Age Help Please!


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Jan 13, 2007
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i got my tamagotchi down to 12lb and i cant get it to go down any more and he still wont get any older(hes still 0).please help.thanx

will you please help me,even if you have the slightest idea ill take anything.thanx

well im going to take an educated guess on this

when did u get ur tama have u had it or have u debugged it or anything ? have you been messing with it if u have its probaly wont age or wont lose weight ...?

idk though

Something must of gone wierd in your tama because if you have had it for six days (asuming you started it on day one) then your tama should of aged by now.

Your tamagotchi won't go down any more pounds because it is too underweight. 12 lbs are as far as you go. If you just keep on playing games, it'll only give you Happy hearts if you suceed it successfully. Also, you have to make sure that you aren't pausing it too much OR skipping time. That will only skip time. Even if you skip it to it's bedtime, it won't age. It has to be on 24 hours a day, taken care of.


Unless you pause it. If you ever pause STOP PAUSING! All pausing does is make life take twice as long as it normally would in the tamagotchi's eyes. And, how would you like being paused?

well it depends on what stage your tama is on, after it has hatched, it takes an hour of constant playing fo it to go to the next stage (it's kinda like the kid stage)

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