aidylshowgirl's Tama Log of Love <3


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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2008
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right, i got my v5 yesterday (woo!) and its AWSOME!!! I named my v5s:

Albert.......the oldest-and smartest!!!

Meruda.....the maturest of them all!!!

Rafflez......the poor thing who trys to get things right, but just doen't!

Hey! I don't.....well....maybe once or twice.

More times actually-

Oh yeah?!


And heres my darling v4s

Eggs: G'day mates!!! (he loves Australia!)

Pedro: I will say a normal "hello"!

And my v3s:

E: yeah thats mah name!!

Elroy: what up dudes?!

There all boyz except Meruda. Now you know how hard it is to live!!!

I will b writing in black. Ok so now you've met the crew: it's time to do a statz check!!

Albert: teen-&gt; Bakutchi. Was a Mattaritchi. Bond: 90%

Meruda:teen-&gt;Ichigotchi. Was a Belltchi.

Raffelz:teen-&gt; Mamekatchi. Was a Mousetchi

Eggs: teen-&gt; Gourmetchi. Was a Puchitchi

Pedro:teen-&gt;Young Androtchi. Was a Puchitchi

E: teen-&gt; Piroriroritchi. Was a Mizutamatchi.

Elroy:teen-&gt; Nikatchi. Was a tamatchi.

We've got to have our din din now so we'll b back tomrrow!!! ;)

Must we??

Well your hungry aren't u?

Don't say din din! We're not babies anymore.

Well some of us aren't.

Pedro!!! We'd better go before thingz turn nasty!! Bye!! Remember NO POSTING COMMENTS IN THIS LOG. PM ME IF YOU WANT TO SAY A COMMENT!

WHOOPS! i forgot to say what my v5 family name is called. Anyays... its Kilbe.

(my last names Kilbey, but i couldn't fit it all in!!! :angry: :angry: ;)


Hurry up Mum!! I want my hot dog!

Yeah your soups getting cold.

Oi! Pedro those are my waffles!

O.k darlingz im coming!. bye!!

This morning was sooo swet. The Kilbes woke up and there was a window and outside it was sunny and they were in a line and yawning!&lt;3 Anways, I've got to go to school in 45 minutes(sigh). And so have you Eggs and Pedro.

Awwww! Why???

You wanna turn into a Androtchi, don't you?? :(

Yeah, but.

Then you're going to school. But lets do a Statz Check!

Happy: ****


Bonds: 100%

Family: Blended

Generation: 1

Money: $460G



Rafflez: Mamekatchi

Now remember, look both ways when you're crossing the road this time, Pedro.

Yeah , yeah, whatever...

But you know what appened last time.

I'll take care of him like a baby Kangaroo!

Excuse me---?

Well I guess you guys had better be going!

Bye Mum!

G'bye Mom!

Well i've got to get ready now too. Bye!!!!&lt;3

yay! i'm back from school and... Eggs has evolved!!! Double yay! Would you like to tell the nice members what you've evolved into Eggs???

Hey mates! I am a SIMASAMITCHI!!!




Ahem you're supposed to applause!

Oh right!

*all clap weakly*

Thank you!! I love you all. I shall now make a speech on Austral---

No you won't!! I need to do a Statz check.


Happy: ****


Bonds: 100%

Family: blended

Name: Kilbe

Money: $590G

Albert: Bakutchi

Meruda: Ichigotchi

Rafflez: Mamekatchi


Elroy: Nikatchi

3 days old

99bl (i wanna be a Masktchi!)

5 generation


E: Piroriroritchi.

3 days old

99bl (i wanna be a Gozarutchi!)

5 generation






2 days old


5 generation


And Pedro is... wait... where is Pedro?

Sweetie Shop

He'd better be. Right so I will now---

*Pedro has come through the door!*

I'm back from school all in one piece this time!!

Thank godness. As I was saying---

What's for dinner?

Spagetti. Now-


Be quiet Pedro! Mum's trying to tell us something important!

Well it can't be important then!

Pardon?! Statz check Pedro!

Pedro: Young Anrotchi




2 days old


gen. 5


O.k i think that's enough info for now. Better get on with my Science Revision. :( :eek: :eek:

Bye mates!

Bye :unsure:

WOW! Well loads of coool stuff happened to us didn't it?!




Well are you gonna tell us???

I am an Androtchi! Uh-Huh!!*does robot dance* :furawatchi: :blink: :huh: I have to?


...a Megatchi.

...Yes. Ditto

Well thats not so bad. At least you're adults and don't get GROUNDED!

But I wanted to be a Gozarutchi!

I wanted to be a Masktchi! :lol:

Don't worry 'bout it. (well i am a bit disapointed 'cos two more Megatchis make 5 I've had for these past generations)

Statz Check!



