Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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[SIZE=8pt]it's not up to other people to decide what u can and can't like. it's your personality, and anyone who says your too old probably isn't in touch with their younger self[/SIZE]

Hey y'all ,

So ,

My intructions say ages 8 and up ,

other sometimes even say 3 or 4 !

im FIFTEEN . Me and my best friend are both 15, and we love tamas . We kind of keep it a secret though , we only play with eachother .


I dont think there should be an age limit , I mean , i can barely play "Shapes!" I think a tama is too complicated for young children,

My point is , how old are you guys ?!

I'm 21 and have 2 Tamas ;)

I think there should be a minimum age (like 8 or so) but there is no maximum age!! Not a lot of people my age still play with Tamas, but some do, and maybe even parents or old people. It's just a virtual pet toy, why should there be an age limit? I still go on a swing if I want to also :p

well, im 11 and all my friends think tamas are for 7 year olds and then thats it. very deppressing. when I pull out my tama in public with them they get annyoyed. Personally, I think tamas are for anyone 7 and older. I hadd a friend when I was 8, she, her sister, mom and dad each had their own tama. ;) :p :lol:

Well I'm ten.And no one knows more about tamas in my school than me.WHAT,you think a ten year old dosent know what 1+1 is?WELL ITS 2!

I'm 12 years old but still it doesn't matter that your old or not. Childhood is timeless.

You're never too old for Tamagotchis! There are adults that play with Tamagotchis

Yup, I agree. You can never grow out of tamas. Just picture a tamagotchi as technology, because that is what it is. It doesn't matter who the target audience is, it only matters whether or not you like tamas. If you do, just keep playing with them.

I am 13 and I have 5 tamas. My mom and my dad think I'm too old to play with them because they thought the packaging was childish. They don't care much though. ^^ They're the ones who bought them for me anyways.

I'm 22 and still love Tamagotchi, there is no age limit to them. They are Vitrual Pet and not a toy in my eyes.

I'm 21 and I have been in love with tamagotchis since they first came out. I remember hearing about them on the news even before they came to American and thinking that this would be like the greatest toy ever. I was right and you can never be too old for a tamagotchi. I have so many tamagotchis that I cannot even count.

Tamagotchis are great! I look forward to every new version that comes out! :)

I won't say how old I am, but I am old enough to truthfully say that I was around when the P1/P2 Tamagotchi came out. I have 6 tamas (however all of them are some form of Tamagotchi Connection.) I think Tamagotchis are great, no matter how old you are.

:eek: :)

im 21 too. while i dont bring them around to school & such anymore. when im in my room just hangin out i still turn them on from time to time.

I'm a sixteen year old guy and I enjoy tamagotchi's alot. I'd say if you have self confidence and aren't ashamed of your tamas, there is no age limit. I was embarrassed of playing with them. But I bring mine to my High School everyday and honestly everyone thinks its really cool and funny :nazotchi:

to be honest at first i bought this tama only for my research project (degree level).. but then after sometimes i found out that im enjoying playing with it... its kindda a cool gadgets to bring along in your pocket... btw im 21 years old at the moment and gonna graduate in 6 months for my degree level

.... just ignore all those ppl who think u are childish, just be yourself... if u like tamas.. just play with it.. :D

If you believe in your heart that you are not old, then you are not old. If in your heart you believe you are too old, then you are too old.

I'm 10 and i think tamas will be hard for people younger than 7. At my school no1 has tamas any more and people are getting bored of them like me but i still use it. :D

im 24 and have two tamas running at the mo a v4.5 and a p2, like jayne marie said i see them as a hobby! Everyone needs a hobby :furawatchi:

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