Adventure Awaits!


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Jul 31, 2010
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Hi everyone! I'm going to delete the Lokai_98 account, just a heads up. Then, I'll be copy and pasting all the entry's into this log. WOOT!

posted july 23, 2010 5:47 PM

okay, lets's the info

hungry: *****

happy: *****

bonds: 100%

blended family (wtf???!!!it was active family before!!!!!)

Generation: 4G

$13100 (there's no gotchi point sign that i know of on the keyboard)


Princess Tamako-daughter


AAAAND that's it. i JUST figured out that i had a v5.5 today (facepalm) so whatever. and i just realized that there were royal characters (slams face on desk) so i feel like such an R-tard (pronounced: Ar-tard. noun. synonym-watever: dummy. idiot. ect). SOOOO, yeah. the tama's changed into an adult at 5:00pm. and after the 5:30 training session, it said it was a blended family. (screams obscenities at screen). but before that, at around 1:30pm ish, i washed (i know, stupid of me) the buttons cause they were a bit oily. 20 mins later:

Lisa: WHAT??!!! WHY ISN'T THE BUTTONS WORKING!!!!! HOLY MOLY THE BUTTONS ARE WET!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! (puts tamagotchi near window sill) evaporate, evaporate! PLEASE!

10 mins later

Lisa: it's working!!!!

5 seconds later


10 mins later


and no, i'm not mentally disturbed. not at all. hehehe...hehe.he. ANYways, that's it for now. cya

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posted july 24,2010 3:25 pm

im going to keep it kinda brief today. i decided to name them.

Kinbatchi: Ted

Princess Tamako: Lia

Tamastatchi: Marcus

Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Bonds: 100%

active family (it changed! YESH!!!!)

Generation: $G


sorry i can't write more. i'm sick today.

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posted july 24, 2010 8:31PM

ted: hiya, it's ted! mommy doesn't know i'm on, so SHHHHHH. oh she's feeling better by the way! i'm just kinda bored...hold on a sec...*HEY LIA, I GUESSED MOMMY'S PASSWORD!*sorry about that, she was shopping without mommy's permission, AGAIN.

lia: SHHHHH TEDDY!!! anyways, hi everyone. i'm so excited ! tommorow, one of us will get married!!!!!! YIPEE!!!

marcus: i guess. but whose getting married?

lia: hmmmm, good question. i didn't think of that...

marcus: *snorts* of course not. how about we vote? all in favor of lia getting married, say "lia." LIA!

ted: lia.

lia: aww, thanks guys! oh i can't wait! mommy told me that i need to marry a tamastachi. kinda like marcus. but better.

ted: *fake coughs*

lia: cough drop?

marcus: i don't think he needs a cough drop, sis

lia: oh. whatever! kay bye for now!

ted: bye!

marcus: bye!

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Posted: July 25, 2010 10:49 am hi tamatalkers! okay, so far:

hungry: *****

happy: *****

bonds: 100%

active family

Generation: 4G

32400$ (thank you, log out code)

lisa:btw, i have, indeed recovered from being sick, and-

lia: mommy, they already know!

marcus: cause we told them!

lia: uh huh. cause ted hecked-

ted: ahem, guessed

lia: -your password and we wrote an update

ted: yep!

lisa: *speechless*

marcus: oh and mommy?

lisa: yes?

marcus: we decided that lia's the one who's gonna be married.

lisa: oh okay. i decided to pick lia too.

lia: yay! omigoshohmigoshohmigosh so happy!!!!!

lisa: oh and lia and i managed to finally beat cue ball.

lia: so happity hoppity happity hippity happity-

ted: *stuffs croissant in lia's mouth*

lia: *muffled*

marcus: we're gonna miss you lia.

lia: awww, group hug! *hugs*

ted: *sniffs* bye everyone.

marcus: *wipes eyes* bye.

lia: *sobbing* b-b-bye everyone!

lisa: bye!

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Posted: July 25, 2010 05:44 pm

i'm going to marry lia now!!! first, their last stat:

hungry: *****

happy: *****

bonds: 100%

active family

generation: 4G


and now i go to the matchmaker!

okay i selected lia! ewwww i got some ugly pharoh looking tama. okay, try again:

attempt 2: ugh i got the same ugly pharoh dude.

attempt 3: kurumametchi (or sumthing like that)


*sigh* at least they get another day together...

tommorow, i don't really care, lia is just gonna be married. actually, imma ty marcus first, then lia.

