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yeah well everybuddy is gona die somday! would you like it is somone came up and stabbed you a couple times and no buddy did anything?

You have a great point there. Its practically murder: you get killed before your time comes. And thats exactly whats happening to them, because there's still people out there who don't give a poop what happens to other living things. (I'm not saying you're one of those people because I'm not really one to judge people by what their opinions are, especially just over the internet. I'm sure you are really a caring person.)

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Tieing cans to a cat's tail would be abuse. However, it upsets me when someone has a sick pet, like a cat or dog. The animal is on it's last string of breath, yet the owners don't want to part with it. Sometimes it's best to put it down to end it's suffering. Testing is a 50/50 for me. For medical uses, it's fine, but for a new shampoo, soap or hand care product, then no.

Tieing cans to a cat's tail would be abuse. However, it upsets me when someone has a sick pet, like a cat or dog. The animal is on it's last string of breath, yet the owners don't want to part with it. Sometimes it's best to put it down to end it's suffering. Testing is a 50/50 for me. For medical uses, it's fine, but for a new shampoo, soap or hand care product, then no.
My point is proven with animal testing

You have a great point there. Its practically murder: you get killed before your time comes. And thats exactly whats happening to them, because there's still people out there who don't give a poop what happens to other living things. (I'm not saying you're one of those people because I'm not really one to judge people by what their opinions are, especially just over the internet. I'm sure you are really a caring person.)
Thank you :) I am sure you care a lot about animals too!

Jamie_Rox- you are right. Some people do not care and they should.

I am against it. But it's OK to test for medicines if it's done safely. Make-up we can live without but medicines are needed.

OOC: Where is everyone getting the cute Save The Animal avvies?

I do know some kid who swings his cat by his tail. The kid don't deserve to own the cat.

I totally hate animal cruelty. Once, when I was in Korea, I saw a poor little dog barking like crazy!! People were...uhh...nevermind, I probably shouldn't tell you. I don't know if this counts as animal cruelty because I wasn't sure if it was for food or if the people were just evil, though, but if the people were doing it for food, they could've at least done "it" quicker and less painful, instead of slowly doing it painfully. If they were doing it because they were evil, then I'd just want to walk up to 'em and slap them!. Man, I feel so bad for not stopping them..But, then again, I can't speak Korean :)

I hate it when I hear about animal cruelty. It's just plain sad! :) It makes me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAD TO SEE ANIMALS BEING HURT.

I totally hate animal cruelty. Once, when I was in Korea, I saw a poor little dog barking like crazy!! People were...uhh...nevermind, I probably shouldn't tell you. I don't know if this counts as animal cruelty because I wasn't sure if it was for food or if the people were just evil, though, but if the people were doing it for food, they could've at least done "it" quicker and less painful, instead of slowly doing it painfully. If they were doing it because they were evil, then I'd just want to walk up to 'em and slap them!. Man, I feel so bad for not stopping them..But, then again, I can't speak Korean <_<
Did.. Did they kill the dog to eat it..? :(


My dog Scamp was a border collie cross. On the 22nd November '05 he was barking at 2 guys (I THINK robbers..) Who were at a house across the road from my house (Breaking his ROBBER lights) So the guys came over and.. POISONED him. So the next day we took him to the vet who gave us tablets for him, but then he started having fits(I think they were fits.) So we took him back. The vet said Scamp would have to stay at the vet's. The next day at school my mum(Who works in my school) took me to the vets at lunchtime. The vet said she couldn't do any more for him. EVERYONE wwas sad and crying exept me.. So we let him rest.. When I went home straight after it I BURST OUT crying! It had then came to me.. He'd never be back. I loved him. He was my ONLY true friend. It was the 24th november '05. One day I'll be back with him. We NEVER caught the guys. It turned out they WERE robbers and had robbed £300 from a friend of mine.

I AM SOOOOO WITH U! My dog from a shelter was kepr in a crate so small she couldn't MOVE in the family she was in.

