About tama characters


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hehe , Mametchi is one of the best tamas :)

has a high IQ, and is brainy and muscely :)

is your mametchi's weight 30g? says on that sites its 50g's but its 30g on my tama :S

See....I knew it was 50...50 is the suggested weight.....not the ACTUAL weight. YOU NEED TO FATTEN YOURS UP!!! START FEEDING YOUR TAMA!!! NOW BOI!!!! XD

lol, isnt the minimum weight the suggested weight?

i dunt wanna fatten my tama up :)

Actually, you want your tama a little above the min. weight because in like a game or something, you tama will lose weight...then it will be underweight after one game! XD I should change it from 50 to 40 though...because....I got all of that information from a strategy guide.....it's all in japanese though.....And so did Tamagotchi Square.

your tama refuses to play a game if it will use too much weight

if it has weight of 32g and min of 30, it wont play jumps, coz it cud lose 3g, so it wont play , but it will go dance as it can only lose 2g.....

:) My tama (Mametchi, Basil) is 74g....what a fatty! I am going to send his fat bum to the fit farm :) :)
lol, you should definetly send him to the FAT farm,

get him doin some hurdles :)

Lol, I'm sure you know about my website.....that should have the best or very close to best weights for them. :)

iv gotten my tama to 35g's, so i can just play games wen i want, etc. :)


my tama was really fat earlier

nd he is only 2

so i made him 50g's down to 10g's coz den wen he is unhappy i can just give him snacks not av to play too many games


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank-you sooooo much for telling me where to get those characters. I am soooooo happy!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :D :nazotchi:

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