Adult owners! Do you take your Tama with you?


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Well-known member
May 23, 2009
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For me, I leave my Tamas at home even though I like to play with them, because I don't want them to get lost or damaged, especially my imported Tamas. I've pondered putting one of my less valuable tamas on my keychain, just as something to fiddle with when I'm on the bus. But its a bit weird; I'm adult, people might think I'm immature.

What do you think?

now that things i never so tham before! cuz adults pliaying tomes never so in my life, well meybe cuz they never show up with tham outsaid so they wound be imberest! :-D

I think you're fine playing with your Tamagotchis outside of home. ;)

There's plenty of adults who play them. But then again, you never know what people out there might get the impression of,

so I can see why you're on the fence as to play them or not.

I normally leave them at home because most of the ones I have are worth quite a bit and I want to take good care of them/not lose them.

Yes. I play with my tamas. I take them with me everywhere. To protect them I make small cases for them and use covers.

I consider myself adult.... I'm not embarrassed to take them with me. I wear them on a necklace or something and display them. I'm proud of my tamagotchi collections.

This is hilarious. I am almost 30, I know... funny. I grew up with Tamas so when my husband and I were at the store over the weekend and I saw the new tamas, it brought me back to when I was younger. It's definately not as fun as when you're a kid but it's still fun to watch them grow. I don't care if people think I am immature, I am a kid at heart and I still love playing with toys. :lol:


HAHAH see? I am even obsessed with being on MC that I leave my tama name LMAO. I am sucked in, for sure.

Im not an adult i am 15 years old and i guess if a adult plays this its fine :D . Because maturity does not come from what u like it comes from how u think and how your experiences change your life :p and btw tamas are soo good my mom is almost 41 and she loves them too :D

This is hilarious. I am almost 30, I know... funny. I grew up with Tamas so when my husband and I were at the store over the weekend and I saw the new tamas, it brought me back to when I was younger. It's definately not as fun as when you're a kid but it's still fun to watch them grow. I don't care if people think I am immature, I am a kid at heart and I still love playing with toys. :p

HAHAH see? I am even obsessed with being on MC that I leave my tama name LMAO. I am sucked in, for sure.
Good for you! I'm 22 and I grew up with them as well. Probably will always love Tamagotchis. :D

I recently turned 18 and have been struggling with the topic of when to let tama's go. But I realize that life is too short to not have fun with something you like because of what other people think.

I do take my Tamagotchis with me. It's a habit I had formed back when I got my very first original Tamagotchi. (and later, my Digimons) They have always been my pals that I didn't want to leave behind.

I actually had this connection with a lot of my toys. XD

There are some situations where I simply cannot take them with me (mostly because I do not want to risk having them get broken/ruined or lost), in those cases I mess with the clock and make them sleep during the day. X3

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