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Posted: July 26, 2010 11:47 am this morning, i tried the dating show again

1st attempt: i chose marcus and the matchmaker picked: a memetchi

2nd attempt: chose lia and got: kuromametchi

3rd attempt: chose lia and got kuromametchi again. and they married

so, i got twins! both omututchis. center: girl left: boy

girl: lailah

boy: leo

oiy i forgot how much babies poop...

one hour later:

hungry: *****

happy: *****

bonds: 10%

active family

generation: 5g




hewwo evewybody!

hi! thith ith lailah thpeaking.

oh no! i fowgot to tew evewyone what my name was! is that okay mommy?

it's okay leo! they know this kinda stuff.

wow! they are very thmart!

ahem, anyway, that's it for now. bye!

Posted: July 27, 2010 11:46 am

i'm adding my v4.5 to this log


name: Zach

trainging: 6


Gender: boy

generation: 1G

job: weight lifter


baby: girl

name: idk yet

oh it was really weird. zach worked at the hospital before, but then he got a [!] mail and then i got to choose his job. he got x x x on bank, but got o o o on weight lifter. weird. it's kinda sad. i have 36-78-363. i'm not sure yet, but i'm thinking about naming the baby girl myla.


name: (main) lailah

bonds: 30% active family

generation: 5G


lailah: can i take over this log? i'm sure zach can help me. and later, myla can help me.

myla: me help! me help!

lailah: see, she can help me.

lisa: oh alright. go ahead. i give you full reign of this log. but i'm going to check on you guys.

zach: i'll make sure they don't get out of control.

lisa: thanks zach!

Posted: July 27, 2010 05:52 pm v4.5

name: myla

training: 1

gender: girl

job: preschooler



name: lailah

bonds: 40% active family

generation: 5G


myla: this log is kinda boring. i thought that we'd, i dunno, go on a quest or something. or have a super villian come. or something

[unknown]: did someone call my name?

lailah: uh, who are you?

[unknown]: supervillian-in-training.

myla: wow, that's a lame name. hey that rhymed!

SIT: hmph. supervillian-in-training is only my status. none of us have names.

lailah: bahahahaha!!!!! that's hilarious!

myla: *in a singsong voice* supervillian-in-training is a lady-in-waiting

SIT: i, er...i challenge you to a duel!

myla: *bursts out laughing*

SIT: i'm serious!

lisa: *walks in munching on a cookie* who's this? *gestures to SIT with cookie*

lailah: supervillain-in-training. also known as SIT.

lisa: well hey kiddo. welcome to the farm.

SIT: this is a farm?

lisa: not literally

SIT: oh. so who do i get to duel?

philosopher: one must not solve problems with violence.

lailah: and you are?

philosopher: the philosopher.

lisa: that's kinda long. can we call you phill?

philosopher: you may.

SIT: so no duel?

phil: no, my friend.

SIT: darn it. i got a really cool sword from christmas i wanted to try out. *walks out *

lisa: i'm gonna get another cookie. have fun with your log.

lailah: isn't it your log?

lisa: *yells from stairs* same thing!

myla: oh, i forgot to tell you earlier. daddy left in a spaceship, so i'm co-in charge of log.

lisa: *teleports* yeah! apparently, if you set the clock to 11:59pm then wait, the parent leaves early!

lailah: i thought you were getting a cookie.

lisa: yeah, but i decided against it.

lailah: so basically there aren't any more chocolate chip cookies?

lisa: *poutes* who ate all of them?

(flashback to when lisa took 5 cookies at a time)

lisa: er, i'm gonna go work on homework now. bye! *teleports*

myla: but it's summer!

(door slams)

phil: one should capitalize during logs for it is a good practice of grammer.

myla: dully noted.

lailah: we'll do that next time.

Posted: July 28, 2010 12:23 pm


name: myla

training: 3


gender: girl

job: preschooler

character: hitodetchi



name: lailah

bonds: 40% active family

generation: 5G

character: ichigotchi


Myla: Stupid postman.

Lailah: This is why I'm glad I don't have a mailbox. What happened?

