Ah! !*! Hinotamatchi ! Lover !*! hates tamas!


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
Hi !*! Hinotamatchi ! Lover !*! told me she hates tamagtochis! How could anyone be so mean?

I have some information how she treats tamagotchis now:

1. When one of mine beeped today in the car she started trying to throw my tamas out the car window and banged them to the seats in front of me.

2. When one beeps she doesn't answer it.

3. She doesn't play with tamas anymore.

[SIZE=8pt]Why?WHy?[/SIZE][SIZE=21pt]WHY?[/SIZE] She hates tamas! :gozarutchi: Even Hinotamatchis! WAH!! :eek: :huh:

While I do admit that trying to throw it out the window was a bit rude, just because she likes them doesn't make her mean. She just doesn't like them anymore. Maybe one day she will start liking them again, but you can't think she's mean just because her opinion on tamagotchis is different than yours. If anything think she's mean for nearly trashing yours.

[SIZE=14pt]before my friend got one she hated them. now that she has 1 she loves them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=22pt] Well, the window thing...harsh a bit. Maybe she should pause them. I don't like tamagotchis, so I pause mine alot [/SIZE] :mellow:

:rolleyes: tamagirl777

that was harsh, but like tg777 said u can just pause them or make them go to sleep during the day!

^You can still be a member if you don't like Tamagotchi. You can post in the (Non)TamaTalk section. :rolleyes:

Personally, I don't like Tamagotchi much any more. But I do think it was kind of, well, strange to try to throw it out a window. 0.0

Just try to scratch off Tamagotchi from the list of "Things You Have In Common," and talk about other things. :mellow:


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