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New member
Sep 24, 2005
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It dances, shakes it's so called butt, has a rectangular mouth, slick hair, legs but no arms. It isn't on the Tama talk character chart.

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We all need some more details, what characters did it come from? What time does it sleep? Is it an adult? Also, what kind of Tamagotchi unit is it? V1, V2, or something else? Instead of expecting answers within two minutes, please tell us a little more first so that we can help you.

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crmsoda - you might have got some replies straight away if you had posted your questions in the Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners forum :) but as this is not a Comment about Tama news nor a Tama Rumour I will move it for you.

For info on characters names you could visit Bell Sprout's site:

https://bellsprout.50webs.com it has all the V1 and V2 characters listed.

Best, etc.


*Moved to Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners*

It dances, shakes it's so called butt, has a rectangular mouth, slick hair, legs but no arms. It isn't on the Tama talk character chart.

It just does that! So does mine. Some charectars arent on the chart. If you need more help, tell me. Im always helping tama owners! ;) B) <_<

If you go to www.tamagotchi.com it might help you see some other tamagotchis. This is what you need to do.

1. Go to the website

2. Click on Products at the side

3. Click on the yelloow button "Click here to see more Characters"

4. Figure out if your tamagotchi is a baby, toddler, teen or adult.

5.Look at the pictures of tamagotchis that match your description.

I think it is a Tarakotchi but I don't know what it looks like.

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