Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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No1 is ever too old for tamas :huh: i am 12 and im gonna play with tamasa till the day i die! :D #


PM me every1! :D :( :

I just tured 17 and I jsut bought my first Tama since 1997 today!

It's all fun, you can't be too old ;)


Too old? Never!! I see someone mentioned me waaaaaaaaay back at like page 4 or something...

Yep - I'm a 44 year old mom and I have three tami's. My 7 yr old daughter has 3 and my 9 yr old son has 3. We all just got the V5 from my hubby for Valentine's Day! Just opened it today - it's soooooo different!!

Really enjoy them when I'm in the car waiting to pick up the kids, sitting at my son's karate class, in a waiting room, etc. Hubby doesn't get the obsession but we love 'em!!!

I don't think so, Tamas say they're for like 6 to 8 year olds but they should be for all ages. I'm 12 and I still like them! ;)


_____syd ^_^

IM going to be playing tamagotchis until im 50


pm us peeps

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You're never too old for something you enjoy.
I'm 18 and have 22 tamagotchis, 23 if you count both tamago chus as individual tamas.
I agree. If you like them you can still play with them. At the age of 11 I still watched Care Bears!

you are NOT to old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im 9 and ppl think im to young! no mader how old you r never to young or to old. :p

your not too old for a tamagotchi! My brother wanted one when he was 17! :)

Do you think all the daddys that spend their time playin' with PSP are too old? :rolleyes:

You're not too old for nothing...

I am 26 and I play with tama's. Tama's came out when I was in high school and now they are popular again so its something new that I can still enjoy. My cousins are ages 7 and 10 and we play together, it is something that we can do together. I also think its important for adults to be able to relate to kids on a certain level, and kids will think its very cool if you can talk with them about things that they like, instead of the usual parent talk where parents just pretend to be interested but they really shun whatever their kid enjoys. They say things like, thats nice, and thats nice honey now go and play, instead of ACTUALLY talking to their kids and being actually interested in what they are, instead they just try to brush their kids off so they can get back to doing whatever they are doing. I think kids really enjoy when they find an adult who can actually talk about things that they are interested in, instead of just pretending to be interested in it.

I also don't think your ever too old for anything. In America we are way too hyped up on what is proper and mature for adults to do, and I think sometimes we just need to let that go. Besides its not like playing with Tama's is a BAD thing, you could be doing a lot worse things with your life than playing with Tama's, there is nothing wrong with playing with Tama's.

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Tamas are for people who enjoy taking care of pets people etc.

You can never be too old for Tamas. And the v.5 is better than v.4 and v4.5

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