Myla: I got robbed. How can the postman not realize there is a robber in the mail? I mean, it's gotta weigh like, 100+ pounds.

Tiny Robber: No, I weigh 7 pounds.

Myla: Haha! I weigh more than the TR! I weigh 12 pounds.

TR: I'm not tiny! *sniffs* I prefer petiete.

Lailah: Same thing.

SIT: I'm back!

Lailah: You again? Phill said that you weren't suppose to solve problems with violence.

Phil: The young lady is correct. I notice that you capitalized today.

Myla: Yeah, we decided to honor your wishes.

Phil: Thanks you.

SIT: I think that was saracasm.

Phil: Pardon me?

Lailah: That is one pure dude.

Phil: ...

SIT: I'm not going to duel physically. I say, we duel, with words!

Myla: So you want to duel verbally.

SIT: ...Yes, that.

Myla: Okay!

SIT: Er, what?

Myla: Let's duel!

Lailah: You sure about this?

Myla: Absolutely! In fact, if I lose, you can name my kid.

SIT: Yes! I'll name him, Despicable.

Myla: It has to fit the 5 letter-limit.

SIT: ...Despi

Lailah: And if Myla wins, she gets to give you a new name.

TR: Ooh. The stakes are high!

Lailah: Who made him the announcer?

TR: I made myself the announcer.

Lailah: ...

SIT: The duel starts...NOW! You are a filthy child.

Myla: If I'm filthy, you are down right disgusting!

SIT: Well yo' momma-

Myla: Oh you did not just go there. My mom was a princess you know.

SIT: Hmm, WAS a princes...Did her dad abandon her then?


Lisa: Hi guy-woah. Where did you learn that language?

Lailah: She heard you say it when you were yelling at the wet buttons.

(flashback to first post)

Lisa: She heard that?

Myla: -don't deserve to be talking! %$#@!

SIT: You son of a business man!

Myla: Shut the front door! My dad was a weight lifter!

~To be Continued. Not recommended for children under the age of 17. Rated G for kind words.~

SIT: @#$% you!

Myla: You &^*%$#@!

Posted: July 28, 2010 07:57 pm


name: myla

training: 6


gender: girl

generation: 2G

job: schoolgirl

character: urayoungmorotchi



name: lailah

bonds: 60% active family

generation: 5G

character: ichigotchi


SIT: Fine! You win!

Myla: Yay!

Lailah: Well, that was fast.

Tiny Robber: What are you talking about? That took 6 1/2 hours!

Lailah: So?

Tiny Robber: ...

Myla: I evolved too! I wanted to be a uravioletchi though. Oh well. I have a lot of beauty points. Next generation, Lisa promised that she would try to get a uravioletchi.

Lailah: I see...

SIT: So what's my new name going to be?

Myla: Hmmm...I think we should let our readers decide.

Lailah: Ooh, good idea. Oh but readers? Please choose a short name. Or one that is easy to type. Or one that looks cool abbrieviated.

Tiny Robber: I think you spelled abbrieviated wrong.

Lailah: Oh shut up.

Posted: July 29, 2010 06:03 pm


name: myla

training: 9 (full)


gender: girl

generation: 2G

job: schoolgirl

character: urayoungmorotchi



name: lailah

bonds: 80% active family

generation: 5G

character: ichigotchi


Lailah: Yay! Glee's on!

Myla: Lucky duck. I'm in bed by then.

Lailah: It's AWESOME!!!!

Tiny Robber: It's kind of unfair. Ever since I was here, I've stopped robbing tamagotchis.

Myla: I know! I've gotten like, 1 star for the fortune thing, and not get robbed. But the king only gives me 200p.

SIT: I noticed that you only have 9200p. What happened?

Myla: I bought a trumpet.

Lailah: Why would you buy a trumpet?

Myla: I dunno. Cause I wanna learn music?

Lisa: Cause I want a Music Star?

Lailah: *sigh* You know what they say. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

Lisa: Absolut-What?

Myla: ...

Lailah: Moving on to happier subjects...Glee's on!

Myla: ...

Lisa: Why are you mad?

Myla: ...

Lailah: Cause she'll be asleep when Glee's on.

Lisa: Oh. I'll just change the time so your awake!


Tiny Robber: Can I say something here?

Lailah: No.

Tiny Robber:

Lisa: Aw come one! Let the tiny dude speak.

