Adoption center


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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
Under the ocean somewhere.
Welcome to The adoption center!

Here you can adopt Tamagotchi's or hatch new eggs! Here are Tama's up for adoption:

Name: Patch

Tamagotchi: <_<

Job: Singer

Fave food: Burger

Name: Jane

Tamagotchi: :D

Job: Gotchi king servant

Fave food: Candy

Name: Jacob

Tamagotchi: :unsure:

Job: None

Fave food: Bread

Name: Sparks

Tamagotchi: ;)

Job: Scientist

Fave food: Mame drink

Eggs for adoption:

0 Ocean egg

0 Angel egg

0 morino egg

0 normal egg

0 Devil egg

Remember! You cannot evolve your Tama yourself! If you dont post your away for longer than 2 weeks your Tama will be up for adoption. If nobody takes him/her within 3 weeks he will be sent out onto the streets and will die. :(

Have Fun!


My Tama's!

Name: Flame

Tamagotchi: Tonmarutchi

Fave food: Milk

Job: preschool

i really dont get this, but it seems ADORABLE! can i please have an ocean egg?

You all got your eggs! (and Tamagotchi's) Jasen221 yours hatched into a very small baby maruten! Tamame yours hatched into a oddly coloured blue baby Maruten! (Maruten's are usually pink) Kuchikid your normal egg hatched into Teletchi! '/={3 your ocean egg turned into a plankotchi! But then suddenly evolved into a child! Its the little squid character. -_- Sparks was adopted! He enjoys his new life and gives you $10! Sparks earns $300 at the Mame Lab.

IMPORTANT!: you have to buy your tama's foods, items and shampoo! -_- (if you want a good tama you need to bath it!)

$ Is the money in this game. You each start with $50 and earn $ by getting your tama a job! You can choose what it becomes. (it can earn a Job at any stage of life)


:) -Hello welcome to the shop. Here is whats on sale:

Special! :(


price: $10

gender: boy

description: This little baby has been neglected and may not turn out to be a great adult. He was given to the shop and needs a new loving home. If not Tama_dude2010 will care for him until he is adopted.



Price: $5

Left: 35


Price: $3

left: 50

Pork and beans

Price: $10

left: 20


Kusatchi plant :angry:

Price: $20

left: 5

Robot -_-

Price: $50

Left: 18

Pochitchi and Nyatchi costume. :) -_-

Price: $40

left: 44


price: $15

Left: 50

:D - Thank you for shopping at the shop today.

I feed Flame some food we found in a bin and he was quite satisfied.

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Can I buy a Drink, shampoo, 1 Kusatchi plant and a Nyatchi coustume for Sparks. :blink:

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Can I get the Tsubutchi, Shampoo, and 5 Burgers?

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Can I put on the Nyatchi coustume for Sparks? Also, I'd like to buy more shampoo, 1 burger, and 1 porks and beans.

*waters Kusatchi plant*

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