All The Right Moves


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Heather, had some urge to dive in the water and levitate over it so she didn't get wet. So as soon as she dived in, she made a levitation field under her so she didn't get wet. She started surfing and made one more thing. When teenagers got near the River, they would be attracted to the scent. Then, if they had powers, they would be able to walk through the wall to find where everyone else is. Heather thought she and the rest of the S.T.W. would make a great team. So she made them all and waited.

"Oh, hey Fizz! Joinin' us on our pilgrimage to my pad, eh? And you..." Turning to Alysa, he tried to remember her name, snapping his fingers at the same time. "Uh.. Uh... Ah, I can't remember you from anywhere, what's your name? Since it seems like Tyler here knows you, I guess you can also join our pilgrimage. Anyway- my pad is comin right up, just like three houses away."

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Fizz grinned at Tyler. "Hey, it's alright" she told him, and shot another smile at Steven. "Yeah, of course. There's not much for me to do anyways"

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Kat wasn't sure whether or not she should go with the group of people she had just met. But, then again, they seemed pretty cool. She could at least walk with them for a bit before going her own way.

"Alright, so here's my pad." Steven ran up the front door, and held it open for Fizz, Tyler, Kat, and Alysa. When they all got in (Assuming that they did, if not) he went ahead and locked the front door so no strangers would get in.

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"Thanks," Steven replied to Fizz's comment. "Anyywaaay, anybody want anything to drink? Don't worry, I'm not giving you guys alcohol since then things would happen that probably wouldn't be very good."

Fizz shrugged. "Nah, I'm good, but thanks anyways". She tapped her chin. "What now?"

(gtg to school now, be back later)

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"I dunno. Now that I think about it. Well.. We can party like crazy since my mom won't really care." He walked over to a stereo in the living room, and turned on some awesome music.

(Aww bye ella)

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Raine felt like swimming, but she fought the urge. Instead, she levitated some water, just a bit, and let it fall on her head.

"I wanna swim, but I don't have any swimming clothes..."

Raine made some large lilypads grow on the water. She walked across the river, enjoying the fell of cold water.

The Form:

Name: Damian 'Ian' Blossom

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Ian is a very quiet guy, with tanned skin, who doesn't speak if at all possible. He is very protective of his sister, Dream (he calls her Dream, not Dre). He is extremely loyal. Many girls have cheated on him, resulting in trying to push all girls who try to get close to him away, except Dream. (Or Dreamy-poo, his nickname for her)

Looks: Ian has jet black hair and grey-sliver eyes. He usually wears black track-pants and a white t-shirt. He wears sneakers shoe wise.

Powers: Ian is able to see others feelings. He is also able to turn into others' worsts nightmares/idols. When using this powers he is able to use the the person/animal/fear's abilities. He is able to control lightening.

Other: Ian is Dream's half brother. He got his powers when he once got hit by lightening. Dre isn't aware of his powers.

"I could blow-dry you using my powers if you want." Dre offered, now awake. "But of course quicker than any hair-drier."

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"Hmm, everyone who has powers has magic blood? I can find magic blood in people, as I can't control their body one bit... magic blood is magic. It can't be controlled, I guess..."

"Mmm, apparently I can dreams to those with powers unless their sleeping. Or annoy them unless they choose to see me." Dre groaned. "It's so frustrating."

"Hey, I can knock on doors and try to control people to close the door. You can send dreams. This river needs to be our hiding spot, where at night we come together and meet each other." Raine sugested, jumping into the river. She knew Dre would dry her, so she swam happily.

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Ian meekly walked over to the river. He waved to Dream.

"Hi Ian! Raine this is my bother Ian. Well half brother anyway. Don't worry, he knows about my powers. He doesn't talk much." Dre said quickly before joining Raine in the water. "Your powers sound so cool. And whatever you do, don't shake Ian's hand."

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Fizz raised her eyebrows. "Sweet.." she trailed off. "Why aren't your parents here?"

Ian put hand into the water and created a few sparks appear on the water.

Dre make the sparks go out. Ian glared at his sister before taking off his top and jumping into the water.

"Well, I hope I can get Tyler's number. I need to get everyone with powers here because the S.T.W. really needs our help.

"They're both at work. Probably. I dunno about my dad, since he divorced my mom. He's probably out hitting on women somewhere. Anyway..." Steven said, putting his grocery bags from Wal-Mart on the counter, "So, how are things going with you, Fizz?"

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