she will make the choice to abort or have her baby, based on her personal values. She shouldn't have either choice forced upon her.

I wasn't saying that sex was mainly for procreation. I was just stating that's how you make babies.... Sex comes with consequences, and if you are not prepared to deal the the choice of accidentally making a baby you shouldn't be having sex. I knew what could happen when I started. That being said punishing someone else(unborn baby) for your mistakes.... Come on!!!!!! Think of it this way. What if your mother was 16 when she got pregnant with you and had an abortion, you wouldn't be here. Honestly how would that make you feel knowing your parents were irresponsible and your poor little innocent life would be not be here because they made that decision. Yes I do in some way consider it murder because you are not giving that human the chance to live. You are making that choice to end someone's life because you couldn't handle the responsibility. My point is you wanna have sex but don't want a baby either a) wait until you are ready to take care of another person or B) use protection and use it correctly. I got pregnant at 19 wasn't married and was only with this man for a few months. Nobody believes me when I say this but had literally gotten engaged maybe 12hrs before i found out. Went to the dr for a routine UTI. We found out and then decided to get married a lot sooner than we had planned. Point of the story I kept my baby and decided to do the responsible thing and get married. My daughter is now 8 and I'm sure she's happy she's alive. (Im still married to that same man incase you were wondering). I guess my point is think about it before you have sex. Sec is something that comes with a lot of adult decisions.

My opinion is as it stands, that a women should always be given the option of abortion, and she will make the choice to abort or have her baby, based on her personal values. She shouldn't have either choice forced upon her.
Agree 100%. I don't think there's really a right or wrong here, except only when someone pushes their beliefs on another. A pro-life person shouldn't push it anymore than a pro-choice. One can agree to disagree, just be respectable about it. A healthy and respectable debate isn't too bad to have either as it forces some to think outside the box and hopefully learn from each other's perspective.

@Tiffany: But the thing is, it's biology and no one can go without it completely unless you're the 1% that is considered asexual, or you take care of needs in different ways.

I have a scientific mind, which is very cut and dry. I am not religious, at all. I used to be. Went from Lutheran to Kemetic to Wiccan and now Athiest. I've gone through many phases and changes of beliefs. I understand different mind sets. But I am pro-choice.... to an extent.

My extent is this: if you abort it early at say a month or so, it's still just a collection of cells. It's not sentient, it's not human. It cannot survive outside of the womb. If you try to abort at the time winder where say, if it was prematurely born it could survive, then that is murder. And yes I have seen actual fetuses in test tubes at museums. I know how they develop.

I also believe that it is none of my business about what a woman decides. If she keeps it or aborts it, I don't really care, i only care about my own body. I don't want children, period. But someday I would like to have a close and loving relationship. Unfortunately, that will involve sex sooner or later, lest the guy eventually leaves because his needs are not being met. I have tried to talk to doctors about having a tubal ligation, which they refuse until i am pre-menopausal (about age 40-45), or have already had 3 children. I honestly have a phobia of living things inside me, and a fetus is the worst feeling of dread I could have. I can't use hormonal birth control due to disorders. I take medication I cannot stop due to disorders that could really harm a baby if i were to get pregnant. The medication can also interact negatively with hormonal birth control. Having children is just not an option for me, and if I were to become pregnant, yes, I would opt to abort. Why? Because of my disorders/phobias and medications I take will essentially ruin the fetus and cause either physical or mental problems, or both. Yes, I could very well stop my medications, but it would be very hard to function and I would probably end up institutionalized because I get extremely unstable mentally. Because of this, should I forgo any and all relationships because of the 'chance' of having a baby? If something happens, must i really give birth to something that more than likely would be a vegetable or an odd misshapen mass of deformities?

As I said, everyone has their reasons. I have mine, you have yours. The difference is, who has the right to tell others that their views and reasons are correct? Everything is based completely on circumstance alone. It is good you took responsibility, and I'm sure it was difficult and I am in no way trying to bring you down. I wouldn't have made the same decisions in your situation (as first off my father would kill the guy as soon as he got wind of the accident), but you took initiative and there's nothing wrong with that. It worked for you, but it doesn't always work for others. Be proud for your decision, though, but please also be humbled in the fact that not everyone shares the same view.

