Advice Needed on Being a Vegetarian


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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
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About three days ago I decided to stop eating pork, chicken, and beef. I've been doing OK for so far but I need advice on how to keep myself healthy and to stick with my choice. I still will eat eggs, seafood, and dairy products though. I guess you could say I'm only half-vegetarian, but the eggs are free-range. My mother doesn't agree with my choice and cooks or offers me meat knowing what I have decided. How should I get her to understand and except my choices? We had a whole blown out fight over it the other day. :p What other recipes do people have for tofu also?

I have no experience with the matter of vegitarian-ness, but your mom is probably offering you meat because she is worried about your health, so don't get mad at her or anything, she is trying to do what's best. Just talk to her and say this is your descision and she has to respect that.

All I have to say is do what your doing and eat lots of nuts, dairy, eggs, etc. I'm glad you're aware that other things that aren't meat have protein, kudos to you.

tamtamkitty07 is right, your mom is worried about your health, my dad is a doctor and meat has lots of importance...protein, carbs, fat , healthy stuff and somehow u have to make up for that like with dairy u get protein, and um, yeah --- sorry that probably did'nt help at all did it? well, that's all i had to say, hope it helps!

I have been vegetarian since I was 3, and I am healthy. Heck, go vegan if you want! Every vegetarian saves animals because they aren't supporting the meat industry.(want to see where this meat comes from? PM me.)

What you need to do is take Vitamin B12 pills, you can find them at the supermarket. The reason a lot of vegetarians are unhealthy, is because they are missing this vital protein. I went anemic when I was vegetarian because of lack of it. :D

You also need to make sure to get a balance diet. Be sure to inclue carbohydrates, fats (a healthy amount, mind you), sugars, vegetables, fruit, and protein. You should probably eat some nuts daily, because they are a great source of protein.

Just be sensible! You can feel when you're eating unhealthily.

Also, despite the fact that some meat companies use cruel tactics to gain more profit, a lot go out of their way to be as good to the animal as they can. For example, McDonalds started using a new way to kill the cattle they use, so that the cow dies instantly, and without any pain. The main thing to look for when getting food is "free range"or "cage free". If you decide to continue eating meat, ask the restaurant about where they get their meat, and check your labels for those phrases. That's what I do. <_<

If you are still eating a variety of different fish then you should be able to substitute the proteins and fats you would normally get from meat/poultry with the fish you eat.

As for Tofu - it's great in a Stir Fry - and easy to rustle up in the kitchen :p

Just chop it into chunks and substitute it for chicken or pork pieces that often are included in a stir fry.

You can also buy Tofu minced and substitute it for minced meat in lots of different recipes that normally use meat - things like Spaghetti Bolognese, Lasagna, Moussaka, Shepherd's Pie, Cottage Pie - even Meat Free "Meat Loaf" :(

I have no experience with the matter of vegitarian-ness, but your mom is probably offering you meat because she is worried about your health, so don't get mad at her or anything, she is trying to do what's best. Just talk to her and say this is your descision and she has to respect that.
All I have to say is do what your doing and eat lots of nuts, dairy, eggs, etc. I'm glad you're aware that other things that aren't meat have protein, kudos to you.
My mother knows I'll choose things that have protein she just finds it annoying now. Shes used to making meals for two and now shes cooking for one. She calls my choices antention seeking. :D She has apologized for saying that. She does admit though that I can be a healthy Vegetarian but doesn't like me doing it. Thanks for the help everyone, I would have replied sooner but I've been out all day. Thank you for recipes for Tofu TamaMum. :D

o .o; I've read the other posts but I think your mom has to just get used to the fact that this is your choice, and she needs to respect it. Not everyone is going to eat meat and even if she is doing it for your health, she needs to stop.

Anyway, just make sure you get your vital protiens (Iron is especially important I believe), and you should be good to go! Good luck. :D

I was a vegetarian but it was quite hard so I'm only half now. I wouldn't blame you if you gave up on it in a few months =]

There is this really nice recipy that has different types of grated vegetables all binded together with egg and cooked. I ate that when I was a vegetarian. It tastes nice with a bit of salt.

Well, I wish you luck.

If you're a girl I wouldn't recommend it though because while your growing up you need iron... For reasons I won't explain here...

i was a vegetarain for almost 2 years.and what i suggest for you tell your mom that you wont eat meat (do it very strongly and look her in the eye) o and vegetarians kill the forest :]] (jk)

I am gonna try to be vegetarian, but eat some meat for good protein, like once every two weeks, is that ok?

