All This Japanese Stuff?


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Who said people who watch anime think there Japanese?Honstely, the only time I watch anime is when im watching Death Note or something by Makoto SHinkai (You should look up his work, he doesnt drawr oversize eyes and stuff like that, he's art is extremely realstic) Anyway, I like very few anime, Because so much of them have no freakin plot!, thats why I like to watch Live Action Japanese shows.

Also,I like using Japanese words, not because I seem more "Japanese" because I like how the word sounds.
Believe it or not, lots of people think they're Japanese just because they watch anime, or they want to go to japan just for anime. That's what most anime fans think Japan is about. They don't seem to really look at Japan for some of it's wonders. Anime is okay, but making it a second life and wanting to go there JUST for anime, I'm sorry, but people who think this need to be woken back up into reality. Theres a line between fiction and reality, people take anime TOO seriously.

Anime is just a cartoon, whether people choose to accept it or not, it's a fact, anime is no different from the cartoons we watch.

Believe it or not, lots of people think they're Japanese just because they watch anime, or they want to go to japan just for anime. That's what most anime fans think Japan is about. They don't seem to really look at Japan for some of it's wonders. Anime is okay, but making it a second life and wanting to go there JUST for anime, I'm sorry, but people who think this need to be woken back up into reality. Theres a line between fiction and reality, people take anime TOO seriously.
Anime is just a cartoon, whether people choose to accept it or not, it's a fact, anime is no different from the cartoons we watch.
That is true.

I like everything about Japan, not just anime.

I also like to watch Live Action Japanese shows, eat Japanese candy, ect.

But ya some people only like Japan because of anime.

Watch Death note & try to say the same thinganyway, naruto & bleach are plotless.
Bleach is plotless... really? Have you watched entire seasons? Because it has a LOT more of a plot than most other shows I've ever seen. I really hope you have watched it, because if you haven't you have no right to say that.

Bleach is plotless... really? Have you watched entire seasons? Because it has a LOT more of a plot than most other shows I've ever seen. I really hope you have watched it, because if you haven't you have no right to say that.
You can't change someone's opinion, I have the same opinion about Bleach, I don't see much of a plot, I wouldn't try correcting me either since I take courses in animation and media studies.

A plot is the main gimmick and story of the series that would start around the first few episodes, If a series doesn't have much of a plot, then it has no plot.

Naruto and Bleach have no plot, that's the sad truth, I like Bleach a bit (it got boring to me), but I will say this much, Bleach has no plot in my opinion.

I will also point out. You do NOT learn Japanese from watching anime subbed. Alot of times, the sub titles do not match with what the subbers say.

Like I said.

If you wanna learn Japanese, go take some courses, check out some Japanese launage tapes/CDS or get a handbook.

You either know Japanese or not. There is no such thing as 'Knowing a Quater Japanese'. It's complex and their structure in sentances are more complex.

Japan is no differnt from any other place in the world. Nothing is picture perfect.

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Bleach is plotless... really? Have you watched entire seasons? Because it has a LOT more of a plot than most other shows I've ever seen. I really hope you have watched it, because if you haven't you have no right to say that.
Hate to say this.

People are intitled to their own opinion. If they dislike Bleach. Let them. If they think it's pointless. Let them. It's a matter of perfernce.

omg i <3 this discussion. i swear to god anime is taking everything over ever single dang thing. you could google any little thing up and an anime picture will almost always show up. i also hate how many people think they're all that because they have a name like 'kawaii neko-chan' and some lame ar*e picture of an anime girl or w/e. plus the fact that SOME people i know from another forum try and learn japanese just for the anime and the ability to show off because ur obviously a loser if u don't kno japanese.

although i do like SOME japanese things i don't get carried away with it. and also, some things like naruto and bleach do get repetitive and plotless even though i kind of like naruto.

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I will also point out. You do NOT learn Japanese from watching anime subbed. Alot of times, the sub titles do not match with what the subbers say.
Like I said.

If you wanna learn Japanese, go take some courses, check out some Japanese launage tapes/CDS or get a handbook.

You either know Japanese or not. There is no such thing as 'Knowing a Quater Japanese'. It's complex and their structure in sentances are more complex.

Japan is no differnt from any other place in the world. Nothing is picture perfect.
Well, you can know some without being totally fluent in it. I'm in Chinese and even after a few years I won't be totally fluent in it- it takes about seven, I've been told. So you can know part of a language- or more or less just not fluent enough in it to be able to go to that country and be perfectly okay in it. You get what I'm saying [sorry for a bit of rambling, kind of an off day xP].

But you are right, you can't learn Japanese from this kind of stuff. Sometimes there are no real direct translations or there just stick in a similar word that is either more commonly used or fits it better.

Oh, and just as a neat fact, highschoolers in China know about 2,000 [i'm pretty sure it's 2,000] characters and that's what the newpaper uses but someone with a PhD knows 12,000! :furawatchi: That's a LOT.

Bleach is plotless... really?  Have you watched entire seasons?  Because it has a LOT more of a plot than most other shows I've ever seen.  I really hope you have watched it, because if you haven't you have no right to say that.
Ya I've watch it, I guess I shouldnt say its completely plotless, but compared to the anime i've seen, it has very little plot.

Also, yes you can not learn fluent Japanese from Anime. You can learn a couple of words but other then that you honstely cant pick of everything you hear from anime and go to some Japanese person and saying it, they will most likely give you a weird look.

