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About Me

Name: Nicoletta

Nickname: Nicki

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: lolwhut?

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: I abandoned it long ago. xD

IM: [email protected]

I game online at:!


Color: Mint green & pink! ;D

Smell: Vanilla. <3

Sound: Good music w/ nice singing.

Snack: Anything sweet!

Stress Food: Chocolate bars.

Weekend Activity: Hanging out with friends.

Hiding Place: In my room. xD

Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, and photography.

TV Series: iCarly <333

Movie: Twilight

Book: The Twilight Saga, of course! ;D

Band/Singer: Aerosmith & Avril Lavigne

Celeb: Don't have one.

Role Model: My parents.

Expression: Uhh, idk? xD


First Big Achievement: I was 6, one of the only girls on the baseball team, and the only one to get a hit in our very first game.

First Risk I Ever Took: Asking someone out in 5th grade lololol.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Taking a shower all by myself at the age of 4. xDDD

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Probably a looooong time ago.

First Rule I'd Make As President: I would make my own national holiday. xD (conceited, much? haha)


Last Book That Inspired Me: Gifted

Last Movie I Cried At: Marley and Me

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Justin Bieber! xD

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Prepare my clothes for the next day or play my DS.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Stand up straight. xD

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Intelligence, the ability to laugh at myself, goofiness.

Worst: Being annoying, conceited at times, and criticizing myself waaaay too much.

Best Talents: Drawing (isn't that sad? xD)

Worst: Singing lololololol.

Best Class or Subjects: All the easy ones like English, Social Studies, and Spanish.

Worst: Math and Science

Best Memories: Ehhh idk.

Worst: Sixth grade.

Best Years: Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh grade.

Worst: Sixth grade.

About Me



Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: None

Online Me!

Email: Not Saying! :angry:


IM: None

I game online at: Nine


Color: Black ( And I don't know why! )

Smell: Cherry <3

Sound: Dunno, Really

Snack: Cheesy Wotsits!

Stress Food: Errr....icecrreeeeaammmm...

Weekend Activity: Going to the Mall

Hiding Place: Under my bed

Hobbies: Drawing Manga, Making Stuff, My Tamagotchis! <3

TV Series: I don't know, I like a lot of different ones..

Movie: Dragon Wars

Book: Urgent Message of Wowness

Band/Singer: MCR! <3 Luffs you My Chemical Rrrrromancee!!

Celeb: Errrr....dunno.....lots of people

Role Model: None

Expression: HYPER! :lol:


First Big Achievement: Swam 25 m

First Risk I Ever Took: Went Scuba Diving in ocean! :eek:

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Watch older rated movies :angry:

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I was born!

First Rule I'd Make As President: No fake tamas allowed! :p

Lasts: Errr...I'm not dead yet

Last Book That Inspired Me: Knife

Last Movie I Cried At: Dunno...I can't remember

Last Celeb I Crushed On: ...

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read

Last Advice I got That Worked: Buy a tamagotchi!

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Very...veeerrrry hyper

Worst: bossy :angry:

Best Talents: Drawing

Worst: Singing! Haha! :lol:

Best Class or Subjects: Tech

Worst: French

Best Memories: When I first met my best friend because we had the same lunchbox!

Worst: ....

Best Years:....


About Me

Name: Katie

Nickname: KK on here, but I'm also called Kanga irl.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: KK Katie. xD

Online Me!

Email: I don't usually like to chat through e-mail. If you really want it, ask me.

Blog: n/a

IM: I have aim. If you im me, please tell me who you are.

I game online at: Facebook (xD), Gaia (Not alot anymore.)


Color: Purple.

Smell: I like alot of smells. I'm obsessed with perfume and candles. xD

Sound: Music. :)

Snack: Cheez-its.

Stress Food: Ramen Noodles.

Weekend Activity: With friends.

Hiding Place: Don't have one? o.o

Hobbies: Band and Photography.

TV Series: I don't watch alot of TV. :p

Movie: I have alot. O:

Book: I like the Clique and Sara Dessen books.

Band/Singer: nevershoutnever!, From Autumn to Ashes, A Day to Remember, and Bring me the Horizon are my faves. :)

Celeb: Christofer Ingle.

