Am i a Freak?


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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Nova scotia, Canada
i have autism.... :blink: it sucks, i'm high fuctioning, i can talk like a normal person but sometimes i speak random gibberish and TV Talk...and some Pokemon talk...Some people say this sentence and it scares me for no reason...

"Sorry, Autumn. You don't fit in..because you are..A FREAK!!!!!!!!"

Sorry i said my real name....D:

And when they say A FREAK! they scream the words.... :angry:

Your not a freak! :angry:

I have a friend who has Autism...

They are High fuctioning as well but they don't talk like a normal person...

She says "Oink! Oink! Daddo!" :blink:

It's annoying she says it all the time...

But i know someone who's a freak...

my mom. :D

If you are typing normally now, then you probally have minor autism. Or you would be typing gibberish non-stop.

No, you are not a freak. And the cool part about Autism is that since one part of your brain is slightly under developped, another part is overdevelopped so alotta people with autism have a special ability =]

Okay first, Autumn is your name? That is beautiful, I love it :)

&& Nope, you're not a freak. Like WeiWei said ^_^ Pretty cool, I reckon : P

your not a freak your just normal.

Lost Girl is so right! Autumn is a very good name! ^_^

Thank you all! :wacko:

but there was some person at my school called Brandon and he called me A Bug-eyed freak! :(

Next time he says that i'm gonna punch him in the nose! :D

You didn't choose to have autism, so you're not a freak. People shouldn't call you a freak for something you didn't do.


And the autism probably isn't that bad, or else you would just be typing gibberish. I seen this other autistic kid before, who couldn't sit still long enough to type.


So reallly, you're not a freak.

Autism is just another word for awesome randomness person! 8D

You are just like everyone else. Come on!

WhO0T wHoOt~

I am an awesome randomnessereesesere person!!


You aren't a freak, it's sad how people act like such 5-year-olds, instead of acting like their appropriate age. You can't help that you have autism, so it's definetly not your fault. I personally take this seriously, and the teasing should just stop in this world. Seriously, it's not cool. And, like `Chao-//-Girl` said, you have minor autism, because, if you had really bad autism, you'd be typing like crazy, and none of us would really understand.

Hope I helped! :D

Temari Nara

No! You're not, atleast your sole nickname last year wasn't "Naruto-freak!" [i still get called that on occasion. I still love the anime...]

Don't worry, I bet you're awesome IRL!

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