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I have one pimple, and it's on my nose. It's very small , and not that noticible. But it bothers me and I'm always trying to find ways to get rid of it. But I don't really believe your ugly if you have pimples! Well, on me I think I'd look ugly! My brother has pimples (no offence) and he doesn't look bad at all. My friend Brittany has pimples and shes very pretty. Me? Pimples? Just don't go well.

To help stop pimples, don't rub any oils or creams on your face for a while. Don't eat oily, greasy, or fatty foods too much either. Or too much chocolate. All can cause breakouts. Even strees

I have one pimple, and it's on my nose. It's very small , and not that noticible. But it bothers me and I'm always trying to find ways to get rid of it. But I don't really believe your ugly if you have pimples! Well, on me I think I'd look ugly! My brother has pimples (no offence) and he doesn't look bad at all. My friend Brittany has pimples and shes very pretty. Me? Pimples? Just don't go well.
To help stop pimples, don't rub any oils or creams on your face for a while. Don't eat oily, greasy, or fatty foods too much either. Or too much chocolate. All can cause breakouts. Even strees
I think that's a myth that eating oily and greasy food causes pimples. Same with chocolate.

Stress probably does though.

Just a sec I'm going to Google this.

I know its weird that im a boy and im posting on here but I have 2 sisters and no brothers so yeah.
1. Get one of those steamer things that you stick your head into

2. wash your face with water and soap (Original and it works)

3. face mask

4. Squeeze around your zits and if yellow stuff comes out that is the oil and the zits go down

5. Another original thing, pop your zitz!!

Hope this helped.
People usually think that's disgusting but it works.

But only pop it if it has a white thing over the top, I cannot pop them at all so my boyfriend does it for me [Yes it's disgusting but he's helping me :huh: ].

I just use a good face wash in the morning & night I don't really get spots except the odd one you can pop and that goes in 2-3 days.

I feel for you! I have the worst acne! My entire face is covered excpet for my cheeks. I've tried almost everything; even ProActive didn't work so well for me. My mom is 40 and she still gets zits, so it may be genetic. Yippee. :D

I feel for you! I have the worst acne! My entire face is covered excpet for my cheeks. I've tried almost everything; even ProActive didn't work so well for me. My mom is 40 and she still gets zits, so it may be genetic. Yippee. :D
Have you tried sudacreme? My sister had the worst acne, then she used that and her skin is perfect now. [she used to leave it on whilst she slept every night]

Right between both of my eyes there used to be a HUGE pack of blackheads but I got some of the Neutrogena stuff(the commercial that Vanessa Hudgens was in) and it really works.

I'm trying to work on it with Neutrogena(how ever you spell it) in the shower and at night and morning,sometimes i forget,sometimes i don't do for weeks b/c im lazy.

The blackheads and da mass of pimples are everywhere,their's none on my cheeks,and one day it moved to my chin,....= \

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Acne, Acne, Acne . . .

Most teenagers deal with it during Puberty.

Believe it or not, NOBODY is blemish-free in this world.

Everyone has to deal with Acne sometime in their lives, so don't feel left out. :D

But the best thing that you can do for your face is take care of it, and be patient.

Blemishes take a while to absolutely heal-over.

Washing your face up to 2 times a day with an oil-free facial wash will leave your skin feeling fresh, and free of impurities. Try a Moisturizing Lotion with Salicyl Acid, to soften your skin, yet dry out your Pimples. A Facial Mask, formulated for Oily-Sensitive skin, will keep your skin from breaking out weekly. Now, that may seem like alot to do, but think of it as a treat for your skin, which will most likely heal up in a month's time. :D Proactiv Solution is a great thing to choose, it has helped me alot over the past 2 months. Don't pick at Pimples, either. The Oil on your hands just make it worse. Things will soon clear out for you for sure, so don't give up your hope. :p

Good Luck! :D

I never ever use a face wash. I use water and thats it. I never wear or put anything on my face besides water and so far it works. My skin doesn't gett oily or stretched or dried out just a frsh clean start. You can try that!

Well, I'm not going to read through every single page, so sorry if this was mentioned...

I don't have outrageous acne, but my nose and chin (and sometimes my forehead) tend to get pimples... SO, I got those Oxy facial pads and started to use them daily. You can use them more than once, but I only use them once a day... And it came with some medicine stuff for your face, too, you can also put on to help.

I still have about 3 zits (all popped and on their way out)... But other than that, it works quite well! It's not a miracle product or anything, but it really does help clean my face. It's amazing, even after a take a bath/shower I use one and it still manages to get dirt off my face (you can tell on the little pad thing).

Good luck! -_-

what has always worked for me is just washing my face twice daily with OIL FREE soap!

oil is the #1 cause of acne so make sure all ur products have no oil in them. then there is this skin care stuff from CLINIQUE called acne spot treatment you apply it to certain pimples (not whole face) @ night then you wash your face in the morning and its soooooo much less red, then if you do that for about 3 nights/days the pimple will be gone I SWEAR its always works for me, my mom and most all my friends its awesome!

I use proactive, i think it works good but you have to do all 3 steps and it sometimes gets annoying.

I also use these other two products that i think work really well, The first thing is this Dove gentle exfoliating pillows they go on this thing what look like a masager and you put these tiny pads that stick to the top and you put it under water and it gets soapy, then you press this button and it sounds like a buzzing noice and it creates a vibration and it goes deep into pores and cleans really good.

another thing i think works well is this product called Cetaphil it looks like a thing of soap and it looks cheapy but it works really good, you can use it for your whole body if you want it also makes your face soft and is non-comedogenic but it can be hard to find sometimes.

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