EDIT: Also a little tidbit: i was supposed to have a sibling older than me, but it was aborted. My mother's decision. My dad agreed and didn't want children. Second accident happened but this time on purpose. My dad wanted me aborted, but mom refused. She purposefully got herself pregnant to force my dad to stay with her and pay her money to raise me (which she never did, but that's a whole other story, plus she tried killing me at the age of 2 or 3). I had a hard life. At times yes, i wish i was aborted. My mother never even loved me. Wouldn't an abortion have been better than for a woman to have children only to try to beat them to death or drown them and use them for a source of cash flow? And mind you back when I was born, law had it set up where after divorce, women got full custody of children, practically no questions asked. She did not show up to custody court, so my father got me automatically.

EDIT2: Ah! Sorry for the wall of text!

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I agree with you. We all have our own minds and can make our own decisions. You have very valid and medical reasons why abortion is the best option for you, mentally and physically. You are one of those reasons why I think abortion should be an option. I was more so talking about the women who are too selfish to take care of their baby or don't want "their" bodies ruined because of a baby. There's also the women or girls who weren't mature enough to be make the right decision and either use protection or stops themselves because they don't have it. I totally get the hormones!! It's impossible to control them. I put some blame on the education we provide these teens with. I think any form of birth control should be free. We all know teenagers have sex, we all know people do what they want regardless if it's a wise choice or not. I plan on putting my girls on birth control when they reach a certain age. Yes I would prefer them to wait till they were in a committed relationship and old enough to deal with the consequences, but with that being said we all know we can't make that choice for them. Hopefully by then birth control won't have as many risks. And thank you for saying that. It wasn't easy to have a baby that young. Being 19 I didn't get to experience much of anything but it wasn't my daughters fault. Everyone should have a choice but I think making a decision like that shouldn't be something taken lightly. If everyone took a second to think about the consequences that comes with making such an adult decision to have sex things like abortions wouldn't be needed so much. There are certain circumstances where abortion is necessary. I guess it's just my way if saying I would hope people wouldn't be so stupid(me being one of them lol) and think before you do, be prepared!! Or prepare your children at the very least. It's honestly ridiculous that anyone can get an abortion but you have to meet certain qualifications before you can have your tubes tied, now that's just.... No words can describe how incredibly stupid that is.

I'm glad you were born and I'm sorry your mother was like that. What if your parents would have given you up for adoption though don't you think you wouldn't have had it so bad. You are alive and whether it's to just be on this planet and live a normal life or to be someone to have made a difference in the world, you are still here. Deep down inside I know you are happy you weren't aborted, I know I am. I wish you had a better childhood. My dad wasn't really there. Always on the computer never wanted to do family things do I guess maybe he didn't want kids but if I hadn't been born then my girls wouldn't be here. Things happen for a reason I guess and I'm glad I was given the chance to live and I'm glad I kept my baby. I always wondered why women who were perfectly healthy and stable but didn't want to have kids why they would have an abortion rather than to give that baby to a couple who couldn't have their own. What could be so bad about letting someone innocent live and giving two people something they wish they could have but they weren't able to. Just imagining a world where every unplanned unwanted pregnancy ended makes me sad. Some couples just physically can't have children whether it's issues with the woman's body or the mans, if unplanned pregnancies weren't carried to full term and given up for adoption these poor people would never know the joy and love kids could bring.

Unrelated but I miscarried twice before I even hit 6 weeks and I was devastated. I know they didn't have a heartbeat and I know they were just cells but they were babies to me. They were my babies and they deserved a chance in life. Which is probably why abortions that happen for the wrong reasons bother me more. I've always wanted to adopt even if I had my own children. Every child deserves love and a fighting chance. But everyone has the right to a choice regardless of what anyone else thinks. That's just my opinion on why I wouldn't do it.

I'm glad we could speak civilly and see eye to eye on such a delicate topic, objectively seeing each other's side. :)

I dunno, i have my bad and good days. Living with mental disorders is hard, it's being a prisoner for life. And being genetic, my offspring will get them in some form or another, which i really do not wish to risk. If i REALLY want children, I am pretty sure I'd much rather adopt to be really honest. i agree that they need homes, too. But that's pending I get married, and I'm not a huge fan of marriage, either, but that's a whole other story in regards to how i was raised and the immeasurable heartbreak I've suffered for many years.

I remember reading your miscarriage story and I am sorry that happened. Miscarriage and abortion are different things, and i see them as being different. I see it as being logical though in that your body knew best and just knew something was wrong. It is probably best they didn't come to full term because they could have had a whole slew of problems or ended up still born, or die shortly after birth. I guess i see the grief being less if it happens so early than if it happens after the fact, you know? And it's not your fault in the least. You body knows more than you think it does on a subconscious level and does everything it can to protect itself and keep on living. It's not murder, so there's no reason to feel guilt. I know many mothers feel guilty with miscarriages, as if it's their fault, and there's a sorta stigma about them as well, but it's not true. It's biological forces working to preserve the body and only produce viable offspring. So in a way i count it as a blessing and another chance to try again.