Role Model: See above. :D

Expression: iDunno?


First Big Achievement: I danced for 9 years, since I was 5. xD

First Risk I Ever Took: iDunno?

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: iDunno?

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I'm not sure. I was quite happy on December 12th.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Something with Music. I'm lame, xD


Last Book That Inspired Me: iDunno?

Last Movie I Cried At: I don't usually cry during movies xD

Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't really 'crush' on them.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: I'm usually texting Mark or Emily.

Last Advice I got That Worked: The quote 'one of the keys to happiness is a bad memory. ' Its not really advice, but yeah..

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm unique, and can be pretty nice.

Worst: I flip on people easily.

Best Talents: Band ftw xD

Worst: Sports.

Best Class or Subjects: Math and Science.

Worst: English and History.

Best Memories: Probably November 2009- Today..

Worst: Erm.. Cant remember?

Best Years: Hmm..

Worst: Probably when I was in like.. 6th grade. xD

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About Me

Name: Samantha

Nickname: Sammi, Sam

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: God

Online Me!

Email: I don't like to hand this out to strangers.

Blog: I don't have one.

IM: Ask me, please. And I want to get to know you before I add you.

I game online at: Nothing.


Color: Topaz

Smell: Vanilla Sugar

Sound: Ocean Waves

Snack: Goldfish or Ritz crackers

Stress Food: Twix

Weekend Activity: Reading or talking to friends : )

Hiding Place: Outside

Hobbies: Reading, Writing,

TV Series: House M.D

Movie: Star Trek or Sex and the City

Book: Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult

Band/Singer: APOPTYGMA BERZERK or Paramore

Celeb: Zachary Quinto

Role Model: My mother

Expression: :|


First Big Achievement: Reading

First Risk I Ever Took: That's a long story.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Dress myself! : D

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I was around a certain someone.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Certain things in life free.


Last Book That Inspired Me:

Last Movie I Cried At:

Last Celeb I Crushed On:

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:

Last Advice I got That Worked:

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: My willingness to help others.

Worst: Jealousy

Best Talents: Writing

Worst: Drawing

Best Class or Subjects: Social Studies, Science

Worst: Math

Best Memories: My Math teacher dancing and singing to Party in the USA

Worst: To many

Best Years: 2008, mid 2009

Worst: Late 2009

About Me

Name: Classified

Nickname: Jae

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Super nap!

Online Me!

Email: Classified

Blog: None


I game online at: Nowhere


Color: Purple

Smell: Potatoes

Sound: Music

Snack: Peach rings

Stress Food: Anything unhealthy

Weekend Activity: Tennis or random crap

Hiding Place: My bed

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, computer, video games

TV Series: YuGiOh. x33333333

Movie: Hmmm...don't know.

Book: Lots

Band/Singer: Skillet

Celeb: Taylor Lautner

Role Model: Family

Expression: Bored


First Big Achievement: Nothing major

First Risk I Ever Took: Lying to my parents? xD

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Nothing

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Probably when I was little

First Rule I'd Make As President: Students should be able to pick teachers and classmates. Hah


Last Book That Inspired Me: Speak

Last Movie I Cried At: Seriously cried was Marley and Me.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Justin Bieber. xDD

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Video games or book

Last Advice I got That Worked: Nothing

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm fun and nice

Worst: I stray away from people I don't know ---> Extremely unsocial

Best Talents: Piano?

Worst: Making friends

Best Class or Subjects: Math and art


Best Memories: Finishing Ocarina

Worst: Classified

Best Years: 2009

Worst: 2009



Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:Chuck Norris Sugary Skittles, AKA.Sugary ;3

Online Me!

Email:[email protected] FREE TO EMAIL ME =D



I game online at:AQ Worlds.It's fun.


Color:Green, metallic blue and yellow.

Smell:Um...Stir fry?


Snack:Sandwiches...Nom, Nom

Stress Food:Yoghurt

Weekend Activity:Computer.

Hiding Place:My room

Hobbies:Reading, Drawing, Running and Yelling.

