Am I too old to play with Tamagotchis?


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Do you think I'm too old to play with Tamagotchis?

  • Yes! you need to throw yours away right now!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes you are much too old.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but it doesnt matter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No there is no age limit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No because I'm older than you and I play with them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I'm 22 and I have 1 V1, 1 V2, 1 V3, 2 V4s, 1 Keitai Akai, 2 EnTamas and 2 UraTamas (not to mention an Angelgotchi, 2 P1s and 2 P2s tabbed up), my partner is 27 and he has a V3, V4, Akai and an UraTama, his mum is 52 and she has 1 V2, 1 V3, 2 V4s, an Akai, an EnTama and an UraTama...

So in answer to the question - No I don't think you are too old for Tamagotchis, nobody is, they have no age limit!

Tamagotchi's are for all ages, and Adults made tamagotchi's anyways.. You're not to old for tamagotchi's even people over the age 20 plays with them and are on this site, and this site were made by Adults. :lol:

And if you love playing with something, then why be forced to not play with them just because you're a teen? So what. :) As I heard from a quote you're never to old for something..

I'm 14, too, and I have four tamas that I love to bits! They're fun, cute, collectible and Asian, which makes them 100% cooler than anything from any other continent :) . I sometimes get wierd looks when I'm playing with them out in public, and a couple of people have asked me why I still have them, but I don't care. They're too much fun and I plan to keep playing with them as long as I can :lol: . Oh, not that it has anything to do with this, but while I was typing this, my tamagotchi mini grew into a teenager! woot woot!

I feel that I am too old for Tamagotchis. I am 14 years old and still play with them. I'm currently running 3. Ben (on my V4), Mark (on my V1), and Kiko (on my V3). Ben is 13, Mark is 16, and Kiko is 4. Anyways, am I too old to play with them? I feel too old but I love Tamagotchis. They are fun to play with and collect. 

First off 14 isn't too old to care for tamagotchi's. I started when i was 13 (the year they came out) and i'll be 24 this year and still care for them! And don't let anyone tell you that your too old for a virtual pet, lol just ask my friend who is almost 25 and just started caring for my other V4 just yesterday^-^

There is know way u are to old to play with tamas so get that out of ur head. if u like tamas then play all u want thats all that really matters. :D

I think it's a problem with American culture, that people assume once you are an "adult" you should stop enjoying what you liked as a kid. The reason I put quotations around the word adult, is that I know alot of adults who act an awful lot like children, even in the negative sense. I don't know why American culture tries so hard to put out this image of what is adult and what is childlike, when people would be more satisfied if they didn't have to live up to some image.

Maybe that's why everything appears better in Japan, they aren't telling their people they should stop enjoying kid things at whatever age. Perhaps the reason why there is so much negativity about cute culture in America, is because when people see something, like a Nippon Airways Jet painted with Pokemon. They are jelous that they can't enjoy that here without being mocked. So they talk down about it, to make themselves feel like they're not missing out.

[SIZE=14pt] It doesn't matter about your age! as long as you have fun with tamagotchis, and enjoy collecting and playing with them, you dont have to worry about anything! :huh: just enjoy them as normal! :angry: [/SIZE]
Yes i agree only if you feel your loseing intrest, theres no age limit just how long you choose to play with them.. :mellow:

I am 42 and I have only just got my first 2 tamagotchis. I love playing with them, they are great fun. ;)

I'm 8 and have 3 tamagotchies! There is no age limit to tamas!

:D Tamaguy2 :D

[SIZE=11pt]The longest lived Tamagotchi group is primirily an adults only group. :D So Tamagotchis are for everyone. There is no age limit on these little guys. It's all about just having a little fun in life. [/SIZE]
No age limit. I'm pretty old too- I'm 11, but I sometimes play with mine.

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Personally I couldn't care if you were in you're in your fifties as long as you were enjoying tamagotchis. If you think you're too old and you aren't enjoying them then quit, do whatever makes you happy. There are plenty of things then you just enjoy whether your a kid or an adult.

Look, if my 36yr old mum plays with them... so than so can you! :furawatchi:

I think it's a problem with American culture, that people assume once you are an "adult" you should stop enjoying what you liked as a kid. The reason I put quotations around the word adult, is that I know alot of adults who act an awful lot like children, even in the negative sense. I don't know why American culture tries so hard to put out this image of what is adult and what is childlike, when people would be more satisfied if they didn't have to live up to some image.
^^ Well said. I get people who give me strange looks when they find out I have Tamagotchi. I always have my coworkers saying I need a man to make me stop playing with toys. Please... bring me a guy who V-pet obsessed and I might think about it. I remember I told this lady I used to play Neopets and she was looking at me like I was a three headed monster. I then told her that was when I was a teen and that I quit at 18. She then looked all relieved. o(o_O)o WTF?! Just because someone plays Neopets and is an adult doesn't make them Internet sickos people! :rolleyes:

I'm 21 and still enjoy Tamagotchi. Your never to old for what you still enjoy. Its up to how you feel about them. If you are not interested in them anymore then just stop playing them. If someone is telling you your to old then just don't pay them any attention, its non of their business what you like.

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