All That Fame and Fun (A story about Dazzilitchi)


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May 9, 2009
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Chapter One:

I sat back in the limo, whining a little. "But, mom..." I was saying. "I don't want to live in this dinky little town for three months!" My mom sighed. The limo driver clicked a red button and a small TV came down from the cieling of the car.

"We have to stay here to film your new movie, My World, My Way." My dad said.

I sighed and the seat the seat in front of me, where my dad was sitting. My dad's name is Glenitchaci. He is a very famous acter, and my mom works for a famous clothing store. Me? I'm a child suprestar. I've been living the dream life since the day I was born. The reason I'm mad? My parents came down here from Hollywood with the set crew and me to film my movie. But living in a town like this is too much. I looked out my window and saw some kids playing Tama Ball in their front year. Like I would ever do that. Any way, my movie is about a girl named Angie, who is played by me. She writes this book in her notebook and it gets readen a loud in class. Thats when I act embrassed. But a famous writer and a TV person has come to the school that I go to in the movie, and hear it being readen a loud. CLANG! They run into our classroom and grab Angie's (my) notbook and read it. 'This is getting published,' The TV guy says. 'Let's send it in.' Then I say, 'No its not. Its my beeswax.' And it goes on and on.

I suddenly looked up.

"We're here." My dad says.


Mimitchi Jones watched the limo park to the door next to her, and ran inside, where her friends were. "There's a limo next door!" She screamed. Violetchi looked up, a little startled.


Mimitchi breathed hard and looked out the window. "And there is Dazzilitchi Moonbeam stepping out of the car!" Some of the girls fainted, but Violetchi stayed standing, looking at Mimitchi.

"Let's go see her." Violetchi picked up her book bag and winked at Mimitchi. Mimitchi was not so sure. Walking up to a famous person was something Mimitchi did not have the guts to do. "I'd rather not."

Violetchi stomped her foot. "Come on! We've got too! It'll be so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so cool." She blabbed on and on until Mimitchi finally, but slowly nodded.

The two tamas walked out the door and slowly trotted over to Dazzilitchi. She looked at them. "Who are you? I like your clothes, you seem suitable for a pal. Do you like painting your nails?"

Violetchi and Mimitchi looked at Dazzilitchi. "Yes, I dom" Violetchi said. "And so does Mimitchi. I'm Violetchi. I'm from New York. I love your movies. I have one question."

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