Academy For Villians


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Eli had a hard time following her but pretty much got the basics.

Ooc: "I don't know you well enough to say whether or not I like you, but why don't you stay in my dorm a couple weeks while your ankle heals?"

Mokus blushed. "Thanks. You're pretty, too, miss!"

XovoX walked over to her and hugged her, wishing he had lips to kiss her with. "Well, that's all I could ask for.", he said.

Axel shrugged, "Okay, if you say so."

Dixie was like lalalalal
"Got it?" Geo asked.

Geo's a pushover.

Moa nodded, "Yep!" she walked back to Dixie, holding Axel's hand.

hey bros thanks for making just enough posts for me to miss the party, guise.

Ily Ana.

Axel smiled and walked with her.

Dixie ran up to Axel and Moa, "I got lonely! D:"

I'll try to upload it next weekend. Oh gosh he's not even born and he's already annoying the crap out of his dad. XD I made him a boy with like no human characteristics except a strand of hair and then arms. I should probably try to think of a more hybrid design.
Lol that is so sad. One strand of hair? I was born with a full head of hair, arms, AND legs. Evidently I was a privileged child.

And now I have the urge to show you all a baby picture but I'm not going to because there's none on my computer.

"Awww I'm sorry!" Moa said, and hugged Dixie.



I was a red-head baby lolz.

Dixie hugged her back, "It's okay! Did ya hear? About Nago and I?"

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@Ducky: YES, CAKE!

And that's funny because her nickname used to be anacake.

XovoX laughed at Megan's cute face and patted her on the head. "When are you ever going to stop being so adorable?", he asked.

Mokus huffed at her ruffling her hair (It took such a long time to do it up like she did!) and ran after Rose, this time not as fast because she was being more careful.

Eli said, "Yeah, I think so!" He played the game.

@Ana: You know it was on purpose.

And he looks cute with one hair. A full head of hair just doesn't work with how I designed him. And I was a bald baby for a looooong time. Not until I was two did I grow hair. He has legs, anyway.

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HI GUYS!!!!!!

Annie buried her face in Shadow's shoulder and began to cry, although they were silent tears.

Oliver said, "Did you go to see your sissy? Did she make you plays dolls or something?"


Shadow patted her on the back and said in a comforting way, "It's going to be okay, dear. We can get through this. We'll get through it together."

"She made me comb her hair. D:" Chase complained, "And then find dresses for her!"

Geo watched him play.

"Yeah!" Moa said, "But I'm proud of him<33"

I pity bald babies. I was born with a luscious babyfro.

I'm going to make up a game for them to be playing. *goes to think it up*

Eli asked, "Wait, gow do I beat this big guy? When I try to hurt him, it hurts me."

Oh my god your babyfro was amazing.

"That*s good!" Dixie giggled, "I should get him!"

I just imagine they're playing sly cooper cause I'm playing that at the moment lol

"Uhhh try hitting him a different way? Iunno, that's the fun of it. You figure stuff out."

"Yeah, don't let him waste his time in the library." Moa said.

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I've never played that game, so I don't really know how it works. I'm drawing characters for the game now, though.

Eli tried pressing a different button. "WOAH! I can throw stuff? Awesome!" he threw stuff at the boss.

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