all my tamas are awesome ahahaha


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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2009
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ok I have 6 tamas and I love them all so much

my v2




side note: I'm trying to make it like forever ever ever

my v3




side note: he is really fat

my v4.5




side note: I don't like him much

my v5

name: the mango family

gender:boy girl boy mom dad

tama:nemutchi yonepatchi mumutchi memepapatchi mamapatchi

side note:no side note

my music star/v6




side note:music:hip hop star ranking:9th

my tmgc+c/tamagotchi plus color




side note:my fav

well those are all my tamas

come on stupid berry see a shooting star aaaaa this is frusterating :angry: <_<

I'll post tomarrow untill then

gumdrop37 out B)

please pm me if you like my log also I'm on here almost every day so look forward to a new reply almost every day aaaaawwwwwwwww my v2 is sleeping and my color I'm sad ;) :eek: :( ;) mmmmmmm

-_- ok I'm so bored and nothing has happened to my tamas except that all of my tama are asleep crappypoos berry is so cute when she sleeps I just want to squeeze her


berry: ow mommy that hurt :)

ooo sorry sweety now go back to bed or no more donuts

berry: ok but can you read me a story

sure ok but while I'm tell you this story you have to try to go to sleep

berry: ok mommy

once apon a time there was a tamagotchi named berry and


ok good she is asleep because I did not no where that story was going ok well I think I'm going to get a tamagotchi v4 or another v3 off amazon idk all I need to know is that if my tamagotchi color doesn't turn into a teen tomarrow I'll be sad

I'll be back sometime

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

hey I'm back and I'm so happy my little berry turned into chamametchi

I'm so pround

berry:thanks mom

bean:what about me

mustard:and me

the mango family:and us


cream:when I was a kid.......

oh cream stop with your old when I was a kid story

cream:eek:k then what about me

you know I'm proud of all of you

everyone:thankyou mom

ok now be good little children and leave your mom alone

jeez tamas they need so much attention

anyway I just wanted to tell you about berry turning into a teen and nothing else has really happened exept when cream eats her food it takes two times longer it is creeping me out it is like she needs to chew her food anyway I've never seen that happen before exept when my sisters tama was doing it ok well I have to go I'll be back later

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

ps I forgot to tell you olive does not make any sound on my tamagotchi so he is mute it is kinda sad but true :D

ok I forgot to show you what my tamagotchis look like these are not my pics

:) my tmgc+c

:angry: my v6

B) my v5

:angry: my v4.5

:D my v3

:angry: my v2

there are my tamagotchis and remember these are not my pics

well see you later

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

I love getting a new pm so please pm me yay

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ok well I'm really bored so I'm going to show you pics of what types of tamas I have :D

v2 character

v3 character

v4.5 character

one v5 character

v6 character

tmgc+c character

these are not my pics and I'm sorry that some of them are really small

ok well my v2 us to be one of these B) but then she turned into an oldy :angry:

opps I mean old :angry:

cream:hey It isn't my fault I transformed

oh yes it is now go back to being bored

cream:why mom?

because I said so so go now!!!

cream:*hides in corner continues on being bored*


well now that is over mustard is an adult and I've had him for awhile now so I hope he gets married soon yay then I'd jump for joy but now I'm still on the ground hoping he finds a nice pretty lady at his side :) yeah hopefully one of those that would be awesome I hope I get another boy

awwww olive you pooped why didn't you tell me?


oh yeah you can't speak well I'll just clean that up for you

olive:........... ....... .. :)

what? :huh:

olive:........... ....... .. :lol:

oh just go away I can't understand

olive:.......!*goes and plays with its clone*

well I have to go feed my tamagotchi color I'll be back later

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

yay so happy my v4.5 had a baby boy with a uramemetchi I think I might name him nut hehe I like that name







I think they are having a telepathic conversation maybe they can read eachothers minds


o guys would you just stop


uuuuuggggghhhhhh :D

finally I gave them a hat and they just went nuts with it :mellow:

I hope mustard has a baby soon :eek: he would be such a good dad

mustard:yes I would wouldn't I

I just said you would and you would because I raised you

mustard:yeah but just because you raised me doesn't prove that I would be a great dad I might just be a great dad cause I raised yourself

ooooooh whatever just go back to practicing


I love his voice It is so lovely he likes rock n roll ;) ok well that is all I wanted to say see you later

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

yay I got a space character on my v5

so today I woke up and the first thing I did was go to the mating show and I chose to marry the sun looking tama and now I only have one baby yay actually It already turned Into a child yay It looks like a star

daughter of the mango family: I'm so pretty arn't I mommy

dad of the mango family:eek:f course your pretty right mom

of course your are all pretty

the mango family:thanks you are pretty to

aww thanks

ok don't tell olive and nut but I'm going to have to restart them for a group hatching I'm doing on august 1st

in other news

I thought the match maker came today on my music star but the guitar just gave me money :( :D :( :D :furawatchi: :p :) :D :( I want him to get married waaaa :( :( :( :( I need to go get a tissue I'll be back later