I know that I have also posted in this, and I misunderstood it. I apologize for that.

I am voting pro-life. I believe, that yes, things happen, and it's terrible in some cases. I am not going into detail, and I am not going to disrespect your thoughts, but that is my view on this.

pro-choice, because it's not my business what pregnant women do with their bodies

if it had to do with my future partner though, I'd likely be pro-life in that case

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You wouldn't kill a living child for silly reasons like overpopulation, you're too busy to look after a child, and you don't like the person who got you pregnant. None of these reasons are worth to kill them for, whether they're inside or outside the mother's body.

It's not my business what women do with their bodies, but a FETUS is a separate being!

Also, it's not like killing a developing fetus will magically make all the memories of the rape go away. Is ANYTHING worth taking someone's life?

I have yet to see a pro-lifer say horrible things to a pro-choicer, but even if they did, is there really anything wrong with being upset at people who support taking young, innocent sparks of life?


Voted pro-choice.

Because abortions will always happen, whether or not they're legal.

Because illegal abortions don't just kill the developing fetus (whether one can consider it a human life is debatable); they also often cause disastrous physical harm to the mother.

Because of what I mentioned several months ago about the women in El Salvador.

Because 75% of the people who call themselves "pro-life" simultaneously hold immense disdain for teen parents, people on welfare, and anyone less affluent than themselves. In the eyes of these 75%, human life (and any empathy one should hold for said human life) begins at conception and ends at birth.

I have yet to see a pro-lifer say horrible things to a pro-choicer, but even if they did, is there really anything wrong with being upset at people who support taking young, innocent sparks of life?
I completely understand why people are pro-life. Many feel that abortion is the worst action one could ever commit.

However, I disagree with this statement.

If you haven't seen pro-life people harassing pro-choice people, then you obviously didn't attend a Catholic school a few blocks away from a Planned Parenthood clinic. (enough said...)

Further, with the new SCOTUS ruling, which took down the buffer zones around women's clinics in Massachusetts, protesters can now more easily solicit and harass a woman who is walking into the clinic...even though many times, a woman is not receiving an abortion but is, in fact, receiving one of the many other services, such as prenatal care, that the clinic has to offer.

Hmm i am gonna say it doesnt mind me.. I am verg nonchalant about this topic Just let woman do their abortions. I doesnt mind me. Even if it did. I cant do anything about it.

To all Pro-lifers i can understand why you think about it as murder. But it happens and you cant change that. To all Pro-choicers i can understand it aswell. Its a woman her choice.

So it doesnt matter me what you think. Everyone their own opinion and let them have it.

Well there isn't anything I can do about it but that doesn't me I have to agree with it. Like there's nothing we can do about rape, murder, suicide, animal abuse, child abuse, and the like. It's none of our business either, and there's not much we can do about it but it does that mean we have to support it?

Who said anything about supporting it?
Women are getting abortions anyway, legal or not, but the illegal abortions aren't always done in safe places and professionally, so why not let them do it legally in safe conditions, without the risk or getting infected or getting the surgery done carelessly?

I am sorry to say this, but the truth is that younger members of this forum can't fully understand this subject and I can't understand why such subject was even created in here.
For example, some time ago, I was teaching some 13-16-year-old girls crocheting and one was talking about her volunteering in a dog shelter. She told us that one time a woman came in there, looking for a dog and she was really sad because she just lost her child - she had a cat and got infected with toxoplasmosis and miscarried eventually. It was really, really tragic.
And then, one of the girls that was listening (she was 16, I think) was like "it's her own fault, she should have known she could lose her baby" and it made me furious, cause she obviously, still being a child, could not understand how tragic it was for this woman to lose a child and that it is not possible to know about everything that could possibly endanger you or your pregnancy.

Concluding: I don't think many of the members here can truly say whether they are for or against such heavy subject, because they are too young and are not able to understand making such difficult and hard decisions. A woman can really have many, many reasons to do an abortion and it's not ours to decide whether or not to let her do it, each situation is different and cannot be considered in the same way as another.

This totally depends on the situation really, if a women/girl gets rapped then I think its ok to consider abortion as its not fair to bring a child into the world as a result of rape. BUT if you go around sleeping around and get pregnant and then its pro-life, my opinion if you're able to go around having unprotected sex, its your and the fathers responsibility to take care of the life they created and I do consider it murder, after all you are KILLING him/her.

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