Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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You know, if it's okay for 35 year old ppl to play Final Fantasy on the Xbox (It's an online virtual world for those who don't know) then I don't think there's any problem with ANY age of person playing with tams. After all, they're just a different kind of game right?

Masiygotchi (sorry if I speled it wrong) I don't think u are too old. Tamagotchis are for everyone except kids under 3 years old. Even ur mom and dad could have one but never told u. And like the celebraty connection, Snoop Dogg, Lucas Grabel, and all the other famous celebratys play with them! So don't worry, just because ur 14 dosen't mean u can get in the tamagotchi world.

I'm 23 and I just got my V5 last week. I was in 6th grade when I got my V1 and remembered how much fun they were, so my sister (who's 25) and I got the V5's so we could play again :)

im 17 and im not to old for tamagotchis! i luv them!

I hope this helps,

>>tweetheart546<< :D

i'm already 22 years old & i don't realy care what people say to me. if you like it than play it. Thats all...!!! :)

don't ever let another people take away your happiness & give you nothing... :)

Go browse through photobucket, there are many teens i'v seen holding tamagotchis, Now, webkinz, yes, there is an age limit, because you just loose intrest, and its babyish.. but tamagotchi, well.. there really isnt an age limit, its just a character to feed, and stuff.. Just stick it on your backpack, er.. whatever.. But it would be a bit little kiddish to.. you know, take it everyware you go.. heh.. :eek:

If you want to get them... Get them!! there is nothing stopping you and ignore if any1 skits you just be happy with who you are -_-

My sister is 14 but she is still active with her tama. She is even going to get a v5 soon! In my opinion, if you like playing with your tama, keep playing! :(

I'm 33 yr old and a bit embarrassed to play with tamas, I'm even more worried if my soulmate will think I am childish to play with tamas, but it's just another thing for me to pass time when I am bored.... :D

I think u can be 49 and still like tamagotchis! kids in my class say "if u have a tama u r gay!" dont listen! im 12 i luv tamas i have a V4 AND A V5!

I'm 15 and I was thinking the same thing, but I really don't even care because kids have so much more fun things to play with! And I don't care if it's "childish" because tamagotchi's are awesome and fun =P

you are not to old for a tamagotchi my mom does a 66 year old ladie's nails and she has a tamagotchi

p.s. i think she has a v1 i have never seen it but my mom told me cherecter in it and it was a dog

No you're NEVER too old for Tamagotchis! I'm 15 and I loove them! I love any cute virtual pets! I have 20 virtual pets and 16 of them are Tamagotchis. Mothra is an adult (I'm sure) and she has over 1000 virtual pets and hundreds of Tamagotchis. Or maybe it's 400 virtual pets....I'm not sure. I think it's 1000 though....

you are not to old for a tamagotchi my mom does a 66 year old ladie's nails and she has a tamagotchi
p.s. i think she has a v1 i have never seen it but my mom told me character in it and it was a dog
I think the character is a ponitchi , if i'm correct. ( I know alot of character )


Anyways , hun , I don't think your to old for tamagotchis. I mean , look at me ! I'm older than you and I still have a user name that includes the word "Tam".

Just don't worry about it. Your young , have fun... You've got a long way to go before you get to old :) My niece is your age , and as a matter of fact , she has one too!

Just relax about it. Your making to big of a deal .

- Kathy ( Kathrine )

no way no one is ever to old 4 tamas and if people laugh at u 4 havin one laugh at them 4 not havin one and walk awaytamas are one of the best inventions ever over 3% of japan hav 1 and 2% of usa hav 1 now thats alot of people

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