TV Series:Um.....Most Haunted USA =D

Movie:Twilight. Don't worry, I am not twi-Hard.

Book:Twilight.It IS a good book, Admit it O:<

Band/Singer:Oh Gosh...Muse, Paramore, Foo Fighters,Midnight youth-goes to youtube-


Role Model:Blah =P

ExpressionxD, =D and :3


First Big Achievement:IDK

First Risk I Ever Took:Um.IDK

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:I DO NOT KNOW

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:CHRISTMAS

First Rule I'd Make As President:To ban all child abuse


Last Book That Inspired Me:My story

Last Movie I Cried At:None

Last Celeb I Crushed On:You don't know him.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:Dance

Last Advice I got That Worked:My brother told me that when I bend my feet whilst landing I won't get groundshock

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:Being Kind

Worst:Quick Temper

Best Talents:Acting

Worst:Singing X.X

Best Class or Subjects:English and PE


Best Memories:IDK

Worst:Getting freaked by a stethescope.A REAL ONE D':

Best Years:Um...Last year.


What if i don't like to post the things about me?!?

TamaMumEdit: No need to reply to the topic :rolleyes:

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About Me

Name: Beth..any [Grrrrr]

Nickname: Beth or Bethie. Else you will die in your sleep

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: If I told you it wouldn't be secret, would it?

Online Me!

Email: [email protected] (Do not sell to Mafia. Or else)

Blog: None

IM: [email protected] // [email protected]

I game online at: Runescape (Not been on in a while, making a new account. If you want to know my username, pm me)


Color: I don't have one. All the other colours would feel left out

Smell: Cookie, or anything from Lush xD

Sound: Babies laughing (xD) or music

Snack: Chocolate <33

Stress Food: My nails

Weekend Activity: Computer, duh! I have no life

Hiding Place: The woods in my town

Hobbies: Dance, acrobatics, computer, and...uh....other stuff

TV Series: Two and a Half Men/ Spongebob Squarepants/ Everybody Loves Raymond/ other stuff

Movie: Harry Potter series <3

Book: Harry Potter series <3

Band/Singer: Evanescence/ PATD/ stuff like that

Celeb: Ryan Ross <3

Role Model: Amy Lee

Expression: a glare xD


First Big Achievement: Dancing in London. Saddlers Wells and Royal Albert Hall

First Risk I Ever Took: I wouldn't say I've took any risks in my life...

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Er....I dunno...leant to use the big girl potty? xD

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I first saw my sister :)

First Rule I'd Make As President: Er...Twilight is made illegal


Last Book That Inspired Me: Maximum Ride series. It's amazing :)

Last Movie I Cried At: Marley and Me.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Ryan Ross <3

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Try to get to sleep

Last Advice I got That Worked: Er...I can't remember. Advice from you guys, I think

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:Erm... I dunno xD I'm kinda funny, and a bit mad

Worst: I get moody really easy.

Best Talents: Erm, I can dance and I play the piano and guitar

Worst: Singing xD and maybe acting

Best Class or Subjects: Music,

Worst: PE. I'm rubbish at it

Best Memories: Whenever I've been on stage during a pantomime or dance show. The thrill is amazing <3

Worst: When I left Primary School. It was so sad ):

Best Years: Round 2003-2006

Worst: Probably 2009. It's been the best and the worst.

About Me

Name: Kendal.

Nickname: It varies.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: I'm an invisible secret agent. Ooh, mysterious.

Online Me!

Email: Classifieddd.

Blog: None.

IM: Classified.

I game online at: None.


Color: Purple.

Smell: Sour stuff?

Sound: Rain, walking on crunchy leaves and pebbles.

Snack: Fudgeee. Or just sweets in general.. x3 My sweet tooth is very peckish lately. ):

Stress Food: Huh?

Weekend Activity: Chilling at home. On my own. Go me. -.-'

Hiding Place: Under my duvet.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, music, TEXTING.

TV Series: Doctor Who ftw. Although David Tennant will always be my doctor. ;)

Movie: Don't knooow.

Book: Don't knoow.

