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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2006
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AS you no, many types of turtles, including leatherbacks and other sea turtles have been becoming endangered.

i luv turtles, i collect turtle statues and own a club against turtle and animal abuse.

here is a list of things you can do to help!

~ do NOT throw plastic bags into the ocean or other body of water. (many sea tutles eat jellyfish and algae and confuse them with the bags, wen they eat the bags they suffocate)

~inform other people of their endangerment

~send donations to animal centers esspecially

for sea animals.

~clean any ocean or body of water around you




*This topic is within the rules. This topic is NOT for people to complain about how animal topics like this should be banned. Those posts will be DELETED.*

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...Yet another animal abuse topic. Wooooo.

I thought these kinds of topics were banned.

But thanks for the tips, you know for keeping the world a good place.

...Yet another animal abuse topic. Wooooo. I thought these kinds of topics were banned.

But thanks for the tips, you know for keeping the world a good place.
Not yet. x.x

(I think I remember someone and Rey Mysterio saying the same thing.... o.o)


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Animal topics like this do tend to get closed because of flamming- please make sure to keep your posts appropriate and respectful.

Don't listen to them, venusmarie. :angry:

Animal abuse is a serious thing. It's good that your tring to make a difference. :p

I love frogs and I've set up a frog breeding program in my area. :p

Everyone should do something to help. :p

Oceangotchi123 :angry:

Yeah I love turtles, they're so cute! (don't ask) but yeah there's alot of animal abuse topics, but I'm not sure turtle counts, I'll make a site about turtles and see if it'll help :angry:

Yes, turtles are cute. I used to have 7 of them.

But these animal abuse topics are getting annoying.

There is NOTHING we can do to stop it.



Yeah I love turtles, they're so cute! (don't ask) but yeah there's alot of animal abuse topics, but I'm not sure turtle counts, I'll make a site about turtles and see if it'll help :)
I love turtles too. My family helped 5 turtles that got stranded in the middle of the road. Then, we let them go in the resuvior (Sp), so they can live a good life. And I got tons of turtle stuffed animals. And Animal Abuse topics are getting annoying, this isnt exactly an abuse topic though. Its more about being enviromentally aware of turtles in my opinion. Its not linked to a vid w/ one getting run over by a car or anything, so I wouldnt think this is an abuse topic.

Yes, turtles are cute. I used to have 7 of them.

But these animal abuse topics are getting annoying.

There is NOTHING we can do to stop it.


you are wrong, one person can make a huge difference. as an example ,say that five people each throw a plastic bag in the water, that means 5 turtles will suffocate, but if one person picks up one bag then that is one less turtle that will die, and over time that will save a LOT of turtles.

also i read that if we don't do sumthing soon sea turtles will be extinct in 10-30 years, we are facing the fact that we are killing a species that has been on this planet for 10,000,000 yrs.

also we need to boycott long-line fishing seeing as it is the death of alot of turtles.

plus i do not eat any creatures like swordfish that were caught with nets because alot of turtles are killed by the nets.

i don't no about you guyz, but i WILL make a difference.

I vote for these topics to be b&.

Tonight I dine on turtle soup! (Maybe Shredder quotes aren't so appropriate right now... Oh well...)

Yes, turtles are cute. I used to have 7 of them.But these animal abuse topics are getting annoying.

There is NOTHING we can do to stop it.


you are wrong, one person can make a huge difference. as an example ,say that five people each throw a plastic bag in the water, that means 5 turtles will suffocate, but if one person picks up one bag then that is one less turtle that will die, and over time that will save a LOT of turtles.

also i read that if we don't do sumthing soon sea turtles will be extinct in 10-30 years, we are facing the fact that we are killing a species that has been on this planet for 10,000,000 yrs.

also we need to boycott long-line fishing seeing as it is the death of alot of turtles.

plus i do not eat any creatures like swordfish that were caught with nets because alot of turtles are killed by the nets.

i don't no about you guyz, but i WILL make a difference.
Your rightr. PM me about this...

I think it would be a bit much to ban animal conservation-related threads. Obviously a link to a horrid abuse video and random rants are not necessary...but this type of post is not similar to that at all. If the topic is mature and educational, it should not be so offensive to others. Everyone has different opinions and beliefs, and I think it's a bit one-sided to attack a concept just because you don't entirely agree with it. Voice your opinions, but it really isn't necessary to request a ban. Just ignore it unless it turns into an arguement. In that case, please just report it. ;)

I personally agree with your ideas and tips in this thread. Sea Turtles were thriving until they began to be mass slaughtered in order to become an unnecassary food luxury, and began to be caught in outdated fishing lines and nets. I rescue land and water turtles and tortoises freelance in my home, and I am currently caring for 14 individuals until they are re-releasable. I love them dearly and it is so fulfilling to know I am making a difference to them.

Granted, I know I cannot save ALL of them...no one can. But, even if you save one individuals life, you made a BIG difference to it. <_< It can then in turn produce babies for our future generations of turtles. Each turtle is a little life, and a tough survivor to have beaten the odds thus far. In my opinion, they deserve a bit more help from us when we can give it to them. :blink:

I vote for these topics to be b&.
Tonight I dine on turtle soup! (Maybe Shredder quotes aren't so appropriate right now... Oh well...)
Why would you say that??Ita not cool to act so differnt from everyone else when your being realy stupid about it

God i dislike it when people do that

I vote for these topics to be b&.
Tonight I dine on turtle soup! (Maybe Shredder quotes aren't so appropriate right now... Oh well...)
Dude, seriously, thats not even funny.


Goodness guys- look, these topics are currently allowed. Posting "this is stupid" or "these kinds of topics should be closed" or any other type of complaing is not welcomed here. If you do not like these types of topics check out the banning of animal abuse topics in the suggestions area- DO NOT POST ABOUT IT HERE!

I saved a diamond back turtle, which is endangered. And I helped find a mate to reproduce with. It was awesome =) So, yeah, saving turtles is a nice thing to do, and to all of you saying to ban this, I guess you haven't tried to save an animals life. As mostly, the most people who agree have.

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