Accidentally Washing your Tama


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Tamaguy 20

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
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I do not recommend doing this unless you want to risk the life of your tama..... I washed my tamagotchi, by accidentally leaving it in my jeans, and it still works!!!! The only thing wrong with it is a wrinkled background.

[SIZE=8pt]I guess u got really lucky! Just for future reference... remember to check your jeans! :eek: [/SIZE]

wow thats weirdly awsome. I had kind of the same thing happen.One day I was drinking apple juice and I had 2 tamas in my hand all of a sudden one of them fell in so I hurried and tried to scoop it out and it still worked.

i had something like that happen to me.i was walking towards a lake and i tripped and my tama went hit 3 rocks then into the still workes

Yea something like that happened to me, I was on vacation, eating in the dining room. I was with my neice, nephew, mom and dad. We had just finished dinner, and they were bringing out dessert (the waiter) So i was eating it, and my hand slipped cuz my lil nephew kidna pushed me, and my oldest v4 when *fwam* into the cake. I took it out, and it was covered in strawberries. It still worked (I debugged it. Stuck on hyperspeed then broke.. >.<)

Similar thing happened to me...

Well, I was walking along at the park thing, when all of a sudden my two Tamas fell ~ SPLAT! ~ into the pond. I cried out in shock, as I thought I'd watch my Tamas drown, drown, drown... But then, you shoulda seen my mum! She got down on her knees and whipped her hand into the murky water and saved my beloved Tamas!!!

Now the one thing wrong with one of them is that buttons don't always work!!!

Best Wishes,


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