Band/Singer: Stephen Jerzak, Nevershoutnever!, HeyHiHello!, Plug In Stereo, Lights and Letters, All Time Low, Short Stack, Paramore, We The Kings, Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber, Fall Out Boy, Casting Crowns..

Celeb: Tom Felton. End of. Except for Nick Jonas, Braundy, Christofer Drew, Stephen Jerzak, Alex Gaskarth..

Role Model: Jesus.

Expression: Occasionally happy.


First Big Achievement: Finding friends.

First Risk I Ever Took: Hmm.. Might have to get back to you on that.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: ...

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Ooh. Probably when I was a kid. x3

First Rule I'd Make As President: NO WAR. Fudge is free.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Idk.

Last Movie I Cried At: Idk, but it was only a couple of days ago.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Stephen Jerzak.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Watch countless episodes of JONAS, WOWP, The Suite Life on Deck and.. HANNAH MONTANA. It's no real wonder why I don't have friends. ;D

Last Advice I got That Worked: Idk.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: .. None.

Worst: Mostly everything.. Especially jealous-ness-ish-y.. x3

Best Talents: I wouldn't say I have any.

Worst: Hm, quite a few.

Best Class or Subjects: Music, History, English, Art.

Worst: PE. I fail. And German. It makes me angry for some reason. :3

Best Memories: OMD. I'm messed up! o_O NEARLY all my best memories are based on this guy.. Eurgh. Cringe. I'm only thirteen. -.-

Worst: Arguements, etc.

Best Years: Probably when I was still in SA.

Worst: 08/09.

Ooh. I've learned so much more about myself.

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About Me



Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:The ninja that lives in your house and steals your food.

Online Me!

Email:[email protected]



I game online at:Adventure quest.I'm a nerd :)


Color:All of them


Sound:Music <3


Stress Food:Ice-Cream

Weekend Activity:Computer.

Hiding Place:In your room, feeding your cat/dog/snail

Hobbies:Drawing, Listening to music.

TV Series:The simpsons, Family guy, Yo Gabba Gabba, Spongebob.

Movie:I dunno.I'm gonna see Alice In Wonderland. so I think that's it.


Band/Singer:MUSE.MUSE.MUUUUSE.Foo Fighters :p


Role Model:Chuck Norris :D

Expression: LOLNO.


First Big Achievement:pfft, I dunno

First Risk I Ever Took:Backchatted my grandma :(

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:I dunno

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:On the computer with a bag of skittles <3

First Rule I'd Make As President:To make EVERYONE own a snail.Unless they disliked them for a GOOD reason.


Last Book That Inspired Me:I don't know

Last Movie I Cried At:I don't cry at movies.

Last Celeb I Crushed On:None O_O

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:Listen to music and goof around

Last Advice I got That Worked:Don't know

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:polite.Friendly.Honest.Easygoing.Happy.


Best Talents:Drawing.Reading.Writing.


Best Class or Subjects:English and PE


Best Memories:My friend's birthday sleepover.

Worst:Getting annoyed at people D:

Best Years:2009, 2006, 2007


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About Me

Name: Elizabeth

Nickname: Liz, LizFish

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Nikolaevich [ Undercover Russian name ]

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: Classified

IM: Classified

I game online at: DoMO


Color: Black / White

Smell: Coffee

Sound: Rain

Snack: Scones

Stress Food: Popsicles

Weekend Activity: Going to the bookstore / Internet cafe.

Hiding Place: Outside

Hobbies: Drawing, Writing

TV Series: Heroes

Movie: Star Trek

Book: Hater by David Moody

Band/Singer: My Chemical Romance

Celeb: Zachary Quinto

Role Model: Gerard Way

Expression: A smirk


First Big Achievement: I was accepted into a top college for art classes.

First Risk I Ever Took: I auditioned for the talent show.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Dress myself

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Whole family rented and stayed at a huge beach house in SC, I was seven.

First Rule I'd Make As President: BECOME ONE WITH RUSSIA.


Last Book That Inspired Me: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Last Movie I Cried At: Brokeback Mountain

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Dan Byrd

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Listen to classical music, read comic books.

