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I have all the rewards. But Kutchipatchi Love's secret doesn't work all the time for me.
I dont have alll the awards.I dont have 1.Im only a kuchitamatchi (my tama not me)but it only sometimes work for me.I need a turntable!!

I am on my 2nd generation and I tried this and my music genre does not change :) I can unfortunatly only get one award because of this :(I have also tried switched toys and instruments but nothing helps ;) (off topic) Can you buy different instruments from te shop on the tamagotchi?

Cool. No if only I could find a battery again for one of my Music Stars...They are all 3/4 dead. I swear all Japanese toys do that, say they are about dead at 3/4.

As I just reliezed I missed taking the pictures of two of them..........................

Oh wait. Anybody have a Music Star Bundle pack? Is there anything extra in it besides the movie and the figures and new designs? :lol:
