All of a sudden,


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Aug 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hey friends!

Jus, it's Ripped_Jeans.


Back from her trip.

She also has a new account. =]

I think...

Darn. My tamas are dead,

3 year olds and tamagotchis don't mix.



Green camo v4


Date 'n' time....


It's a...Lady tama :(

Girl, in other words.

named: Rhia


Nemo fishy blue v5


Battery insertion,


First baby hatched,

second baby hatched,

third baby....hatched. =]

Family name:Kyoko


Ttyl, tamatalk.

-Desi [OhMyJeezI'mBack]

7 views =D

They evolved! Wh00pWh00p!

I forgot to individually name my v5!


Middle guy:boy:mousetchi named: Will

side guy:girl:Belltchi named: Lilly

other side guy:boy:Mattaratchi named: Justin [NOT beiber.]


I was hoping for something more exciting.

Ah well.

and Rhia is a Harutchi.

Color code:

Me [blueviolet]

Lilly [red]

Rhia [blue]

Justin [green]

Will [orange]


Now, my tamas will talk to you!


HELLO! I'm Lily! I look like a bell! haha.

I'm Justin. and I HATE that 10 year old girl, Justina Beiber. [sorry fans, it's how I feel!]

It's Will. I look like a jukebox! How cool, right?

HI. I'm Rhia. I have mail and I look like a fat Mametchi. like...5 times smaller though.

Oh, I think you look good, Rhia!

-whispers to Justin- she's a good liar huh?


-rolls eyes- you just like Rhia.



What boys! Ha. They both like you.


-Justin and Will- NOO!!

At least they aren't fighting...That much...



I am sorry I didn't reply earlier.

I was busy


The tam-tams are sleeping so,

That's all until tomoro.


-Desi [20Views]


I am making coffee.

I hope I will be awake enough to make a semi-long post.

I have 28 views.

Pretty good.

I woke up somewhat late so, the tamas aren't in the best shape =[

Rhia is sick. And has poop.


All butter =]

The only problem is that she is kinda...fat.

AM NOT! ='[ I am perfect.

If you don't think 30 pounds is over weight, then...

pfft. You are the one who doesn't play games with me! T.T


SHE IS FINE! don't bother her.

I'm just--

She doesn't look fat!


FINE! She isn't fat.

But...I think we are all going to play some games today.

Lots of games.

Oh, and Rhia has mail.

1 star mail and...a robber =[

he took 300 points.

Leaving us with nothing =[

-Desi [stopping short.]


did I mention that Rhia got accepted into preschool?

Well, I just did.

I like the noises in the v5.

They area more high pitched and cute.

But original is always better.

My computer is making weird noises.

Oh, Will was talking to the fridge earlier.

I am not sure why Bandai decided that would be a good animation.


It's still cute.

Aw, the Kyoko's still have 0% bonding.

I'll work on that.


Rhia just got another star mail.

I have NO fanmail.

Here, the tamas will talk, I guess.


Hey, Justin, How do you like this dress?

It's...puffy. Why are you looking at dresses?

My wedding of course!

YOUR wedding? Pfft.

Yeah, try MY wedding. I am the oldest. I am OBVIOUSLY going to marry a Memetchi.

Uhm, no! I am going to marry a Kuchipatchi and have a beautiful outdoor wedding.

No, you guys both have it wrong. I am going to marry a Violetchi. Chea!

I am sooo glad I have no siblings. I am going to get married no matter what. Pahaha.

Well hey, We will just let Desi pick. when the time comes.

Thanks! ha. now, lets stop talking about it!

So, PM me about who you think should marry!

The first PM gets it!


I have still not played any games with Rhia =[

Still fat.




Hello =]

Still 0% bonding D=

Not good...

AND...Rhia is sick again.

OH! Did I mention that I saved her life?

[of course not, it happened like 5 minutes ago.]

Well I did and it was very scary.

I was talking to my friend and playing The Sims 2 AND listening to NSN.

Then I heard the death song. o_O

So I tried grabbing a pen but I couldn't find one.

so I had to sharpen a pencil real fast.

then I poked it.

And she was ok. =]

I am a LIFE SAVER! the green ones. its my favorite flavor X]

I better go play games with them =]


Oh hai.

I am sorry I didn't post anymore last night. I went to a concert :wacko:

I woke up kinda late this morning and...Guess what,

Rhia evolved. Into a bad care character.

She is a Ojiyatchi. I think...

No wait, it's a Ojyotchi. yeah.

But still, I wasn't good to her. and I didn't play enough games. =[

She is also sick =[

Oh, she has an application for school!

I think I will put her in...Glamor school or whatever


okay, enough about her.

the Kyoko's are still at 0%!!!!

I will work on that.

and they are still toddlers.

I can't wait for them to evolve!

I think that is all for now...



The Kyokos didn't evolve. I also have NO fanmails.

WAY-ULL, I think the tamas might want to talk.

I don't. :(

Rhia is being a teenager these days. -rolls eyes-

What about you guys?

I just want to know who can get married.

The fans are going to pick me. After all I AM the only girl.

I am the oldest!

That doesn't matter. It's all about personality.

Which is why I am going to get married.

SEE?! This is what I am dealing with.

PM me and help with this problem. Please =]


Will is talking to the fridge.

This is what I hear:

I am sorry but you can't have any soda without Desi's permission!

Listen! I take a soda from inside of you and I DON'T tell Desi this happened and...We will be tight!

I don't even know if I have any soda.

Open up, lemme see.

I don't th--


-opens door, reluctantly-

Wh-wh-wha-what?????? Who drank all the Sunkist? and replaced it with DIET PEPSI!!!



Calm down, Will.

yeah, Will.


GAH! help meh!

PM me too.


Evenin' ladies and gents.

I know that somebody read my log.

because I have 6 more views than before.

but I still have no PM's.


But I don't really care.

I do care about who is getting married.

well...Not a lot with them.

Oh wait, I got Rhia's weight down to 19 =D

And she has a mail, hold on.

I got a mail!

Oh no!

It's a snake =[

Some body sent me an angry snake in the mail!

That's not nice. Now I need to be played with because I am having mood swings.

And I just lost all my hearts.

Right away!


Oh, did I forget?!

The Kyoko's evolved!!

Will: Bakutchi

Lily: Ichigotchi

Justin: Mamekatchi

Yay! ha.

And so now I REALLY need to know who should get married.


4 teenagers at once.

This might be tough!

and I got the kyoko's bonds up to 20% =]

not the best but its something!


Afternoon, Fellers.

Not much has happened today.

but I might be busy later so...

I won't reply til later tonight

Uhm, I woke up to sick kyokos and a poopy Rhia.

That's all.


Hi guys =[

I am sorrrryy!

I accidentally left my tamas at home!

And they..DIED =[


I think...I will start a v4 and a v4.5.

I will...After I eat.

I am hungry. if you have any other opinions on what I should start, please PM me.

I am ever so lonely.

