All right level up!


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Ok now.
Let's say there is a way to erase everyone's number of posts thing on the right sdie you know? like below our avatars? Not that anyone would like that.

Well. I think there is a way for the admin to put special icons on people.

Like the Tama-Talk First 50 Members avatar people get for well......being one of the first 50 members to join.

Now he could give us all Bebitchi or Shirobebitchi Icons. Since this idea is new.

Now lemme explain the way i see as changing or growing your icon.

Baby > Child > Teen > Adult

As in your Tamagotchi Time: 1 Hour 2 Days 5 Days

To *grow* your avatar: 10 Posts 200 Posts 500 Posts

Not sure if you'll understand that or not. Sorry if you don't. And explain EXACTLY what you don't get. But it's cool.

~ :eek: :lol: ;)
What about Old Timers?

Very good idea (and, as Tamagod said, not difficult to do). Though I don't think it would be nice to erase the post count on everyone... Specifying boy or girl might be very difficult though... I'll put my thinking cap and see if there is some other way. Tell you what... I'll start a poll to see if people like the idea... We can go from there. :angry:

Poll is here
you could put them both on one rank.

That would actually be pretty cool and is a good idea. But, the only thing i wanna know is would it mess up the system? Like would it make it so we couldnt go on tamatalk for a period of time?????

Maybe we could do something like the more help you gave on the boards, the better character you "evolve" into. Spam would count too.(i.e. if you spammed once than you get an Oniontchi, twice a Hino, etc.)

That would be hard to monitor though.

Oh, I just read another post. Poison_orchid, that was a really good idea. If that was what they decided, I'd be a Gozarutchi as of now.

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Cool idea!I would be a teenage Tamagotchi right now!

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I personally like the current system aswell. But, a new system could be nice.

I think that like 3 posts before a rank change an admin should pm whoever is getting the change about which tama name he/she wants ;)

I voted for Change it. It really IS an awesome idea.

ok, I have an idea...
first of all, I think your rank should just start from where you are, like if you have 500 posts already, then you would atomatically become the character that is programmed to that number of posts.

2nd, I think just the rank should change, not your avatar... so you could still pick your avatar. just your rank would change underneath it. some people might not like this idea, but its just what I would like to see.

3rd, I was just thinkin that we should also have a stage where your at the egg still, like 1-10 posts or something...
I thought of that when I started reading this board although it really IS a bit late to post started LAST year... :( :lol: :D :D

yo thats actually a good idea! but the TamaElders took a while to get ther and their posts are just going kaplooee! bye-bye! so long!!! maybe we can go from where we are, and when we get to 16,00 posts, we start again from babytchi (boy or girl) but it would say gen 2. just a suggestion :)

yeah the tama name thing is good but erase our posts?nononoononononononononononoonnonoon noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey just a thought.
Say all our posts were at zero right?

Well i was thinking some sort of leveling up thing ya know?

Like you could be Bebitchi or Shiorbebitchi. *If you're boy or girl*

Then like, you post 10 posts, which we'll say is an hour. because from baby > child is an hour. so 10 posts as i call it.

When you post 10 msg's. The you grow into either Marutchi, or Kinakomotchi. (still working out who. Some suggestions on any of these will be great.)

then when you post 200 messages. Because from Child > Teen is two days.

You can be either Ichigotchi, Young Mimitchi, Oniotchi, or Hinotamatchi. (same. thinking. Suggestions is appreciated.)***

Then 500 posts later (Teen > Adult, 5 days) you turn into one of the adults.

And that's all i can think of right now. AT least i think it's cool :(

Like their could be some icon or sumthing? i don't know haha

~ :lol: :lol: :ph34r:
i think that's cool! we should change it to that.

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