Bond: 100%

Money: $520G

Bye 4 now!!

There is a PM voting contest to see which of my tams I should put in the dating show! Scroll down to see why and more details!

Hey TT members! My version 5 have evolved into adults!! YAY! With sugar on top!

Look who's the "Handsomest guy on the street!" IM A KUCHIPATCHI!

Look who's the "Prettiest on the street!"..............IM A HOTTEATCHI!

Hey! You do know that is offensive to me, Meruda!

Ok prettiest tama then.

Much better!

And look who's the handsomest on the street!

Um... I've aleady said that, Rafflez.

Oh right. "The most Genious on the street!"

...Even though you aren't...


Good for my guys-

and gal!

OK. So now I AM REALLY STUCK! I am not sure which Tama to put forward to the dating show. FEEL FREE TO PM ME ABOUT WHO I SHOULD PUT FORWARD TO MARRY! SIMPLY SAY WHICH OF MY TAMAS I SHOULD PUT ON THE DATING SHOW OR THE CHARACTERS NAME! thanx ~x~--&gt; it will really be appriciated!

luv u's xox &lt;3

Aidyl ~x~

ok ive not been on 4 a bit but WE'RE BACK!!

Eggs the Simasimatchi got a job as a balloon seller.

I work in a theme park in Australia!!

Sorry if you can't read Elroy's typing, i only just realised when i went on my friends computer! If you can't see it just highlight over it.

FACT: Eggs and Elroy are twins and so are Pedro and E!

If you STILL want to PM me about who I should put forward, the deadline is tonight.

Thanks to everyone who has voted!

Albert, Meruda and Rafflez say hi! :furawatchi: :pochitchi: sorry there is no Hotteatchi! lol!

SO I had lots of votes and the winner was Rafflez the Mametchi!!


so we went on the dating show and it was a nightmare finding the character to give a Mame family. &lt;_&lt;

but at last we found the perfect wife for you didn't we!

Yeah her name is Darling and she is soooo pretty and kind to me!

And you two evolved and layed some eggs too!

We sure did!

The matchmaker came for me too! I married a Pyonkitchi called Fiona!

Thats right Eggs!

I had a baby boy!

so i guess we need to get some more colors for typing then. Wow you two are eating some bananas!

You look so cute!

Darling will be writing in hot pink.

Our first baby is a boy and he is called Sammy.I will type in sky blue!

Our second baby is a girl and is called Lettie. I will type in plum!

Our third baby is a boy and is called West. I will type in brown !

Sammy used to be a Mimifawatchi. I am now a Mousetchi!

Lettie used to be a Mimifuwatchi. I am now a Sakuramotchi!

West used to be a Futabatchi. I am now a Mattaritchi!

Pedro the Androtchi got a job as a rock star. I'm afraid he can't type anything because he is out signing autographs!

You know mum?


I miss Albert and Meruda...

I know. i do too.

I'm not sure what to call my baby.

Im sure we'll think of something. We'll go onto that website where it gives you ideas for japenese names!


If you want japenese names for your tamas too then just click-&gt;Here&lt;-and scroll down to what letter you want it to start with.

The megatchis are doing all right. (they're just shy!)


ok we get the idea!

see you tomorrow!

Aidyl ~x~ :mellow:

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Sadly Eggs the Simasimatchi has gone back to GuruGurutown leaving his darling baby Taka. Taka will write in indigo when he can write because he is still a baby and is jumping around as I am writing this. Whoops he's done a poo!

Better clean it up! There and while I was at it, I fed him some sushi!

Ok so the matchmaker came to visit you E and Elroy.

I married a Teleketchi and got a baby boy!

I married a Hanatchi and got a baby boy!

Dear, everyones got a baby except for you Pedro.

Maybe it's because he looks funny.

He looks funny anyway and I've only just got to know him!

That is not true! I'm only a robot!

Yeah, a robot! :blink:

What do you think Mum?

hmm?oh... no?


I'm sorry I wasn't listening! I had to give the baby some medicine!

(*Note:I like to call the matchmaker the Matchy! It's a long story!)

Anyway I am having trouble with the matchmaker ecause Pedro is 7 years old and even when I set the time the matchmaker is never there :) . Why is this? if you could PM me with the times or say what im dong wrong that would be great! :D

Goodbye then 4 now!!


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Hello, im gonna be quick because my fave t.v programme is comin on in 10 mins!

Great thing no.1: Taka is now a Puchitchi!

Great thing no.2: Sammy, Lettie and West have evolved into;

Sammy-&gt; Bakutchi

Lettie-&gt; Ichigotchi

West-&gt; Korokotchi

Yay, yay and yay!!!

awww theyre taking a bath! Now theyre taking a shower!

can we say something now?


