Amazing things on the news


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Aug 6, 2008
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Share some amazing *recent* things you've heard on the news.

:mellow: ok , I was watching the news this evening ... And at a place called Family Fun a woman was riding a go cart. She has very long hair ( a picture was showed ) and her hair got stuck in the Go Cart and literally ripped her scalp off :) It gave me shivers ( Aug. 3rd , 08 )

In the court room , a man was just convicted and sentenced to life in prison for killing a mom and 3 kids. Then he goes to the police man things that stands by the judge in case and tries to grab his gun o_______o;; He was shocked or something like that ( sorry , I don't know these court room words xP ) ( Aug 6th 2008 )

A man tried a method for dry skin. It desolved silver in water. He was supposed to drink it , so he did. Then he started putting it on his skin and it turned him a greyish blue :eek: ( I saw pictures ~ ) He used to be TAN. He says the advantage is that he never gets sub burn.

Share what you've seen on the news.

Biased crap.

That's pretty much it. :| I don't bother with the news much anymore.

Though, for non-politics stuff, there was an article about a man who tried to kill some sort of pest in his garage with lighter fluid. Place went up in flames. Well, the pests are gone.

Oh , also : A german sheperd is the sweetest thing :mellow: Every time one of the family members jumps into the pools the dog will jump in and drag it to the shallow end , even if they're not drowning. A life guard doggie :)

Nothing interesting. Or new, anyway.

Around the Wichita area, lately it's been mostly about prositution busts, arsonry, shootings, other near death experiences of local people, and the police station's accomplishments.

That's mainly the West and South side of Wichita, really, because nothing worth a report happens on in the good parts.

A man was decapitated on a bus

i don't like buses anymore O_O

Highlight if you have strong stomach v

He stabbed him a lot then gutted him and decapitated dim and i heard he also ate some of the victims flesh. and all the victim did to make him mad was listen

to music, i hope the killer gets what he deserves :(

We watched elmo dance, and sang "I kissed a girl" In band today O_O

But I dont really watch news alot D:

I don't watch the news.. It's depressing, and then I get all paranoid about the futurew and I don't wanna talk about the next parts. ;]



12 year old drummer (omg like me) who even looks kinda like me fell down a chimney 14 stories and lived. She was practically unharmed. It was so weird.

A local guy is going on a reality show on MTV. He's ugly but they say he's a hunk.

Nothing much on the news. I remember all the buzz about a tiger attack in the San Francisco Zoo. It was during Christmas.

Three teenage boys were throwing rocks at a tiger with a slingshot. The tiger got out somehow and chased the boys (during lockdown). They all ran for their lives but the tiger killed one of the kids.

It was everywhere.

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Mudslide near Interstate 8.


woah, I looked at, and "bus goes off texas overpass" I looked back 1 minute later and it said

"Countdown Is On: China Holds Its Breath for Olympics Opening Ceremony "

^ Lol, they care more about the Olympics obviously

I heard on the news that in Iowa, a meat packing factory hired 13 year old kids and forced them to work. They ended up being illigel immigrants and were sent back to their home country, but the people who hired them never got in trouble. =/

Except for that, the only things on the news are all related to Brett Favre leaving for the Jets D< he makes me so mad!!

In Manitoba, some guy beheaded a person on a Greyhound Coach bus o.o And in court, he was like "Just kill me" Or something.

This wasn't on the news, but that Go Kart thing reminded me of something. At my hockey tournament this girl got like six inches cut off of her hair. She fell over and someone skated over her hair. xDD

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