Already thinking about Christmas?


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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2009
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Planet Earth
I know this is kinda random, but is anyone else already excited/ready for Christmas? For some reason lately, I've wanted Christmas to hurry up and get here haha :) I was just wondering if anyone else felt the same?

You're definitely not the only one! I'm also excited for Christmas early and typically am. I think I'm excited for it year-round. :( There's no particular reason, more like a combo of things, and it definitely doesn't have to do with presents. I love the feeling I get around Christmastime...that homey, cozy, warm feeling. The smells are also amazing, a combination of good food, baked goods, the Christmas tree, and the air outside. I also love the fact that the radio station that I love listening to plays Christmas music 24/7 all through December. ;) I love being with family and friends. Speaking of friends, my friends and I used to go caroling together. We did it every year in high school and through a bit of college too, and although most of us have gone our separate ways for college and all, there's still those memories. I was also born at around Christmastime too, so there's that aspect. I could go on and on about Christmas! XD

You're definitely not the only one! I'm also excited for Christmas early and typically am. I think I'm excited for it year-round. :( There's no particular reason, more like a combo of things, and it definitely doesn't have to do with presents. I love the feeling I get around Christmastime...that homey, cozy, warm feeling. The smells are also amazing, a combination of good food, baked goods, the Christmas tree, and the air outside. I also love the fact that the radio station that I love listening to plays Christmas music 24/7 all through December. ;) I love being with family and friends. Speaking of friends, my friends and I used to go caroling together. We did it every year in high school and through a bit of college too, and although most of us have gone our separate ways for college and all, there's still those memories. I was also born at around Christmastime too, so there's that aspect. I could go on and on about Christmas! XD
I was born around Christmas as well, December 23rd :)

Omg I thought I was alone on this one.

Just recently I've been thinking about things that make me happy to the extent that I cry. Random, I know, but I'm really unwell emotinally atm.

So Christmas is definitely one of the times when I feel good. It's just such an amazing time of year, and everyone gets so hyped up about gifts and food and celebrating it properly.


Christmas is one of my least favorite holidays of the year.

I don't know, I guess it's because it's so close to New Years' and reminds me of how time just flies by. xD

Anyway, it's the last thing on my mind. :)

Of course. Here in England, summer is almost over, and I've had my birthday already. I just want Christmas to hurry up and come because everything else before that is boring. And when Christmas is here, I want summer because of the horrible weather. And then when summer does finally come, the weather turns out to be horrible after all. I'm never really happy with the season I'm in.

omg, I thought I was alone of this too... cool. i think of what to ask for Christmas around right about now. right now im thinking of asking for lots of pikachu stuff. i really want a onemuri pikachu!!!!

Christmas is my favourite time of year. I love the build up to Christmas.. maybe more than the actual day.

Around Christmas time it's always dark at 4pm. Sometimes earlier. I leave for school in the dark and sometimes come back in the dark. I love it when it gets dark that early. That's probably my favourite thing about Christmas time.

I like the smell of tinsel and the Christmas tree. It always reminds me of good times. I force my mum to leave a carrot out for "Rudolf" because that's what we always used to do when I was little. It makes me happy, if not weird.

I was patient before. But this topic's got me impatient. There's four months yet. ):

No D:

It's not that I dislike Christmas, it just seems so far away and I don't want it to come too quickly. I really like it right now (end of summer, all the pre-high school excitement) and I'm really happy so I want time to pass realllly slowly right now.

And I don't want it to get cold. :(

Well, not really. Lately I've been kinda freaking out, like my life's going by waay too fast and like i only have three more years of high school and all that, so i don't really want to rush things by looking forward to Christmas when it's so far away. However I do miss winter in general. I always have dreams about snow around this time of year, because i looove the snow! And I'm looking forward to school starting and all that.

Christmas is my favourite time of year. I love the build up to Christmas.. maybe more than the actual day.
Around Christmas time it's always dark at 4pm. Sometimes earlier. I leave for school in the dark and sometimes come back in the dark. I love it when it gets dark that early. That's probably my favourite thing about Christmas time.

I like the smell of tinsel and the Christmas tree. It always reminds me of good times. I force my mum to leave a carrot out for "Rudolf" because that's what we always used to do when I was little. It makes me happy, if not weird.

I was patient before. But this topic's got me impatient. There's four months yet. ):
Dude, what country do you live in? I wish I could walk to and from school in the dark lol Night time is my favorite time of the day :)

Most definitely not. Christmas means winter, winter means snow and cold, and snow and cold means misery. It's summer. The weather is nice. I'm not even thinking about school yet. I'm just trying to enjoy the summer while I still can. Christmas is not something I think about until like the second week of December.

Christmas is my favourite time of year. I love the build up to Christmas.. maybe more than the actual day.
Around Christmas time it's always dark at 4pm. Sometimes earlier. I leave for school in the dark and sometimes come back in the dark. I love it when it gets dark that early. That's probably my favourite thing about Christmas time.

I like the smell of tinsel and the Christmas tree. It always reminds me of good times. I force my mum to leave a carrot out for "Rudolf" because that's what we always used to do when I was little. It makes me happy, if not weird.

I was patient before. But this topic's got me impatient. There's four months yet. ):
I feel exactly the same way. I love how all the shops decorate, and how they play Christmas music on the radio starting on Black Friday. And I love the smell of Christmas trees and how people's lawn decorations light up the night. It's a beautiful time of year. :)

I feel exactly the same way. I love how all the shops decorate, and how they play Christmas music on the radio starting on Black Friday. And I love the smell of Christmas trees and how people's lawn decorations light up the night. It's a beautiful time of year. :)
Yeah. It's so nice.

Since I just learned that Santa's not real... I ask myself, Who drank the milk we lefts out? My dad would never wake up like that, and my mom is lactose intolerant. did she pour it down the sink? anyways, I can't wait for christmas! Yayayayay

Well, I wasn't thinking about Christmas much until I saw this topic. :3

Man, I think time is going faster or something. Like, you know, it's Thanksgiving, and then BAM it's like Easter already.

I used to be all like "Dang is Christmas ever going to get here like ever" and now I just turn around and Christmas is all like "Hey, here's your presents and candy and stuff, gotta go" and then it's New Year's Day. :D

I can't wait for winter/fall. Not necessarily Christmas. I like the g=feeling you get when you are freezing your butt off in cold weather, & inhaling the sweet air. Then, walking into a home that just smells Christmas-y. I live in the middle of lots of trees (esp. Pine) & it smells lovely!!! :D

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