Adopt a petty!


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Hooray! You have adopted Po-Po, *santagotchi*! Here she is! :) Here is the bag of food: {} and her toy: O

And addisition to all that, you will need this inhailer for her ashma: //

Plus, since you adopted Po-Po, you have have won this meatel, for saving a tamagotchi's life, for tommorow would have been her death:*recived in mail* Thank you so much for adopting this tama! I would have been sad to kill her! Also, Po-Po knows the tricks sit, shake, and... da da da DA! Backflip!

Also, to all that posted, IMPORTENT UPDATE!

You also need to keep your tama happy!!! So, to make it happy, you must put it in your posts, but at the very bottem!

I'm done! Thanks for listening,


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Hooray! You have adopted Po-Po, *santagotchi*! Here she is! :lol: Here is the bag of food: {} and her toy: O
And addisition to all that, you will need this inhailer for her ashma: //

Plus, since you adopted Po-Po, you have have won this meatel, for saving a tamagotchi's life, for tommorow would have been her death:*recived in mail* Thank you so much for adopting this tama! I would have been sad to kill her! Also, Po-Po knows the tricks sit, shake, and... da da da DA! Backflip!

Also, to all that posted, IMPORTENT UPDATE!

You also need to keep your tama happy!!! So, to make it happy, you must put it in your posts, but at the very bottem!

I'm done! Thanks for listening,

I have a question about how to teach a pet tricks...

How do you teach them tricks?

P.S. Thanks for James, he is doing great.

All you have to do is just in your siggy, type in like, "James, backflip!" Or imitate the trick, by saying (this is an example) "Cloe, soumersalt!" Then soumersalt.

Just don't try these tricks in the house:



Triple jump (hop, skip,and a really high jump)

Can I have Herbert please? And by the way, this is the best adoption topic I've ever been to. It's like they actually have feelings. Anyway, I'll be back later.

riley, here's Herbet: :D Here's the bag of food:[] and his toy: O

By the way, that was the most thoughtful comment I've ever heard. Here's a meatel:*got in mail* Your such a kind person!

Here we go again... IMPORTENT UPDATE!

Tamagotchi's LOVE to go places! Here is a list of places where tamagotchi's can and LOVE to go:

The mall


Game Stop

King's Island

Other adoption center's to get a brother/sister

The Pet Palise (new topic to go along with this)

Those are all the places! Now, here's another IMPORTENT UPDATE!

Your tama can get very lonley. So to cheer them up, today The Pet Palise will be opened very, VERY, VERY soon. All kinds of pets are available! From dogs to cats to fish to elephents, your tama will love your new friend just like that *snaps*!

Now, I'm done! That took alot of effort!


Just one question...

How can you bring them places? James would really like to go to the mall.

Just put in your siggy, as an example, "I took James to the mall today!" But don't take your pets, the absolutly HATE car trips. Don't even think about it!


Your tamagotchi may die. If so, you can always come back to the adoption center and adopt another one!

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hmmm im not gonna adopt one but heres a good one i found one

:furawatchi: name: corn

she says: adopt me im a stary HELP ME

i found her she follows me in my PMS take her in

riley, here's Herbet: :ichigotchi: Here's the bag of food:[] and his toy: O
By the way, that was the most thoughtful comment I've ever heard. Here's a meatel:*got in mail* Your such a kind person!

Here we go again... IMPORTENT UPDATE!

Tamagotchi's LOVE to go places! Here is a list of places where tamagotchi's can and LOVE to go:

The mall


Game Stop

King's Island

Other adoption center's to get a brother/sister

The Pet Palise (new topic to go along with this)

Those are all the places! Now, here's another IMPORTENT UPDATE!

Your tama can get very lonley. So to cheer them up, today The Pet Palise will be opened very, VERY, VERY soon. All kinds of pets are available! From dogs to cats to fish to elephents, your tama will love your new friend just like that *snaps*!

Now, I'm done! That took alot of effort!

Not a problem at all, snickerpie! Look at my signature! Herbert is really energetic! And, I want to ask you, can you take your pet to places other than the places you said? Because I took Herbert to the pool, I hope you don't mind. And, are you going to get more pets in? And, I was also wandering if I could bring some pets in. I don't mind if you say no. It wouldn't be a big deal. :) I'll be back to see if There is any replies, probably every 20 minutes! Heh heh heh...

riley, you can bring ANY pets in at any time. It's totlly okay with me.And, horray! New pets!

:lol: Name: Cuddles

Type: Normal

Age: 10

She says: Icky! I'm Cuddles. My tounge is always out of my mouth because I ate something REALLY gross when I was 3. Take me home!

:D Name: Flower

Type: Normal

Age: 12

She says: Hi. I love you. I came here. I'm shy. I'm done.

:wacko: Name: Coco

Type: Normal

Tething?: Yes.

Age: 10 months

He says: M-mama! Da ba. WAAAAAAAA!

;) Name: Starry

Age: 6

Type: Rare!

He says: RARE! RARE! TAMA! TAMA! *runs so fast he breaks cage and runs to China and back in less than 3 seconds!*

Cost: $130.00


Some tamas are rare, so you won't see many of them. Also Flower will be killed in a week. And the rare tamas cost money.(Not really!) So be sure you have enough!


I have had so many pets to take care of... It... was time. I took Corn, sweet as Po-Po, and had to kill her. I was very upset, and Co-Co is screaming right now, because he is tething. I have a headache. I gotta leave. Later.

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Awww... i found this adorable rare tamagotchi just lying around on the street! ;) snickerpie, can you take this poor thing in? He tells me his name is Jeff and he had lab tests run on him which turned him into a Nazotchi. I don't know why he's so rare yet, but i'm sure you can find out. :ichigotchi:

Oh, and snickerpie, I found a dying sick tama.... It's a :eek: (rare) and it's getting worth... She managed to tell me her name was Icee and she likes playing outside and with her friends and she's reallly nice.

TF, here is Flower: ;) Here is her bag of food:[] and her toy: __o. Later!!

Mametchi 4ever, here's Starry: :) Here is his bag of food: [] and toy: O See ya!


nicki9, thank you for Jeff! :D BTW, he is rare!

Mametchi 4ever, thanks for Icee! :mametchi: She looks so beautiful!


I found another!

:rolleyes: Name: Suzie


She says: I'm Suzie. I'm blind. I got blind because this bully at school named Ben threw knives in my corneias! I told his teacher, witch made her tell the princeaple, witch made him tell his mom, witch made her tell the police, witch made them tell the mayor, witch made him tell the chief, witch made HIM tell the Priesedent, witch made him tell Canada, witch made them tell Cuba, witch made them tell the rest of the world! My eyes were bleeding for a month! And tha-

*seals mouth with tape and walks old lady away who she was talking to!*

Can you please put up more pets?? I would like to adopt one but I haven't found the perfect one for me. I'll keep checking back. If you will, snickerpie, can you please put up a Pochitchi?


Name:BJ(likes to be called bob)


He says:Ruff ruff ruff!!!!Grrrrrr.....(Adopt me or i will attack you!grrrrrrr.....)

I wants :)

I gives Cuddles this: [] and this: O dont worry i take of her!

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I found another abandoned Tama. I'm deciding to keep her.


Name: Ginger

Age: Newborn

She says: I vewy glad Gotchiguwl took me in. I didn't have any family and was vewy hungwy. I'm just a baby, so I was glad when Gotchiguwl gave me a name. I'm gonna go take nappies now. Byebyes!

Oh, isn't she sweet! I was very lucky to find her.

Food: c+++ (baby bottle) Toy: c3 (binky)

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