Tiny Robber: I think you just offended me and complimented me.

Lisa: You're welcome.

Tiny Robber: ...

Myla: Dude, just say what you wanted to say.

Tiny Robber: Did anyone notice that Phil is missing?

SIT: Who?

Myla: Who?

Lisa: Who?

Lailah: Who?

Tiny Robber: *slams face on desk* OW! You know, the philosopher!

Myla: Nope, doesn't ring a bell.

Proffessor Intelligence: Oh my collegue is in Haiwaii.

Lailah: I think you spelled Haiwaii wrong.

Proffessor Intelligence: ...

Lisa: Oh hiya Prof.

Myla: You know this guy?

Lisa: Yeah! I just talked to him like, a week ago.

Proffessor Intelligence: You haven't contacted me in 2 months.

Lisa: Oh. Well that must have been some other guy. How's Mr. Smart*ss doing? You know, since he was kind of mad that a dog, cute dog nonetheless, took over his room.

Proffessor Intelligence: Er, he's doing...okay...


Mr. Smart*ss: You stupid mutt! *screams obscenities at dog*

Cute Doggy: *whimpers*

Mr. Smart*ss: Don't give me that puppy dog face! @#$% you!

Cute Doggy: *growls* GRRRRR!!!

Mr. Smart*ss: I'm not scared of you!

Cute Doggy: *poops on shoes*

Mr. Smart*ss: You &@#! on my shoes! [*]

*He said some words that could not ever be repeated. Something about his gun.

Posted: July 30, 2010 11:47 am


name: myla

training: 9 (full)


gender: girl

generation: 2G

job: schoolgirl

character: urayoungmorotchi



name: lailah

bonds: 90% active family

generation: 5G

character: Princess Tamako


Myla: Oh em gee Glee rocked!

Lailah: Told you so.

Myla: And So You Think You Can Dance rocked too! I'm rooting for Kent!

Tiny Robber: Isn't that advertising?

Lailah: You spelled advertising wrong.

Tiny Robber: ...

Lailah: Sike!

Myla: How is that advertising?

Tiny Robber: Because your telling everyone that your rooting for Kent. Next week, the judges aren't choosing the winner. America is.

Myla: So?

Tiny Robber: It's like Zac Efron saying, "I love Starbucks!"

Lailah: Ohmigosh Zac Efron loves Starbucks?

Tiny Robber: No! I'm just making an example.

Myla: So how is it advertising?

Tiny Robber: Since I said Zac likes Starbu-

Lailah: Correction, he LOVES Starbucks.

Tiny Robber: Yeah, whatever. Okay so since I said Zac LOVES Starbucks, all the girls that love him and guy who look up to him will drink Starbucks.

Myla: I'm not trying to be stereotypical, but guys don't really drink Starbucks.

Lailah: Only businessmen do.

Tiny Zac Efron: I drink Starbucks!

Myla: But your tiny!

Tiny Zac Efron: I have a small mug. *shows small coffee mug* I get half off.

Lailah: What do you do?

Tiny Zac Efron: I'm a businessman.

Lailah: I rest my case.

Tiny Robber: But Zac Efron is an actor.

Myla: Hey, go easy on Tiny Zac Efron.

Tiny Zac Efron: I don't technically have to work in the same area as Zac. I'm just a tiny look-a-like of him. I'm not really Zac Efron.

Myla: You got that right! Your Tiny Zac Efron!

Tiny Robber: Isn't that the same thing?

Lailah: Have you been listening to a word he's beeing saying?

Tiny Robber: ...Shouldn't you talk about something about tamagotchis or something?

Myla: Nothing really happened with me.

Lailah: I evolved! In two days or so, I'll be married!

Myla: Hey didn't Lisa say you look just like your mother?

Tiny Zac Efron: How did your mother look like?

Lailah: She was a Princess Tamako.

Tiny Zac Efron: And you are...?

Lailah: A Princess Tamako.

Tiny Zac Efron: I really see the similarities.

Tiny Robber: I'm leaving.

*Everyone continues their conversations*

Lisa: Hi everyone! Woah, it's a tiny Zac Efron!

Tiny Zac Efron: Hello!

Lisa: You are so cool!

Lailah: I know!

Lisa: *looks around* Where did Tiny Robber go?