1 sec im nearly finished!

Oh and i saw my Papamametchi and Mamamametchi kissing, eating bananas and doing the hoovering!


hey! i'm only 13!

But your our dad's mum!!

Well i don't like that, can you please call me either Lydia or Aidyl. Thank you!

*pauses to rest hands!* woah but that was a handful!I'm getting cramp!

come on Aidyl! "Waking the Dead" has started.

Wow! 9:00 already.Don't worry! It's not really about zombies! ;) It's just a murder investigation where they investigate old murders that haven't been solved like about 20 years ago!Nothing to do with zombies whatsoever!!! Oooh it's started!

That's what i just said!.


hmmm. quite upsetting. I accidently forgot to pause Pedro on Monday and the matchy must have come because now THE MATCHMAKER ISN'T COMING! :( :( :( :( ^_^ ;) :angry:

Great. Now he can't marry, will die of old age and I'll have to start my generations all over again. I was on the sixth generation and all and I was even working on a family tree for my Tamas. :(

Still... I suppose it cannot be helped and it might keep happening alot when I go to College.

Anyways! E and Elroy left their baby boys and I named E's baby Patsu and Eloy's baby Tombo.

Oh dear. I'm running out of ideas for colours!

so here is the typing code:

Rafflez: dark green

Darling: hot pink

Sammy: sky blue

Lettie: plum

West: Brown

Pedro: grey

Taka: indigo

Patsu: red

Tombo: orange

Long list! lol

Hi my name is Taka and I am a young androtchi.this is the first time I have spoken since to someone taking all the credit.

No need to be cheeky. Oh and have you read the logs title? It says"aidylshowgirl's Tama Log of Love &lt;3" So believe it or not it is MY log!

I can see that I'm gonna have a lot of trouble with you Taka.

I have sent Taka to school and have made him study the art of Kindness! Kindness! Gettit?

I don't get it.

Well your not that kind are you?

Right so here is a Statz check:

happy ****


Name: Kilbe

Bond: 10% (how did that happen?!??!?!)


Money: £680G

well i guess that's all 4 now! I am soo famished! I think I'll go scavenge in the kitchen for a choccie bar!

*My mother: Sorry Lydia, kitchen's closed until tea!"


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WOOO HOOO! I just set the time to 2:59 and the Matchy came!!!!

Yay! Go Pedro!

I married a young and beautiful Sebiretchi and we had a baby boy.

All boys again! Well I don't care! As long as Pedro had a baby! Now let me go and think of some names...

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It's only 7:30 here in UK and Pedro and his baby look so sweet sleeping. :) .

Tombo has evolvd into a Tamatchi and Patsu has evolved into a Mizutamatchi.

I've spotted Rafflez and Darling doing the hoovering. It's sooo cute, especially with the little stars that represented the style points on the v4. Their house is all nice and clean now. It never used to be! Albert, Meruda and Rafflez never used to clean!

Yeah well I do now!

Dear I miss those guys. I think I'll go to the TT Memorial and make them a Gravestone. However they have not died, I believe they go back to their home planet. :)

Yes,I'll go and do that.


My v5 evolved this morning! woo! I had a low bond to see what characters I would get and it turns out that reaaaalllllyyy good!

Sammy:Bakutchi---&gt; Uhyotchi

Lettie: Ichigotchi----&gt; Watatchi

West: Korokotchi----&gt; Hatugatchi

So I then played ith the girl's dresser and Lettie turned into Makkio!!! Yay. (why do I always say that?!)

NowI'm gonna eat that seasame pudding. If I can just remember what it looks like. Is it this one? No. This one?


So now West is a Kuramametchi~(coolio!) and Lettie is a Makkio!

Tombo and Patsu both turned into Hinotamatchis.

Pedro has sadly left his baby he had wished and longed for days. Now he has one and I shall call him Hiro. Let me wake him up and type that in.

Bye then! :p :D :p :p :p :p

I just thought I had to post this!!!

Taka is a Pyonchitchi and Hiro is a Mohitamatchi!

This is my first ever boy one and I hope he gets into the Kuchi family because I have never had a male Kuchi Family character before. Ever!!!!


Hiro evolved into a Obotchi. I guess the chances of me getting a kuchipatchi are pretty low now!

oh well, perhaps I'll get a Debatchi!!!

I don't fancy getting another Pyonchitchi again because I've already had two in past generations.

Anyway back to the points, Hiro got his second [!] letter today and we were very pleased about it. I chose him to study the works of science and maths.

In short words that's inteligence!!!

I'm thinking to let you know about my past generations by putting a hyperlink of a family tree I drew on Paint on the computer. Maybe I'll do that in a sec. Or tomorrow depening how I feel!!!

