Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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think about this my mom is 42 and she LOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tamas, shes on gen 24

I'll be 20 in August and i still play with them. I lost a lot of my originals in high schoo cause i was the ONLY person who played with them, and for that, got teased a lot. I do have 5 right now... all connections... the v1, 2 v.3's, a v4 and a v5. also i have seen ROOMS dedicated to tamagotchi's. there was one i think she/he was a doctor and had a nice sized room covered in all the different kinds includin some from japan and europe...

Tamagotchis aren't something that you can grow out of! They're virtual pets, and there's nothing childish about that! They're like a normal pet, only pixellated. You wouldn't ever say you were too old for a dog, cat, hamster, etc. So why grow out of a Tamagotchi in this way? You shouldn't let what other people think get in the way of what you like to do. It's your life. Your choice. Enjoy it, with your Tamagotchi! :furawatchi:

Hope I help <_<

Tamagotchis Are made for people of all Ages I know people who are 40yrs old Playing with Tamas!

No One is too Old for Tamagotchis! :ichigotchi:

Yeah you can never be too old for tamas! My sister (little) isn't allowed to bring her tamagotchi to school, so mum looks after it for her when she has a bit of free time at work, and she seems to like it! :D

Nobody should tease peole about tamas, and if they still do, So What?? Your still gonna play with it!! :D

If you like them then your not too old, play with them and have fun!! Your still a kid (in my book atleast) so enjoy it while you can be imiture!! :eek:

sabri :mellow:

[SIZE=8pt]You are never too old for the things you love! Don't feel like you can't love something just because of your age. I am 14 and love my Tamas to death! They are amazing virtual pets and you should never ever be ashamed of liking them =)[/SIZE]

I'm turning 20, I just graduated college to be a Pharmacy Technician and I have about 18 Tamagotchis. Also, my boyfriend just bought me a v5 =^.^= So no, your definitely not too old for Tamas ^_^

No, don't you worry! I'm 14 1/2 and I have 7 tamagotchis. One Japanese version 1.5 (doesn't do much more than V1, except for 2 games, marriage, and infrared communication), two V3's, one V4, one V4.5, and two V5's. You are definitely not too old. Some adults play with them too. So I don't care what people think when I pull my V5's out of my jean pockets. :nazotchi: :nazotchi:

My brother is 22 and I'm 14. He always grabs a tamagotchi of mine and plays games with it until it loses all of it's extra weight and it won't play anymore, and then he gives it a time out. Then he asks me if I would give it to him. Every time he comes over. I say no and yell at him for giving it a time out.

No. Your not to old for tamagotchis. Tamagotchi are for all ages. It's taking care of a pet. Why? If you're old it means that you can't take care of pets? Hmmmm? :p

Not at all... :marumimitchi: The same thing is in my mind every single day, but then I just think about people in TamaTalk. Here is so many people of different ages playing with Tamas! Its not childish, even though I hear it everyday in here... :marumimitchi: (PS. Im 13, and Im going to 7th grade now)

my friend has 2 v3s and shes 14. my mom has a v2 and shes 44!

don't let age get caught in between you and tamagotchi.

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