Myla: Woah, he's gone!

Lisa: I suppose it's a good thing. We can only handle 1 tiny person at a time.

Proffessor: I've done it!

Lisa: Make cookies appear out of thin air?

Myla: Make a grow-fast potion?

Lailah: Find Hogwarts?

Proffessor: No, though for the latter, I'm very close. I finally contacted the famous tamalogger!

Tiny Zack Efron: Who?

Proffessor: I've managed to contact FKOD!

Lisa: *stares* I've been PMing her for the last few days.

Proffessor: ...What?

~To Be Continued...~

Posted: July 30, 2010 12:07 pm

Proffessor Intelligence: I've done it! I've really hacked into Lisa's account!

Myla: She taped her password to her bedroom wall. It's really not that hard.

Proffessor: So I bought the $399+ computer hacker for nothing?

Lailah: Yep.

Proffessor: At least I have something to bargain with now.

Tiny Zac Efron: Who are you bargaining with?

Proffessor: It's on a different log. None of your business.

Tiny Zac Efron: It is fully my business! I'm a businessman.

Lailah: Oooh, good one.

Myla: Can we leave now? I mean, Lisa's gonna be back with lunch ANY second now.

(One second later)

Proffessor: She's not here.

Tiny Zac Efron: I hear footsteps! RUN!

Posted: July 30, 2010 06:02 pm


name: myla

training: 9 (full)


gender: girl

generation: 2G

job: schoolgirl

character: uramemetchi



name: lailah

bonds: 90% active family

generation: 5G

character: Princess Tamako


Myla: I evolved! I'm a uramemetchi! Yay!

Lailah: Wait a second, I thought you wanted to be a uravioletchi.

Myla: Yeah, but uramemetchi was my second choice.

Lailah: Right. Wow, today is kinda boring.

Tiny Zac Efron: I suppose.

Proffessor: I've done it!

Tiny Zac Efron: Find Hogwarts?

Proffessor: ...

Lailah: So that's a yes, right?

Proffessor: ...

Myla: Awesome! He's a mute!

Proffessor: !!!

Myla: Thank you Fairy Godmother!

Fairy Godmother: No problem.

Lailah: Oh hi Fairy G!

Fairy G: Hello dear.

Tiny Zac Efron: OhEmGee.

Myla: So, is Proffessor Intelligence going to be mute forever?

Lisa: What's this about muteness?

Fairy G: I turned Proffessor into a mute.

Lisa: Awesome!

Proffessor: *glares*





Tiny Zac Efron:


~We interrupt your silent broadcasting with an update. We found a national cure for Enlarging spells. Coming soon to a bookstore near you.~

Proffessor: *light bulb*


Proffessor: *runs*


name: lailah

bonds: 90%active family

generation: 5G

character: priness tamako


Lailah: *sniff* I miss her already.

Lisa: Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys, my friend is borrowing my v4.5 so we wont see Myla again. :)

Lailah: *bawls*

Tiny Zac Efron: Oh, it's okay. *pats Lailah*

Lisa: Oh Zac?

Tiny Zac Efron: Yeah?

Lisa: Um, I'd lock your room if I were you. You know, when your sleeping. And stuff.

Tiny Zac Efron: Why?


Tiny Zac Efron: Whoa, do that again!

Lisa: No. ANYway, I'm bored.

Lailah: Okay, I can handle the update now.

Lisa: Nuh uh. You just almost got water in the tamagotchi. I'm watching you.

Lailah: No, I got this.

Lisa: Uh huh.

Tiny Zac Efron: Hey, isn't tommorow your last day Lailah?

Lailah: Oh it is isn't it! *starts crying*

Lisa: Wait a second. No! Lailah, you stay here all the time. Lia is still here. You stay here, it's just that your kid will be the one who does the update.

Lailah: *stops crying* Oh yeah.

Lisa: Before everyone gets all sappy on me, I say we stop this update. Plus, I have a minor case of writer's block. So...yeah. I'm thinking of getting a guest star on this thing. You know, since Myla's gone. It's just us three.

Proffessor: Can I email FKOD again? I need to ask her something.

Lisa: Should we bring a celebrity?

Proffessor: So can I email her?

Lisa: It's called PMing and no. You can not. Anyway, bye guys!

