Adopt a funny dancing bunny!


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Name: Bunny (you didn't choose a name so I did!)

And then you can choose some items once I get them in stock


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Items in stock:

Each bunny starts with 500p of item money

Ipod: 100p

Teddy: 50p

Dance floor: 400p

Food in stock:

Each bunny starts with 100p of food money

Carrot: 5p

Carrot biscuit treats: 20p

Ice cream: 15p

Huge slab of chocolate: 20p

Healthy fruity snacks: 30p

The link didn't work for me but...

Bunny color: Grey!

Backround color: Orange, Hah!

Item: Dance Floor, like DDR ^_^ , Ooh! And an Ipod

Food: Healthy food snacks

Item money total: 0

Food Money Total: 70p

OOOH sorry i didnt read the whole topic!

can i have a ipod and chocolate with my bunny?????

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