Last Advice I Got That Worked: Don't forget about yesterday, if you want to learn about tomorrow.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Clever, Humorous

Worst: Shy, Unsocial

Best Talents: Drawing, Writing

Worst: Sports, Speeches

Best Class or Subjects: Art, English

Worst: Physical Education, Math

Best Memories: Meeting my friends that are the best today.

Worst: All the bad things that happened during my life.

Best Years: Last year, and this year.

Worst: 08' - 07'

About Me

Name: Joshua

Nickname: Josh (= O)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: waht

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]


IM: MDPSOCK (aim and MSN)

I game online at: Runescape


Color: Green

Smell: Morning ( If that makes any sense . . . )

Sound: Someone knocking on the door. :U

Snack: Onion

Stress Food: Onion

Weekend Activity: Computer/Hiding in trashcans then popping out when a kid is walking past my house

Hiding Place: Rarely used right side of the house. WITH A TRASHCAN =D

Hobbies: Computer, swimming, fishing, writing, commentaries, the arts, etc,.

TV Series: Ed, Edd, N' Eddy

Movie: The Wolfman

Book: Double Fudge

Band/Singer: Three Days Grace/ Jonathon Coulton

Celeb: Dunno

Role Model: Dunno

Expression: Smirk


First Big Achievement:

First Risk I Ever Took:

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: USE A STRAW = O

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:

First Rule I'd Make As President: Advance space exploration for military purposes.


Last Book That Inspired Me:

Last Movie I Cried At: I am Legend

Last Celeb I Crushed On:

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Shut off the PC

Last Advice I got That Worked:

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Sly, guy who looks forward to everything.

Worst: From time to time I'll make a pretty dark joke.

Best Talents: Writing, Comedy, and drawing expressions.

Worst: Drawing hands and anything "sporty".

Best Class or Subjects: History

Worst: Science

Best Memories: Bro's wedding,

Worst: Drowning

Best Years: 2010 (so far)

Worst: 2009 and 2008

About Me;;

Name: Clara.

Nickname: Caarl; Laarc / lark.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Клара Брагинский. Hahaheheh. :'3


Color: Grey .. blueish grey.

Smell: Beer; mango juice; clay.

Sound: Pencils clattering; horse hoofs.

Snack: Hm .. whatever I can find?

Stress Food: Basically anything chocolatey.

Weekend Activity: Going shopping; or just being who I want to be.

Hiding Place: My hobbit hole. That's right.

TV Series: That '70's Show; Everybody Hates Chris.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle .. very, very soon.

Book: Mathilda by Roald Dahl; Holes by Louis Sachar; The Giver by Lois Lowry.

Expression: A fangirly face.


First Big Achievement: Became the first in my kindergarten class to spell `computer` all on my own.

First Risk I Ever Took: Life is full of risks .. so I can't pick one.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: To hold back my tears when I got told off.

I was an unbelievable crybaby back then.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Must have been in kindergarten .. but I dunno.

First Rule I'd Make As President: To let the world become one with Russia; in accordance with hostile up there.


Last Book That Inspired Me: It's been a while since I read anything so ..

Last Movie I Cried At: None. I'm very heartless.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: James Maslow.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Just stare at the ceiling like an idiot.

Last Advice I Got That Worked: Because I'm hopelessly stubborn, I don't take people's advice.

My Best & Worst;;

Best Personality Traits: Nada. You tell me?

Worst: Unsocial; too quiet; sometimes too loud; overly stubborn.

Best Talents: err - writing? Typing fast?

Worst: Anything physical. x.x

Best Class or Subjects: My mother tongue. That would be English.

Worst: Math; though I'm improving a tad; Biology; Physics; Chemistry .. basically everything.

I might underestimate myself, though. Maybe. I dunno.

Best Memories: Can't say, really.

Worst: Too many to count.

Best Years: 1995 - 1999; 2000 - 2003; 2006 - 2007; 2008 - 2009.

Worst: 1999 - 2000; 2003 - 2005; 2007 - 2008; 2009 - 2010.

