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Oh the freedoms of Highschool. XD

They dont care, they just think we're idiotic for having them. ^_^

I don't think my school cares...but my mom won't let me...but before I went to highschool...(and I tell you this secret) I used to bring my v2 all the time, but I stopped and only brought it on Fridays...

if a teacher trys to take mine...well...i wont give it to them. im bigger then most of them....and they know not to mmess with the students(im in highschool, we can do whatever the heck we want to)

thats because your parents tax dollars pay your teachers.
your parents shouldnt get mad because its a game. you lost it by playing in class and what not. thats your own problem.
thats not quite true.

parents/teachers pay tax to pay people to pay people to pay people to pay themselves/teachers. its an endless cycle of embexzelment, overpayed beurocrats and pointless spending.

well actully there is a clever way:

before you go to school in the morning turn off the sound and ALWAYS where jakets with preety big pockets when you get to school put it in your desk until recces.(if you want to check on it in class reach in and look at the meter if it is mty and teacher sees say your desk is a mess and your trying to find a pencil.

hope I helped!! :D

tama yokon ho :( :)

actually,i saw this girl wit a tama round her neck.she was rite in front of the pricipal and the

principal payed 0% of attention.o__O :)

wow your all lucky well at least some of you cause if my teacher saw me playing with it she would snatch it and send me to the office anditt would be so embarrising and i would be in trouble even more at home becuase my parents would smash it with a hammer. ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :) :D :(

what is the point of you posting this?

not everyone goes to the same school as you.

and if you dont take it to class,

then how will you insure it's happiness during the day?

your principal is a gaytard


I remember i got caught with my tamagotchi by my teacher and she was really interested she thought they were cool so i guess it depends on what school your in.

nicky6482 :)

You can have a tamagotchi as long as your not playing it. You can have a key-chain over it. But don't play it.



I am the one who started this topic . Okay ? I am NOT forcing people to not bring their tamas to schools . I just wanted to tell the people who's schools say they are not allowed to bring your tama's is that every day , I see topics that say I got my tama token away . I feel so sorry for them . I am not trying to hurt anyones feelings OK ? I am sorry if i hurt anyones feelings .

Sorry ,


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