Ah! A noob! squish it!


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May 10, 2011
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Hello everyone. I am Lucy. I am 26, and I have no idea what I am doing. But I'm having fun in all of the confusion!

Why am I here?

Well, I watch my little sister during the week. A few days ago she had to take a trip to the eye-doctors which is a good hour away. I decided to go along. We arrived a few hours early to do some shopping while in the "big-city". We went to one of those retailers who sell over-stock items and stuff. While in the kid section with my sister I saw two tamagotchi's- the new ones Tama-go I believe they're called.

Annyway. I remember having a tamagotchi when I was a kid- and I loved it! I thought she might enjoy playing one, with me. They were only like 7 bucks each- about as much as a meal at a fast-food dinner, so I got two of them: a blue one for her, and the white one for me (She got to pick. -grumpy face- I really liked the blue one. White has grown on me though ;) )

We were going to play them in the doctors office while waiting- but we didn't have an AAA batteries. >.<

When we got home, it was late, and I needed to go to *my* home and make dinner. The next day we pulled out our new pets and started clicking away! We're both having a lot of fun. And I'm trying to figure out the in's and out's of Tamatown so we can play there together too.

I must say though, I really wish I knew what I was doing. I'm pretty lost- I mean, I had one of these when I was little, but, beyond the "having one" I don't recall much about it. This toy is a lot more than I thought it was! Which, is okay, we're loving it.

We're both on our first gen babies. She has a little girl (Hoshitchi) and I have a little boy (Mattaritchi). We should be a lot older, but she pauses hers before going to school, and I reset mine (I wanted to see how the boys looked) and pause it the 8 hours I sleep (since like 5 of those 8 hours are when "Tommy" [what I named mine] is awake... insomnia ftl).

I am a bit scared though. We didn't know pausing it could cause problems with them =X hopefully it won't mess them up to badly. We don't need them to grow up to quick anyway.

Anywhoo. I hope to get to know some people here, and learn more about this neat toy.

Until then,


Welcome to TamaTalk! We're so glad to have you. :) Please be sure to check out the User Guide to the site if you haven't already done so and please do ask questions should they arise. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Hey. Welcome!

People are always ready to help in the Help Section! Just ask a question and I'm sure someone will be sure to help! You could start a Tama-Log in the Library Section. (You type out what has happend since you hatched it. Read a few you'll get it...)

Also, Way to come back from the first tamagotchi era!

Thank you Oldschool. I read up before posting ;)

Thanks for the welcome SailorRosette! I took your advice and created a log: Squirmi Log I think it'll be a lot of fun to keep updated!

Edit: I should add that I'm not 26, haha, I'm 24. Hubby was telling about one of his friends who's 26 birthday is coming up when I created this topic and apparently I typed that instead of 24... I can't find the edit button for the OP so... this will have to do.

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A little late,but whatevs.Welcome to TamaTalk! :chohimetchi:

Welcome! I'm new here too, and turning 26 tomorrow! :D I had a tamagotchi way back in middle school and for whatever reason, I remembered them recently and decided to see if they were still around... one thing led to the next and before I knew it I bought a color tama off ebay, uh oh. lol

It hasn't arrived yet, but I'm excited to play one again, although these new ones seem to be a little more complicated! Have fun! :D

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