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name: lailah

bonds: 100%active family

generation: 5G

character: princess tamako


Proffessor: *paces back and forth* When will he finish?

Lailah: What now?

Proffessor: Nothing.

Lisa: Oh give it up. We might as well just tell her.

Proffessor: But this is a public log. Everyone can read it.

Lisa: We'll just not name names. Okay, so Dr. Blobagus-

Proffessor: I thought you weren't going to name names.

Lisa: I meant tamatalk usernames. Anyway, Dr. Bloba-

Lailah: Who's that?

Lisa: Do you want to hear this story or what? Anyway, Dr. Blobagus has to make this growth potion for Professor. Why? Because Proffessor is in debt. If he uses the growth potion to enlarge Tiny Zac Efron, he can have girls bid on a date with Zac Efron.

Lailah: Oh. Hey, isn't Dr. Blobagus the dude with tentecals on FK-

Lisa: Hey, hey, hey, what did I say about not naming names? And you spelled tentecals wrong.

Lailah: What are you talking about? We talk and you spell.

Lisa: Not all the time.

Lailah: Well it was this time.

Lisa: It's cause...Er...Aliens abducted me, then sucked all my common sense and spelling skills. Plus, they stole my socks.

Lailah: ...-.-''

Lisa: PM me for ideas on how to get Proffessor out of debt. I told him to rob a bank, but he said no. Bye for now!


Name: Tessa

Bonds: 0% Blended family

Generation: 6G

Character: Bellitchi


Tessa: Hiya everone!

Tiny Zac Efron: You are Lailah's daughter, am I right?

Tessa: Right!

Lisa: Wow, you are one cheerful girl.

Tessa: Yup!

Lisa: Gotta love those exclamation points.

Tessa: So, what's going on?

Lisa: I'm looking for a unicorn tail.

Tessa: You gonna lop off a unicorn's tail?!

Lisa: least I don't think so...We really only need one strand.

Tessa: Oh okay then. Where are you gonna find a unicorn?

Lisa: Most likely in a forest in the Middle East.

Tiny Zac Efron: How are you gonna get there?

Lisa: Um...That hasn't been decided yet.

Tessa: So you might be missing?

Lisa: Not really. I'll just be on a quest.


Name: Tessa

Bonds: 10% Active family

Generation: 6G

Character: Belltchi


Tessa: Do you know what my full name is?

Tiny Zac Efron: ...That was really random.

Tessa: Well do you?

Tiny Zac Efron: No. What?

Tessa: It's Nutessa.

Tiny Zac Efron: That's a cool name! Why don't you use it?

Tessa: It's too hard to type. And cause I wanna make sure there are less 5 letter names for the V4.5

Tiny Zac Efron: ...

Tessa: What?

Tiny Zac Efron: Did you drink the Temporarily Insanity Potion?

Tessa: No!

Tiny Zac Efron: Did you drink the Lime Jell-O mixture?

Tessa: Maybe...

Tiny Zac Efron: That was a potion that Lisa got from the Proffessor! It gives you Temporarily Insanity! Why did you do it?

Nutessa: Because I want a sword.

Tiny Zac Efron: Why are you Nutessa now?

Nutessa: Cause I felt like it.

Tiny Zac Efron: You really are crazy!

Nutessa: No I am not!

Tiny Zac Efron: We need a doctor. Do you know a doctor?

Nutessa: Steve Jobs.

Tiny Zac Efron: -.-''

Nutessa: You have small eyes.

Tiny Zac Efron: *facepalm*

Nutessa: Have you gone temoporarily mute?

Tiny Zac Efron: No.

Nutessa: I heard Lisa and Proffessor talking and scheming.

Tiny Zac Efron: So?

Nutessa: Proffessor said that he was going to get a growth potion from Dr. Blobagus and make you normal size. Then have girls bid on a date with you on ebay.

Tiny Zac Efron: *gasp* Lisa wouldn't do that!

Nutessa: But Proffessor would. He's in serious debt.

Tiny Zac Efron: What kind of "Proffessor Intelligence" would be in debt?

Nutessa: You got me.


Tiny Zac Efron: The Temporarily Insanity Potion is slowly wearing off.

Nutessa: *bouncing* Hi-i-i-i

Tiny Zac EFron: Why are you bouncing?

Nutessa: I-i-i- don't know-ow-ow

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