Ah! V5 broken?


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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2007
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England, United Kingdom
Okay, this is weird. It's a bit late now but...

My v5 is crazy. Almost every time it is low on battery, is says "WAIT!" and then goes black. I you leave it for a few days or put in a new battery, it has been reset. The first time it was on G29-ish, after a new battery, G8 then after leaving it G1! At the moment it is on G20 and when you try connecting, the battery is so low that it shows "download" and "reset". Has anyone else had this problem? What has happened?

Oh yeah its european and from bandaieurope website.

this is very common with V.5s. my friend and i were just complaining about it today! dont worry though, it's perfectly normal!

srry for the extra!

:p :( :( kutchi999 :( :( :(

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this is very common with V.5s. my friend and i were just complaining about it today! dont worry though, it's perfectly normal! when the battery is low, it did that, in fact, it happened to my V.5. after leaving it for months without putting in a new battery, it reverted to g1 when i finally put on in!

:p :( :( kutchi999 :( :( :(

Are you sure you are putting in the correct size battery? There is CR0032 (The ones you need to use) and there is CR0025 which also work in tamagotchi.... Make sure it is always a fresh battery too when changing.

I would recommend checking the battery numbers. Then if it is correct, then I would take the battery out and clean the battery and the inside where the battery sits.

Also check for fuzzies on the inside. (Use tape or those laundry sheets that look like webbing of sorts)

All else fails, Reset it like there is no tommorrow. (for them anyway.... :lol: )

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Thanks for the help but i am putting in the correct batteries. I've got 6 tamagotchis! Oh well... I geuss I'm just going to have to put up with it.

yeah i think this happened to me. on my red v5 i pressed a button after a few days on pause and the whole thing shut itself off.

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