I once punched a much-older neighbor boy in the stomach for turning a turtle over on it's back in front of me in my yard. He never came back over again. ;)

Clearly I am against animal cruelty. My goal is to educate people on proper animal care and to introduce them to animals in a way so that they will appreciate the animal for what it is. It slays me when someone says "Eeeew! Why would you like reptiles?? They're not CUDDLY!" or "Fish are disgusting and awful, they eat each other. CANNIBALS!!!" :(

1. Reptiles are not MEANT to be cuddly. They are amazing animals, so different from us. Don't try to compare them to your family dog or cat, look at them for what they are.

2. Fish do eat each other. That is very natural, and rather common in nature. The fish that died is giving life to the others, and the live fish are cleaning up their environment to keep the group healthy. They aren't "cannibals", that's too human a concept to be applied to other creatures. :D

Cruelty either stems from misunderstanding the species, or not caring about animals' lives. Cruelty through misunderstanding can be corrected, and that's what I'm trying to do. You guys can do this, too. :D Cruelty through lack or caring and respect is the one kind that cannot be stopped. The only thing that can be done is to catch the criminals and help the animals who have suffered as a result. At least it's something.

**If you really want to stop animal cruelty, you guys can help. Start by reading all that you can about wild and domesticated animals. What they need, how they behave, etc. This way, you can tell people the right information when you have the opportunity. Even if it's just a friend or family member, you're still helping an animal. Stay away from PETA, they're embarrassing to animal lovers worldwide. <_< Just start by being informed and being able to provide the information when the situation calls for it. You're doing more than you may realize. ;) **

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Wow Aubrey, I'm touched.. *sniffle* THREE CHEERS! lol

That's such a stupid idea to turn a turtle on it's back.. I'm glad you stopped it! :)

Any kind of animal abuse is wrong. For food, for fur, for their skin. People don't kill other people to eat or to wear their skin, so why must animals succumb to this fate?

When I was in Kindergarten, I was walking to my bus stop with my mom. She would stay at the corner, and our cat Grey Boy would follow. Well.. for some reason he ran across the street and was hit by a van right in front of me (It was very gruesome too). Instead of stopping, the guy driving the van stuck his hand out the window and gave a rude hand gesture.

While I was working at Home Depot, somebody left a 2 week old kitten with an infected eye in our parking lot. Even though my Dad would not let me have anymore pets (At the time we had 4 cats, 4 birds, 1 dog, 3 fish, 3 hamsters), I had to bring the poor little thing home. Now she's a big happy healthy cat.

I can't save them all... but by making one animal's life happy, I feel I'm at least doing something.

And to all of you worried about animal abusers or those who think 'they're going to die anyway' or 'have no souls or feelings' etc etc, don't worry. Karma will come back to them, ten fold.

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I once punched a much-older neighbor boy in the stomach for turning a turtle over on it's back in front of me in my yard. He never came back over again. :)
Haha. *hi-fives* That sounds hilarious... (You punching the guy in the stomach, not the turtle part. x.X)

While I was working at Home Depot, somebody left a 2 week old kitten with an infected eye in our parking lot. Even though my Dad would not let me have anymore pets (At the time we had 4 cats, 4 birds, 1 dog, 3 fish, 3 hamsters), I had to bring the poor little thing home. Now she's a big happy healthy cat.
I can't save them all... but by making one animal's life happy, I feel I'm at least doing something.
That's sweet. This year I found a dying mouse in the schoolyard, and I had to care for him. He seemed to have a broken leg. Everyone else thought it was gross and it was diseased, but I cared for him. Now he's a happy little mouse :)


yeah animal curelty is horrible!!! im against it for sure.Once i heard saw on the internet that some guy cut of his dogs ears!!! that just soooo cruel and u know why he did it?? he did it because he thought his dog looked better without the ears!! i mean thats just selfish and cruel!!

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