About Me

Name: Roosa

Nickname: Rose

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Relix, a magical princess from the cloudworld and the leader of the magical girl team Lilias Club >:3 (Don't laugh. Made it up on like 2nd grade)

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: No blog


I game online at: Lots of them


Color: Pink

Smell: Vanillaish smell

Sound: Music

Snack: Ice cream

Stress Food: Chocolate...? (Stress food?)

Weekend Activity: Computer, friends... :D

Hiding Place: My room (Baaaad place to hide)

Hobbies: Reading manga, listening to music, nothing special

TV Series: You wouldn't know the show, it's a finnish soup opera. Also this one sketch show that ended already...

Movie: Twilight movies <3

Book: Twilight books <3

Band/Singer: Lady Gaga

Celeb: Robert Pattinson <333

Role Model: Uhh... I don't have one

Expression: Expression...? Hmm... Pikachu expression :DD (Don't ask)


First Big Achievement: To go past 1st grade I guess :'DD

First Risk I Ever Took: I don't know :) Too hard questions!

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Haven't done much grown-up things...

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Like I can remember!!

First Rule I'd Make As President: No homework. It doesn't help anyone, it's useless and painful


Last Book That Inspired Me: Twilight. Totally.

Last Movie I Cried At: At the end of Marley & Me :'DDD

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Robert Pattinson (still <3)

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Listen to my iPod

Last Advice I got That Worked: Some advice on how to watch stereogramms :p

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm pretty smart ;)

Worst: Sometimes I act the wrong way in some situations :)

Best Talents: Uuuhhh... I can draw quite well? And write?

Worst: I suck at any sports B) (

Best Class or Subjects: English :D For now...

Worst: P.E. like I said...

Best Memories: All the summer memories :D

Worst: All the countless embarassing moments on my life :l

Best Years: 2005,2006,2007

Worst: Last year *shivers*

I'm rem-doing mine, because I've changed in the last however many months o.o

About Me

Name: Bethany. >_>

Nickname: Beth or Bethie or Bethy by my cousin. And Piglet (Don't ask xD)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: It's a secrettt

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: None. But me and my friend do have a vlog/random channe on Youtube. RandomProductionsYea. Check us out.

IM: [email protected]

I game online at: Neopets (bethiegoesrawr) and I stil haven't got around to making that Runescape account. I will after posting this, promise. PM if you want my username


Color: Turquiose or

Smell: Cinnamon!

Sound: My sister laughing, it the cutest thing xD And music.

Snack: Crisps, but not plain normal ones. Ew. Like, Nik Naks and Skips and stuff.

Stress Food: Anything within reach that I can bite. Ew, that sounds wrong.

Weekend Activity: Computer, possibly learning some coding. /nerd

Hiding Place: My room, or just around the town, somewhere quiet.

Hobbies: Listening to music, computer, DS, stuff like that.

TV Series: South Park, The Simpsons, Futurama, King Of Queens, lots of variety.

Movie: I allowed to say stuff I haven't seen? Alice in Wonderland, my friends said it was amazing. And Shutter Island sounds good.

Book: Harry Potter, or Maximum Ride. And Ways To Live Forever

Band/Singer: Evanescence

Celeb: Either Ryan Ross or Russell Howard (British comedian, look him up.)

Role Model: Anyone who's doing okay and isn't into addiction or anything.

Expression: :3


First Big Achievement: Not sure I can't think back that far xD

First Risk I Ever Took: Erm...not sure

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Again, I don't know

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I'm not sure now :/

First Rule I'd Make As President: Eh, I'd go for free will.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Ways To Live Forever. I read it again. And yes, I cried.

Last Movie I Cried At: Stil Marley and Me. One, I haven't seen any movies in a long time. Two, I'm not an emotional person.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Russell Howard. He has glasses now and he's so cute in them :3

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Think about random situations and stuff I want to happen

Last Advice I got That Worked: I don't know. I don't generally ask for advice, or follow advice.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I stay calm, I'm kind of funny, kind of.

Worst: I'm not one to show emotions, I keep it bottled up.

Best Talents: Playing guitar, piano, drawing. Oh, dancing.

Worst: Singing x3

Best Class or Subjects: History (highest mark on my report) and Maths. But, in terms of favourite, Music.

Worst: PE.