I think that you should try Braised beancurd (tofu) casserole:(I found it on BBC.)

Preparation time 30 mins to 1 hour

Cooking time 10 to 30 mins



6-8 dried Chinese mushrooms

225g/8oz Chinese broccoli (gailan)

175g/6oz carrots

2 cakes fresh beancurd (firm tofu) or 100g/4oz deep-fried beancurd

600ml/1 pint vegetable oil

a few small slices of peeled ginger

1 tsp salt

1 tsp sugar

1 tbsp rice wine or dry sherry (optional)

2 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce or light soy

2 tsp cornflour paste

a few drops sesame oi


1. Soak the dried mushrooms in warm water for 25-30 minutes. Squeeze dry, discard the hard stalks and cut into two or three pieces if large, leave whole if small. Reserve the water in which the mushrooms have been soaked.

2. Wash the broccoli and discard any tough outer leaves, cut the stalks diagonally into short sections. Cut the carrots diagonally into thin slices. Blanch the broccoli and carrots in a pan of lightly salted boiling water for about 2 minutes, remove and rinse in fresh cold water. Drain well.

3. Cut each cake of the fresh beancurd into about 12 pieces. Heat the oil in a pre-heated wok and deep-fry the beancurd pieces for 3-4 minutes until golden; remove and drain.

4. Heat about 3 tablespoons oil in a pre-heated wok, add the ginger pieces followed by the mushrooms, broccoli, carrots and beancurd, stir-fry for about 2 minutes, then add salt, sugar, wine (if using) and the mushroom soaking water, blend well and bring to the boil.

5. Add the oyster sauce, stir and braise for another minute; thicken the gravy with the cornflour paste, then add the sesame oil and serve. Serve with plain rice or as a 'dressing' for noodles.

I think it sounds yummy! I might try it!

About three days ago I decided to stop eating pork, chicken, and beef. I've been doing OK for so far but I need advice on how to keep myself healthy and to stick with my choice. I still will eat eggs, seafood, and dairy products though. I guess you could say I'm only half-vegetarian, but the eggs are free-range. My mother doesn't agree with my choice and cooks or offers me meat knowing what I have decided. How should I get her to understand and except my choices? We had a whole blown out fight over it the other day. :angry: What other recipes do people have for tofu also?
There are a lot of vegetarian foods that give a good amount of protein such as veggie burgers if you want to try those. Look around the organic section of your local supermarket for more.

What a lot of people think is that vegetarians eat only tofu and soy pruducts, as well as vegetables and fruits. As a result of your choice to become a "half-vegetatian", you are not limited to only these foods. Many people eat food selections such as varried pastas and other wheat products. Talk to your mom in a calm manner about why this decision is important to you. Then maybe she will decide to prepare meals for you that you are comfortable eating. If you are worried about your health since you are no longer eating meats, talk to your doctor about different vitamin supplements that you can take to fufill your daily vitamin requirements.

Hope this is useful to you. =D

If you are still eating a variety of different fish then you should be able to substitute the proteins and fats you would normally get from meat/poultry with the fish you eat.
As for Tofu - it's great in a Stir Fry - and easy to rustle up in the kitchen :(

Just chop it into chunks and substitute it for chicken or pork pieces that often are included in a stir fry.

You can also buy Tofu minced and substitute it for minced meat in lots of different recipes that normally use meat - things like Spaghetti Bolognese, Lasagna, Moussaka, Shepherd's Pie, Cottage Pie - even Meat Free "Meat Loaf" :D
Meat free meat loaf!? :(


Then maybe she will decide to prepare meals for you that you are comfortable eating.
Shes already stated that she will not cook speical for me, plus since I'm 21 I'm old enough to cook my own meals. I wouldn't have asked her anyway because that would be asking alot of her to cook her dinner then mine. Mind you I don't know a thing about cooking other then soup and eggs. So maybe through being a half-vegetarian I will learn how to fend for myself in the wild-kitchen world. xD I know at 21 I should know how to cook but my mother has always done the cooking. It sad but I don't even trust my own cooked food. xD

Haha, nice PockyGirl. If you follow the recipes and add your own flavour and uniqueness, I'm sure you vegitarian cooking will be fun and delicious.

You gotta learn to cook sometime. :)

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