Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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no way i know a 22 YEAR OLD that has one! :pochitchi:
hey, what do you mean by that, I'm turning 22 in May as well :wacko: And I'm going to keep on playing Tamas as long as I can push those little buttons :wacko:

No you are not too old to play with Tamagotchis!But appaently I just might be... After reading everyone elses reply, I only found a few people around my age group (21) everyone else seems to be... well still in school... I'm now rethinking being a member of this forum

However... you have nothing to wory about kid!

Play on!
Don't rethink being a member!!! It can be really fun. You just gotta get used to the fact that people here are a bit younger. I'm 18, and a freshman in college. I realize that we're not the same age, but we're closer to the same place in our lives.

no one`s old for a tamagotchi i`m 13 and i still like tamagotchis (my sister nags me all the time and says im too old for them but i dont care) ;)

I am 14 years old and I have a v2 and v3 and I want a v4.5 and a v4.However, I don't know if I'm too old for Tamas.

Thank you.

Maisy Gotchi
Heck no! Tamagotchis are for all ages!!! <_<

I'm fourteen too and I still play with my tamagotchi! :(

I've been obsessed with them ever since I was little.. when me and my friend heard they were coming out again, we planned a girls nite, rushed out to walmart, took like an HOUR picking our favourites, and then we became attatched to them :huh:

I see them as something cute to have around :unsure: I mean there are plenty of seniors at my highschool who love hello kitty, so it doesn't bother me.. It's just a fun little friend to keep with you.

It's really about how you feel :lol:

I mean, whats not to love about these little guys! -------> <_<

Talk about old :mimitchi: I am 42 years old and just bought a Tama V4.5 ( swirlie fun design ) .

So adults indeed play Tama, too.

In 1996, when dinosaurs ruled the world :rolleyes: I bought my first tama.

Something like this

And I am still playing tama.

And will be playing tama for the next few hundred years :huh:
I couldn't get an original tama B)

I have a huge fascination with Japanese toys and collectables. So now I'm making up for lost time! I have a V5, and V4 and a V3. Just won a V1 on ebay and hope to have an original 1996 model soon. this is just the start of my collection.

I take them to work and play them during breaks/on the bus.

BTW, I'm 36 this year! :D

My grandma is 96 and she plays with tama's. she LOVES them. I dont think tama's really have an age restriction.

You are never too old to like what pleases you. I'm old and most people say Tamagotchis are for Babies. But I like them anyways. But seriously. If you like them don't stop playing with them.



Eh, I'm 23 and I've been playing with Tama's for what seems like forever, lol. I just like them and it's really fun to have something that is handy enough to keep your keys, the time, and provide some extra fun when you are sitting somewhere bored. I say go for it. It seems that there are a lot of people on here that love tama's even as adults :( I'm just glad I'm not the only one, lol.

My great grandparents play them (76, 74) when i go over to perth we connect and have heaps of fun! im 16 btw and noones ever to old, or bald for a tama o_O

I was 14 when I got my first tama.

I'm 24 now.


you're not too old for tamagotchis.

if anything I am XD

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You can never be too old for a Tamagotchi.  Think about how much happier all those old people in their retirement villas would be if they all had a Tamagotchi.  No more sitting around hoping someone comes to visit, or staring at a television all day long.  Got a Tamagotchi - get up, go find someone and connect; make friends.
Your right you Cant Ever Be to Old for a tamagotchi Im Older then you and i got one! :( and im proud!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Never to old~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If you think your to old your dreamin! keep the tamagotchis going They are so popular!

Im Like Older then all of you probably :( :(

you cant get old of tamagotchis but if you play it a lot it kind of gets boring

dandi -----> :mametchi:

i dont think so. im 13 almost 14 and i juss baught a v.5 today. lol it was kinda of acuard walking through the store carrying a tamagotchi but im glad i did. who really cares if we still play with tamagotchis.

There are alot of us teenager's peers here on tamatalk, and yet we would be afraid to tell each other so in real life..Lol.

Never to old to have a tomagotchi.My mom has an old V1 and my grandma has a V5!!She bought me my 4.5

You can never be too old - I've seen adults on them.

My friend said i was immature, but I just ignored her - they're fun!

No one is never too old to use a tamagotchi unless ur bored of playing it

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I have the same problem as you. . . I honestly don't believe that anyone is too old for tamagotchis. I am 13 and I still love them, even if everyone else thinks I am a little weird for it. I mean, look at all the 16+ year olds on here, who are still loving them! They aren't ashamed, so you (and I) shouldn't be either!

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