am i the only one in this country w/ tamaplus?


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Sep 26, 2004
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there's actually two of us here.. me and my best friend davey. i just wanna know if there are others out there who share the same passion. i admit that the tamaplus/connexion/connection isn't as popular (now) as the gen1 and gen2 back then. it lacks advertising and publicity. hehehe... :lol:

i have a connection, but what country are you taklking, and where did you get a tama plus!?

i wish more people wold get into the spret of tamagotchi. No one at my skool has a tama except me :D

i'm here in the philippines... well we need to advertise as soon as possible. christmas time is drawing nearer, i think its the best time to encourage our other friends to get a tamagotchi :lol:

i think what we need to do is buy all the tamagotchi's we can beacause you know that bandi is just gonna take them from us again. it tis so, so sad...

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Every time i ask my friends to buy one, they say:

"I dont want some asian crap"

then i say

" :D plz..."

Some of my friends have borght them, and some other frineds have friends (out of school) whom have tamagotchis, want them now! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! :blink: :lol: :p

tamagotchis r a quite popular in hongkong tho. u see a few kids playing with them and i kno some people in my skool with tamagotchis

I have Plus, Connexion, and 2 connections. I am in Ohio, USA. I am a collector though so I have at least one of every tama, lol. I have 112 tamagotchis total right now. I am playing with my 2 connections because I didn't want to take the connexion or plus from their boxes. I love tamagotchis. Only tama I need for my collection is the angelgotchi (american version and japan versions) If anyone sees one for sale please et me know!! Thanks guys!

I have a couple of friends with Tamagotchis, and I know one of my best friends is getting one. A lot of people at my school have Nano Pets.

My school is filled with tamagotchis! So many people have them! eBay has them, but they also have some careful.

Over the Christmas brake I got a tamagotchi connection and then all of my friends bought one. I think it'd be awesome if they exploded into popularity like they did a few years back.

Well they already have where I am! They were out of stock in like 5 storez when I got mine! ^_^

OMG! You're the only person who has a Tamagotchi in school?!A million people have Tamagotchis in my school!I have fifty friends on my list and I have to keep deleting them! It used to be stickers that were popular but now it's Tamagotchis!Ihave Tarakotchi, Masktchi, Gozarutchi, Mametchi, Robotchi, and Mimitchi on my list that are adults!I am on the third generation with Hanatchi!I really want Memetchi!

Every time i ask my friends to buy one, they say:"I dont want some asian crap"

then i say

" :( plz..."

Some of my friends have borght them, and some other frineds have friends (out of school) whom have tamagotchis, want them now! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! :) :p :D
please dont swear!!!!!!! :p ;) :D

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