Best Memories: Too many to put.

Worst: Rather not say, it's personal

Best Years: This year, 2009.

Worst: Erm...I'm not sure...I can't remember what year all my bad stuff happened.

About Me

Name: Kristin Laurie

Nickname: Kristin / Kriss / Krissi / Kay

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: It wouldn't be a secret if I told you...

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: None

IM: [email protected]

I game online at: None


Color: Black

Smell: Stride Gum [mostly the wintergreen kind]

Sound: None...?

Snack: Bagel

Stress Food: Wintergreen Stride Gum

Weekend Activity: Physically torturing my cousin Watching movies and Playing Zelda

Hiding Place: In my closet, stuffed into the dresser drawers. 8D

Hobbies: Writing stories

TV Series: Hell's Kitchen, Biggest Loser, The Simpsons, Amazing Race, Survivor

Movie: Land of the Lost

Book: Dragons in our Midst series

Band/Singer: P!ATD and Owl City

Celeb: None

Role Model: None

Expression: The awkward one with big eyes and a half smile.


First Big Achievement: Winning the gold medal in my class for the school science fair

First Risk I Ever Took: Climbing to the top of my tree and jumping down Dx

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Helped the little ones at school

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Managing to tell my cousin off...?

First Rule I'd Make As President: Uhm... I dunno.


Last Book That Inspired Me: None

Last Movie I Cried At: None

Last Celeb I Crushed On: None

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: I dunno...?

Last Advice I got That Worked: None

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I can beat up most of the boys in my class...?

Worst: I get pxssed at people easily

Best Talents: Piano

Worst: Anything involving work

Best Class or Subjects: Science

Worst: Phys Ed

Best Memories: Toronto =D

Worst: Getting sick on my birthday D:

Best Years: 2009

Worst: I don't know

About Me!

Name: That's classified. ;D

Nickname: Just Halcyon, or Hallie lol.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: THE CLING.

Online Me!

Email: Rather not give out.


IM: Same as email.

I game online at: RUUUUUNESCAPE.


Color: Red.

Smell: Joop! cologne.

Sound: Matthew Wright's scream in Streetlight.

Snack: Mango frozen yoghurt or mi-goreng.

Stress Food: Ice cream, and tonnes of it.

Weekend Activity: Sleeping for the win.

Hiding Place: Wardrobe.

Hobbies: Drawing manga, reading, writing short stories and novels.

TV Series: Gossip Girl, True Blood & Brothers and Sisters.

Movie: 500 Days of Summer & Mean Girls.

Book: Too many haha.

Band/Singer: Again, too many.

Celeb: Katherine Heigl.

Role Model: Audrey Kitching.

Expression: YEW.


First Big Achievement: 100% in all outcomes - Japanese year eight.

First Risk I Ever Took: Probably getting maggot at the formal after party lol.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Grow up? Lol.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Probably when I escaped from my mother's uterus.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Discontinue production of all lad clothing.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Promise of the Wolves.

Last Movie I Cried At: No idea.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: ROB LOWE. Mega babe.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Message Jake.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Hahaha. It's inappropriate.

My Best & Worst!

Best Personality Traits: Creativity, modesty and maturity.

Worst: Dishonesty and manipulation.

Best Talents: Drawing and writing.

Worst: Painting. Lol.

Best Class or Subjects: Art and Drama.

Worst: At the moment, Community and Family Studies. I never go to class.

Best Memories: These last few months with Jake, seeing The Getaway Plan a year ago, and Soundwave.

Worst: Boxing Day last year, last January and my birthday last year.

Best Years: I suppose this one so far, and two years ago.

Worst: Last year was unbelievably horrible.

About Me

Name: Classified.

Nickname: Also classified. ;D

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Lol. Lame.

Online Me!

Email: Classified.

Blog: ^^

IM: ^^

I game online at: Pokemon Crater. Lol no.


Color: Purple.

Smell: Despite how creepy this is, the smell on a shirt one of my friends gave me.

Sound: A certain someone's voice.

Snack: Yoghurt.

Stress Food: Pork. :mad:

Weekend Activity: Sleeping?

