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I have what seems like 5 accents put into one.

I have the typical northern US accent(I still don't believe we have one), Canadian for some reason(I'm not Canadian), Californian/surfer(Not from California, do surf in Hawaii), Scottish, and British. The last two make sense.

I grew up mostly around my grandparents who both have accents. Scottish and British. I learned most of my English from them, so I adapted a lot to the way they pronounce certain things. Living with them again has made it show even more.

Northern US makes sense as I was born and raised in Washington.

Canadian and Californian make absolutely no sense to me. Through other people I've only been asked if I was from California a few times. Canadian it seemed I got asked ALL the time. Especially at work. My sister was born in California and my mom lived there from 1962-1963 to 1987, but I wasn't born until after they moved up here.

I used to go to Canada every weekend, but it's not a part of my background.

Basically, I don't understand why I speak the way I do. Half the time I don't even think about it o.o I try really hard to not have any kind of accent, but if I talk too fast of I just don't think about it, it comes out, lol.

I have sort of a British accent, because I came to Australia when I was 5!

Well, I live in Australia, but whole family is Russian. I have a slight Russian accent and a slight Australian accent. Although sometimes I have a British accent. I sounded so British in one video I made [Note that I dont have any British in me :| ].

Im quite happy with the way I sound, but I sound horrible on video.

^ Sing the anthem in the video. LOL :p

Australians are the best.



People tell me that I have my own kind of accent though o_0 Nobody can figure out what exactly it is... so basically It's just my own :p

I'm from Ohio, so I have an A problem. Instead of "ahh" or "Ay" I say "AIE"

I can't spell out how I say it... xD

But I also tend to say R "Ah"

So like, Paper is Papah.

and Bracelet is


I also say a, "Uh"

So it's like,




My biological dad was English, so I can do a killer English accent.

I am half french and scotish, so I should have an scotish accent, but you can barle hear it. Whenever its close to St. PAtricks day, my friend always says "Do you accent!" I`m like, "I`m doing it now." When I talk in my normal voice.

I have a slight British accent.

It depends on it`s own when it`s most noticeable, like when I`m speaking in front of a group of strangers, you can hear it quite clearly, but when it`s around people I know, you barely even hear it.

Catch my drift?

I'm from NoCal and I have I totally ordinary american accent, though I say, "I'mma" to get forward with moving to Texas. xD

I don't know, Canadian i guess since I am Canadian.......



I say a lot of Canadian things, such as 'pop' instead of soda, and 'Eh'. Ahaha. I'm really bad with that. I say it after every question I ask someone.

People have told me I have a mid-western US accent.

._. I don't know any Americans.

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