all friends poll... who do you like best?


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I had to go with all!I love Kuchipatchi!And memetchi!Mametchi is awsome to!

I currently have a mametchi! :)

Mametchi. Because I have one right now. <3~

It's so cute. ;D

i chose all because their all so cute and i have had all 3 of them!!

if u were wondering which versions i got the characters on here is the info

mametchi had on v4

memetchi had on v3

ura kuchipatchi had on v4.5

sorry i felt like writing that in anyway i have lots of fave characters so thats why i chose the last opition!!

Mametchi is everywhere D:<

He's on the front of most tamas

He one tama island in the v3 tama town

On an ad, for tamagotchi plush toys, mametchi's at the front!

Kuchipatchi should be the best. *nod nod*

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