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Ya I've watch it, I guess I shouldnt say its completely plotless, but compared to the anime i've seen, it has very little plot.
Also, yes you can not learn fluent Japanese from Anime. You can learn a couple of words but other then that you honstely cant pick of everything you hear from anime and go to some Japanese person and saying it, they will most likely give you a weird look.
I guess I just really disagree with that. I've watched about the first 80 episodes of it, and I think there is a plot. I really don't see how there isn't, but I guess you guys are right. It is a personal opinion. I understand that, but the thing that irritates me the most is when people state it as a fact, rather than stating that they feel whatever it is.

I guess I just really disagree with that. I've watched about the first 80 episodes of it, and I think there is a plot. I really don't see how there isn't, but I guess you guys are right. It is a personal opinion. I understand that, but the thing that irritates me the most is when people state it as a fact, rather than stating that they feel whatever it is.
Well, I guess Bleach isnt as bad as naruto but like I've said compared to the anime I've watched there's not alot of plot in it (No offence) But that's just my opinion.

While I agree that people who want to be Japanese are annoying, I don't think complaining about them gets anywhere. People grow up. They get over it. It's a phase, and while it's a teeth-gritting frustrating phase, they WILL snap out of it eventually.

Anime is a style the way anything else is a style. There are many variants but they are grouped into one major category.

You seem to really want to convince yourself that you don't draw or think in a generic fashion, and you're making these topics to somehow tell everyone NO, I DON'T CONFORM!

Really, when did conforming get so horrible? What's so bad about having things in common with other people?

I'm just pointing that out, because I don't think you realize exactly how your posts come out. Well, that's how.

I agree on that...I mean, I watch anime just for entertainment, just like playing video games, watching a movie, watching wrestling, playing sports, etc...something to keep us active and not being bored out of our skulls, but pretending that you're Japanese, saying that Japan is the holy grail of all countries is *removed*...I mean, Japan and U.S. are equally match with Japan with different censored laws than in the U.S. If you dispise the U.S. just for a love of Japan...then you're *removed*, because, I know a few Japanese friends who like the U.S. than in Japan. and I know a few Japanese in Japan who don't watch anime 24/7...they rather watch American shows than anime.
Like how some American teens perfer Anime over American Cartoons, Some Japanese teens perfer American shows over Anime.

I just watch Anime for having nothing better to do when I am extremmly bored. I have taught myself a few Japanese phrases from Library books because I want to learn another language. Perferably something that uses different Characters then ABC's, like foreign symbols. I also learned very little from Subbed Anime except Baka seeing it be used in so many ways, and uhm.....IDK what else.

Anime ain't a life style. I do collect Manga, but I also collect Barbies. It is a phase and such. They will get over it in time and move on.

Someone who goes "KAWAII NO DESUUUUUU!!!!!!!" Because they heard it in Inuyasha or something, annoys me to no end. That or they do something stupid they got from Anime.

There are some boys at school who practice making their own Naruto summons and what-not. And once some boys were pretending to be Naruto and Sasuke, yelling CHIDORI!!!!!!!!!! RASENGAN!!!!! I got the best laugh ever.

Does it matter? I like to watch Anime. I don't really care what Japanese people think. The TV here sucks. Everyone has their own interests. I don't worship Japan. I don't plan to live there. So yeah, People could go on with their lame stuff and act like something because they want to. But I'm gonna be me. So what if I pick up words from a different language while watching Anime, and like to use it while talking to friends while leaving the clueless...Thats how I am...I learned how to say bad words in French and kept on shouting them at my friends and teachers. What I am saying, Some people go overboard. Some don't. I find it quite interesting to learn about a different culture and religion. But I just watch Anime for entertainment. I use all the Japanese I pick up for my entertainment. Most of the time The culture i the Anime is quite different to what it really is. Anime is for my entertainment nothing else. I couldn't care less about Japan.



Does it matter? I like to watch Anime. I don't really care what Japanese people think. The TV here sucks. Everyone has their own interests. I don't worship Japan. I don't plan to live there. So yeah, People could go on with their lame stuff and act like something because they want to. But I'm gonna be me. So what if I pick up words from a different language while watching Anime, and like to use it while talking to friends while leaving the clueless...Thats how I am...I learned how to say bad words in French and kept on shouting them at my friends and teachers. What I am saying, Some people go overboard. Some don't. I find it quite interesting to learn about a different culture and religion. But I just watch Anime for entertainment. I use all the Japanese I pick up for my entertainment. Most of the time The culture i the Anime is quite different to what it really is. Anime is for my entertainment nothing else. I couldn't care less about Japan.  

I agree with this because just because i like Anime doesn't mean i worship Japan. I[SIZE=21pt] LOVE[/SIZE] Inuyasha but i don't care too much about Japan. I admit some things about Japan are Interesting, but i'm not taking it too seirously. :(

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I despise the fangirls that say random Japanese words in their English sentences because it's cool and make guyxguy pairings for everything :[

& I have nothing against anime/manga itself. lol.

I would rant at you but I have better things to do.

Like eat my chicken.

Anime-style isn't anime-style anyways. Anime is japanese cartoons. Not all anime shows have characters drawn with oversized head and eyes with overly-decorated clothes. A japanese show like sazae-san is anime-style. Sazae-san is drawn like most cartoons here, but no-one would classify it as anime style.
I agree, kind of.

Look at the bold print I put in your quote. I agree with that, also. Most anime shows have characters with huge eyes, but the heads aren't always oversized.

I agree, kind of.
Look at the bold print I put in your quote. I agree with that, also. Most anime shows have characters with huge eyes, but the heads aren't always oversized.
Not all of them, but alot of them have huge heads. (*coughMermaid Melodycough*)

And please note, I'm not talking about all anime fans. I mean, the worst of the worst.

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