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

my berry is going to transform tomarrow

I just now it I hope she becomes this :)

that would be cute I hope she does

berry: I hope I do to mommy

thats good

berry: I want to marry that hot guy I saw at the park yesterday

hey you are not getting married until you are 4 so stop talking about it

berry: fine but I still want to marry him

oh watever just go outside and play in the rain

berry:eek:k yay this is so fun*runs out side*hey it is kinda cold out here*wants back In but I won't let her in because she is wet*waaaa waaaa I want in

NO you will get mud all over the floor so shut up and stay outside

berry:whimper whimper

I can't wait until she is an adult I want her to have a boy and then He is going to grow into that old fart haha

well I need to go I'll be back later

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

yay my berry turned into furawatchi she is so cute :blink:

In other news

olive left nut and when I work up nut was crying silently

it was so sad :D oh well I will be saying good bye to him on the first


oh yeah sorry but I forgot to tell you I'm going to have to restart you It isn't because I don't like you I just joined a group hatching and that is why

Nut:.......!*hides In corner silently cries and tries to enjoy the rest of his life*

well that is all I really came here to say be back later

til then this is gumdrop37 out :p

I forgot to tell you that both bean and mustard had a baby :huh: but bean already left his baby boy and I named him lime and mustard married one of these ;) and had a baby girl I think I am going to name her BBQ

and there band will be the grill hehe mustards band was dinner and bun, his mom, was named basket hehe :huh: :huh: :huh: haha oh yeah my v5 space character turned into a moon looking thing named mikazukitchi aaahhh scary long name :) don't eat me :huh: well I will be back later

til then this is gumdrop37 out :huh:

today mustard left BBQ it was so sad

BBQ: cry cry cry

hang in there little girl it will be ok

I felt so bad in the morning cause she is so cute and she is crying and stuff I was like B) ;) :( -_- :( B) :( yeah that was about how I acted well it is now a kid the one that looks like a star and now my v5 is a moon looking thing my v2 is still an old lady my v4.5 looks like a diamond and my v3 is the kid with the mohawk and my color is still :furawatchi:this thing when it has a baby I hope she has a boy cause I want to see how long he can live But I don't want to keep the girl cause I already have a old grandma she is 10 now she is old that is my oldest living tama and my v3 is on its 4th generation that is the most I have had for any of my tamas ;) not impressed I am not either oh yeah yesterday I undebugged my tamagotchis but I still have to same characters I was getting annoyed with the fast forwarding whenever I accidentally pressed the c button :D it got annoying and I also undebugged my sisters she was scared :eek: why :D because she thought I might break the sound wire like on my v4.5 but I didn't :p but it looked like It almost did oh well I don't think we are going to take apart our tamas anymore after we learned our lesson about the sound wires :eek: worsed lesson ever just kidding ;) well I will be back later wow this post is long well

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

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yay my color had a baby but it was a girl wa wa ;) :D -_- ;) B) :( :D grrrr I am mad I wanted a boy I don't want an old lady wa well I have to go I will be back

til then this is gumdrop37 out :(

omg I forgot to name my baby girl her name is bagel and she turned into chamametchi same with my music star

BBQ is in an awesome rock band named grill with jenny the apple thing and daniel the monkey thing :D it rocks every thing is the same exept my v3 turned into this rocket looking thing that I have know Idea what is called :angry: :angry: well I got to go be back later

til then this is gumdrop37 out B)

yesterday my v5 turned into sunnytchi and I am thinking about getting a tamawalkie they look so awesome and I go on walks all the time so I think my mom might get it for me when she finds out I have to workout to take care of it :mellow: aaaahhh more walking but I have to walk alot of places so maybe I can just keep it on my pants at school on silent or something does anyone know if you can turn off the sound on those if you can can you pm me and tell me and anyway at school I can just tell every one it is a pedometer cause it is and I can just put it on the clock screen :D yay clock screen and also can you pm me and tell me If they die thanks and I am going to change my ending

gumdrop37 B)

awesome 100 views thanks for reading and I did not reset nut sorry :( I had to do something but at least I can keep nut well I am going to let my music star turn into an oldy and see how old it can get when it is an even generation then I get a cool old grandma or grandpa hehe well my BBQ turned into mimitchi she is cute but she is my second mimitchi I am sad :( oh well oh yeah I forgot to ask can you pause a tamawalkie please pm me if you know and can you also pause an angelgotchi cause I am going to get either one of those thanks

gumdrop37 B)
