Amazing talent I just discovered I can do. xP!


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I can stick my right foot behind my head and hold it there for five minutes.

I can almost get my left one back there to.

My other talents..

Right leg splits, left leg splits, round off back hand spring by myself, I am a PRO PROCRASTINATOR, and I can let my room get really dirty before I clean it.


There are my talents.

I'm sure I'm missing some..

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I can stick my right foot behind my head and hold it there for five minutes.I can almost get my left one back there to.
Awesome! I can kick my foot above my head. :)

I can do a bridge! xD! I can be standing up, and lean back into a bridge!
Alimania, lol! I don't even have a cell, PWNED.
...Same here. And its not a small world.

If u burp on demand, it makes ur lungs bleed 4 10 secs. Not good! I can write really cool stories, thats it

Actually I meant both I can't belive they woud'nt let people join just because of a bridge
This is gymnastics we're talking about. You have to be flexible.

I can do the bridge-thing too. I can be standing, and fall backwards into a bridge-like position.

Um, one amazing talent...? I dunno. I can curl into a really tiny ball, and make myself fit into alot of things. I can fit into a suitcase really easily, and I can fit into one of those big vases, and stuff like that. Luckily, though, I'm still not a contortionist.

I realized that I can lean back into a bridge. Yippeh! I always wanted to be able to do it and now I can.
I can do that ^_^ lol The first time i tried to do it i leaned back too quickly and whacked my head on the ground :p

I can throw both my legs behind my head without holding either of them, and If I am standing up I can throw either of my legs behind my head ^_^

I can move my arm so far behind my head that i almost pop it out of the socket,

I can bend all of my fingers right back, and i can move my little toe without moving my other toes ^_^

lol! I can like my elbow and put my finger (thumb) to my wrist! LOL!
Me too! I can put my thumb to my wrist too! lol, and i can also make my fingers really stiff and flex them so on the little joint thingy of the finger i can make the skin show the bone! (well you cant visibly "See" the bone but you can definantly tell its there, its hard to explain i'll take a picture if i can)

i can do a front lumber (quickly put your hands on the floor, handstand into a bridge) and a cartwheel, and roundoff

and other things but i am really lazy...


I can make my eyeballs pop out of my head! I will find a piccy of what it looks like

I can:

Make my tongue touch my nose

Do a bridge, then walk on my hands

Basically lick my elbow

Turn completely around without moving my feet off ze ground.

Me tez contortionist!!


i have been 1st chair in band for 3 years in a row...not htat amazing so here is another...

my eyes change with my mood. its true one day my friend was looking at my eyes and she said, "Wow..your eyes just turned brown!!!" and then i said, "Really cause they are normally green with a yellow circle." it was soooooo funny

Lol I can do a bridge too :3 But congratulations ^^

Some more talents:

I can kick like really high

I can almost do a roundoff back handspring :3 (I suck at gymnastics, plus I taught myself how to do this, mind you)

I'm stronger than all my friends if that counts xD

I can play the clarinet... Lol I say that doesnt count xD

I can almost do the worm :3

Like RG, I can make my tummeh all rippley-like xD

And I can talk so fast that my friends almost cant make sense of what I'm saying xP

Edit: Oh yeah I can also like put my tongue into the shape of a flower :3

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I can.... um.... I can put one leg and arm on the floor and stick my leg and arm up in the air so it I look like a H. XD

and I can also stand realy still that when I was four I was in toy kingdom and these grannies looked at me so I stood in the trolley, put my hands on the trolley bars (I thought that they would kidnap me. XD) and they mistook me for a doll and said "Oh maybe we should buy that! I wonder if they sell them at target." and when my mum came back I told her "the ladies wanted to buy me!" and she started laughing. XD


I don't really have any special talents that no one has said...

I'm normal

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