Hiding Place: Your mum. No probably under my bed.

Hobbies: Photography, playing guitar.

TV Series: Xena.

Movie: The Lake House.

Book: The Hard Way by Lee Child.

Band/Singer: Lydia.

Celeb: Leelee Sobieski.

Role Model: No idea.

Expression: "BINTANG!"


First Big Achievement: Lol dux of primary maybe? Not that that's cool or anything.

First Risk I Ever Took: Kissing that guy in like year three lol.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: I'm yet to do something like that.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: February 24.

First Rule I'd Make As President: I honestly have no idea.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta. How sad that it was a text for English.

Last Movie I Cried At: Don't remember.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Leighton Meester obvz.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Text someone.

Last Advice I got That Worked: "Just breathe." Lol dead set.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm a really good listener I guess.

Worst: I'm too self-conscious, and it really shows.

Best Talents: Lol I have none.

Worst: -__-

Best Class or Subjects: CAFS maybe?

Worst: Legal. .__.

Best Memories: October 13, February 24.

Worst: I don't know...

Best Years: 2009 without a doubt. <3

Worst: 2006 was hell.

About Me

Name: Samantha.

Nickname: Sammi, Samuel, Sam.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: classified:)

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]


IM: [email protected]

I game online at: Nothing.


Color: Topaz.

Smell: Warm Vanilla Sugar.

Sound: Ocean.

Snack: Chesse-its.

Stress Food: Chocolate.

Weekend Activity: Internet.

Hiding Place: Outside in the woods.

Hobbies: Reading, Writing.

TV Series: House M.D&Bones.

Movie: Saw&Hostel.

Book: Handle with Care.

Band/Singer: BrokenCYDE/Vanessa Carlton.

Celeb: Megan Fox, duh.

Role Model: No one.

Expression: C:


First Big Achievement: Graduating Pre-School.

First Risk I Ever Took: Ha. I don't remember.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Went to the toilet alone.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: With Tyler.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Making same sex marriage legal.


Last Book That Inspired Me: All UnQuiet Things.

Last Movie I Cried At: The Blind Side.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Zachary Quinto.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Listen to w.a.m.s.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Nada.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Loving.

Worst: Jealousy.

Best Talents: Photography.

Worst: Singing.

Best Class or Subjects: Social Studies.

Worst: Math.

Best Memories: My math teacher singing Party in the U.S.A.

Worst: Getting my first detention :chohimetchi:

Best Years: Seventh Grade.

Worst: Eighth Grade.

About Me:

Name: Katie

Nickname: Oh I have lots.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Uh...

Online Me!:

Email: [email protected]


IM: xkawaiikatie (AIM), xoxokatierella (MSN)

I game online at: Nowhere.


Color: Red and purple. But not together.

Smell: I'm not sure.

Sound: Boys with beautiful voices.

Snack: Granola bars.

Stress Food: Cookies, mac and cheese.

Weekend Activity: Friends, etc.

Hiding Place: Bedroom.

Hobbies: Guitar, singing, photography, reading.

TV Series: Grey's Anatomy, Glee.

Movie: 500 Days Of Summer.

Book: The Virgin Suicides, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, My Sister's Keeper.

Band/Singer: All Time Low, Bright Eyes, Underoath.

Celeb: Alex Gaskarth.

Role Model: Jesus Christ.

Expression: Um, I like it when I'm happy.


First Big Achievement: Breathing.

First Risk I Ever Took: Living.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: I don't know.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Brief moments.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Oh God, I don't have a clue.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Dante's Inferno.

Last Movie I Cried At: Not sure, probably The Notebook ages ago.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Alex, always.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Pray.

Last Advice I Got That Worked: Not a clue.

My Best & Worst:

Best Personality Traits: Laid back, grounded.

Worst: Talk too much, over analytical, moody.

Best Talents: I'm not sure.

Worst: Not making a fool of myself.

Best Class or Subjects: Japanese, World Cultures.

Worst: Algebra II, Chemistry.

Best Memories: Being with those I love.

Worst: Oh dear.

Best Years: Up until this point, I'd say this year.

Worst: Late 2006, spring 2008.

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