I'll let the family say something now!:

I had a pretty fun day at school because it was my first day and we always used to sing at pre-school, which was soooo boring! I hate the arts, I love science! We created fireworks with these chemicals!

I had a nightmare with getting the tea ready! I knocked the frying pan over and then I burned the lamb shanks!! then I was late for my parenting class so Rafflez had to take over!

Yeah, I had to be Superman and cook cornflakes.

You cooked what?! you didn't tell me that!!

Dad did. And they were burnt.

...I won't ask how!!

Woo! Me and Patsu just went skate bording and it was just like sooo cooool!

We met up with ma mate Max the Hinatchi and we had a building contest and Tombo won!

I'm just curling my hair because I'm hoping Aidyl will choose me to go on the dating show!!

I think I will actually...when you're older.


*sigh* I'd better go before she explodes!


Hi everybody! This morning I put my Makkio, Lettie on the Dating Show, and Miss Busybody found a handsome Mametchi named Justin for Lettie to marry. Justin will write in blue. Would you like to tell us what happened. (love at first sight of the year!)

Well I was really nervous, but when Miss B brought out Justin, I knew he was the one! Our eyes met and we shared a cosmic moment!

Yes enough about that! What about your children?

Lettie laid three eggs.

The first was a sweet baby girl. Her name is Bianca.

The second was a cute baby boy. We named him Scooter.

The youngest was another adorable girl. Her name is Eskarina, but we call her Esk for short!

At the moment

Bianca: Mimifuwatchi

Scooter: Mimifuwatchi

Eskarina: Omututchi

Awww! They're sleeping!

Right, I will now go to the TT memorial and write in a message for Sammy, West, Rafflez and Darling.

So long, for now! :angry:

This morning my v5 babies evolved into toddelers!

Bianca is now a Sakuramotchi

Scooter is now a Mousetchi

Eskarina is now a Belltchi

Their statz are :

Hungry: ****


Name: Kilbe (Bianca, Scooter and Eskarina)

Bonds: 10%

Gen.: 3

Money: $890G

Characters: Sakurmotchi





Time to do a new colour code!:

Taka: Indigo

Hiro: Purple

Patsu: Red

Tombo: Orange

Lettie: Plum

Justin: Blue

Bianca: light green (lime)

Scooter: Grey

Esk: Hot pink

Well yesterday my v3s and my v4 evolved into adults!!

Tombo is now a Pipotchi!! yay, he looks so cute!

Patsu is a Gozurutchi!! yay again! (at least he's not a megatchi!) :)

Hiro is a Pyonchitchi. Oh, I quite wanted a Debatchi, but oh well...(glad that v4 don't have megatchis!!)

I'm hoping that the triplets will evolve into Teens soon.

I'll reply if they do today or tomorrow!

hurray! I'ts now our 1/2 term! One week off. Plus no school tomorrow!! YAY! :p :p :hitodetchi: :ph34r: :D :D

It's been a while! I've been visiting my relatives so of course I took my pretties! There was no internet connection so I couldn't really write my log! :huh:

Well that's my excuses finished so now let me say what has happened and lots HAS happened!

First of all Miss Matchy came for Taka and he had a darling baby girl and I named her Purin which in Japanese means Pudding!

So Taka left ( :chohimetchi: ) and now Purin is a healthy Mohitamatchi and is happily bouncing around! She got a [!] letter and is doing fantastic at pre-school. Here are Purin's Statz:

Happy: ****


Training: \\

Intelligance: 4

Style: 15

Kindness: 6

Name: Purin

Age: 0

Weight: 39bl

Gender: Girl

Generation: 7

Money: $1150 G

Lets move onto Tombo who had a visit from Miss Matchy and has had a baby boy!

Miss Matchy only came today so Tombo and baby are having a little father-son bonding time before he goes!

Patsu had a bay too! Another boy, but his battery run out, so tomorrow I'll go and buy a new one. How disappointing! :ichigotchi: :D :kuribotchi:

Hiro had a baby girl and I'm hoping that I'll get my two v4 girls to mate with my v3 boys! I did that before, hard work but it worked!

And my v5s evolved into adults! (Bianca was a Ichigotchi, Scooter was a Bakutchi and Esk was a Shelltchi)

I am a Violetchi! I look so pretty!

I am a Furikotchi! Cool, I'm a clock!

I am a Yonepatchi! Very mature!

We went to a pub yesterday for lunch and so I let my Tams choose what to eat. (Purin will write in gold)

I had noodles and milk!

Us two had lamb joints and the children had hotdogs and soup!



I had mustard on my hot dog!

I even ate half of Scooter's soup!!

I had roast steak and a orange cocktail!

Dad and me had steak and tea!!

Patsu had Wholecake and some milk.

Bye then!! :furawatchi:


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