Am I talking good care of my Tama?


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Lunar Light

Aug 19, 2009
Reaction score
My tama has grown like this:

Petitetchi (boy) ----> Kuchitamatchi ----> Kikitchi

But, you see, I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I own a V6, so I guess a growth chart would be nice or something. Do the stats affect how it evolves? Right now they are at: Tone: 287 Rythym: 289 Originality: 259

Also, my tama wakes up waaaay earier then I do and causes all sorts of mischief. Anyway to stop this from happening?

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My tama has grown like this:
Petitetchi (boy) ----> Kuchitamatchi ----> Kikitchi

But, you see, I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I own a V6, so I guess a growth chart would be nice or something. Do the stats affect how it evolves? Right now they are at: Tone: 287 Rythym: 289 Originality: 259

Also, my tama wakes up waaaay earier then I do and causes all sorts of mischief. Anyway to stop this from happening?
yes that is a wonderfull thing take good care of him and you will have a mamaetchi take average care of him and you will have a kuchipatchi! hoped i helped! :ph34r:

yes, kikitchi is great, i got both mametchi and kuromametchi from him :furawatchi: . And about them waking up earlier....maybe you should wake up earlier, or set their time earlier, or pause them before going to sleep.

Oh, that's great, but nobody has told me what good care is or what the stats have to do with growth, if anything...

to get hinotamatchi you have to treat it very good for example whenever its hungry feed it, whenever its unhappy play a game with it, and play a lot of games with it, and check on it very often.

Hope I help. :blink:

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;) i was gonna put kuromametchi529 music star chart

om heres the other thing is my friens always got gozarochi and his brother got him better not give then bad care :nyatchi: :wub:

Well, as far as care goes, by keeping your tama's stress levels near zero and missing only one or two care calls (when they hop up and down and have an exclamation over their head, or when the attention icon is lit) flushing their poo's right away, or catching them and letting them use the toilet, and never letting their hungry and happy hearts empty (maybe once you can get away with it) you can have perfect care

by missing a couple care calls, and letting the hungry and happy hearts empty a couple times, flushing the poos. as well as letting the stress remain somewhere between 10 and 20 and not putting it back to 0, you will have good care. It really goes down from here

average care is getting half the care calls and hungry happy hearts and all that and leaving the poos there once in a while for maybe ten minutes at a time or so (this I'm not that sure on)

Bad care is missing a lot of care calls, leaving them unhappy and hungry, not flushing, and letting them get really stressed.

Horrible care (normally getting a Gozarutchi :lol: ) is really just not paying attention, you let them get sick, leave their poo out, let them sit there unhappy and hungry, and basically do the bare minimum to keep them there instead of going to tama planet (or dying, however you view it)

this is all from my own personal experience though, so it's still good to ask around. I might have some information wrong or just a little off so please don't call me on that because I admit it's a little funky too

I hope that you got all the answers that you needed.

Also, what you Tama turns into is effected by the even or odd generation number, but that growth chart probably explains that

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