An ADHD kid's guide to mourning over your favorite thread


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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2010
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WARNING: None of any works in "An ADHD Kid's Guide to..." is meant to be taken seriously. x.//StoryTeller//.x does not hold responsibility to any mayhem caused by a reader performing steps written.

Ah, what a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and your favorite Tamatalk thread that always gives you the chuckles has been locked!

...Wait, what?

That's right. The thread that is dear to you has been locked. No more rediculous, redundant statements to laugh over! What are you going to do?

Well children of the corn, I'm going to tell you just that.

STEP I: The Dramatic Pause of Seeing the Dreaded Lock Icon

Quite self explainatory, if I do say so myself. We always have that dramatic pause moment when we recieve bad news. This is one of those moments. Stare at that icon. Let the moment sink in. The fun is about to begin.

STEP II: Rage Status Update

Let it all out, man. Let those pixels you type shout through the screen. Use as much profanity and rude remarks as you feel neccecary, which leads to...

STEP III: Rage Status Update Deletion Tag Game

Chances are a mod will be there to delete that puppy within seconds. Make another status saying how talented they are at catching you so fast. They will then delete that status. Make another demanding to show themself. Deletion. Give up and just look at the active user list for the most recently active mod. PM them with a high five. They won't return it.

STEP IV: Denial

Ah, the good ol' denial step. Deny the fact that your main entertainment source is no longer active. Go read over the posts. Expect that one of the active debators will come back with their redundant evidence/opinion.


Here's a painful step: Denial of denial, also known as DenialCEPTION. Deny the fact that you ever denied that the topic was locked, because it sounded childish and cliche. You can't deny that the topic isn't locked! The lock symbol is right in front of your beautiful face! Deny that you ever were so dramatic, baby. DENY IT.

STEP VI: Reflection and Acceptance

Here we are, Reflection and Acceptance. Took a lot out of you to get to this moment, huh? It's hard to accept that the main reason you still come on Tamatalk is no longer around. Take a moment out of your awesome life to look back on all the arguements and mayhem you got to be a part of. And maybe even caused. It was a great time, wasn't it? Unfortunately, all great things must come to and end, and this thread had no excuse. But how can you express it? How can you show off to Tamatalkers what a great time you had shoving the exact same arguement in eachothers' faces for pages?

STEP VII: Make a Long Guide About Your Experience at Midnight

Eh, who doesn't love typing up sarcastic things at midnight? Can I get a raise of hands? No? No one at all? Well. This is awkward.

(In loving memory of the Tamatalk homosexuality thread. 7/4/12-3/30/13. You will be missed dearly. Mainly by me.)

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