Animals - How much do you care for them?


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Would you eat meat?

  • No way I would never eat a loving animal

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  • My parents make me eat some meat

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  • I love animals but I don't want to eat all vegtables

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  • I care for animals so much but they taste so good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I try to eat little meat

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  • I can't think!

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  • Other

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Jan 7, 2007
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Animals are just like us! But it is hard to be just a vegaterian too! It is your choice on what you do! I LOVE animals! But I am not ready to just eat vegtables. Do what you want!

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yeah, animals are the best :) I just eat chicken, crab, and beef sometimes oh and fish. But nothing more :) i think. I just love animals and I eat that meat and i don't want it to go to waist by refusing to eat it. :lol: kind of complacated.

Topics about Animals and Meat Eating / Vegetarianism almost always end up with a huge argument and total lack of respect for other peoples opinions or beliefs...

There is no right or wrong here... and just because you believe one thing it doesn't mean that some one who believes the opposite is wrong... they simply have a different opinion to you.

This topic stays open as long as all replies are polite, respectful and kind - no matter if someone else is being mean or rude... keep your posts polite (and hit the little report button at the bottom right hand side of the reply screen if necessary...)

Rant Over ^_^

I adore animals - the cuter and cuddlier the better :D

I don't let that interfere with rational, sensible thoughts and emotions tho' :D

It doesn't stop me enjoying the taste of various meats, poultry and fish

I really love animals, there so cute! But at the end of the day its a way of life for animals to kill other animals for food. Its just part of the food chain.

The meat I eat is steak and chicken.

And let me tell you, that steak, taste so good!

But.... I know it is cruel to eat it because they were animals to...

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Animals are just like us! But it is hard to be just a vegaterian too! It is your choice on what you do! I LOVE animals! But I am not ready to just eat vegtables. Do what you want!
Actually, we are immortal and they are not because when we die, our spirit goes somewhere and animals just stay dead. I still love animals of course!!! I think everyone does...

I really do Love animals, with all my heart! But meat is a part of our diets that keeps us healthy too. I'm not full vegetarian, but I try not to eat any more meat than I need. But I'll tell you one thing: I really do think that eating cats in China and Dogs in Mexico is WRONG! That's just sick and wrong... ^_^

Actually the animals spirit goes ~Points up~ Up there....(Heaven) Not trying to be mean but I belive that all animals go ~Points~ Up there. Not all humans.... But yes all animals....

I am the #1 animal lover! But it's the circle of life to eat animals....

I love animals so much.I have a huge connection with every animal I spy.When I was little,I would cry if a creature (example,ladybug)died.

I eat little meat.

dont you think animals are fanscinating?

I adore animals - the cuter and cuddlier the better :) I don't let that interfere with rational, sensible thoughts and emotions tho' :)

It doesn't stop me enjoying the taste of various meats, poultry and fish

I love animals, and I love meat.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with eating meat. It's part of the food chain. I mean, it's not like chickens are going to go extinct just because a lot of people like eating fried chicken. I'm planning on becoming an animal activist when I get older, but will I stop eating meat? Of course not. It's part of my daily diet. I need meat for protein.

Like me and my friend Haleigh always say, "I'm vegetarian until I eat meat!". 8DD


To the person who said eating dogs is wrong; Do you think eating pigs is wrong? Because some religions think it's just the same to eat a pig.

No, I am not vegetarian, because in my eyes, it was man's/god's will for us to eat meat, seeing as we ate it when we were prehistoric. :)

Of course, in some religions, eating/killing animals is sin; And I wouldn't hold anything against you.

I'm going to stick around. I'll be the guidies snitch :)

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Hey, I like animals just as much as the next animal loving girl, but it's just life. We're at the top of the food chain and sometimes you just have to face that. I mean, at least I'm not the person who would kill and eat a dog or cat, but dear or squrirrel is DELICIOUS!

To the person who said eating dogs is wrong; Do you think eating pigs is wrong? Because some religions think it's just the same to eat a pig.
No, I am not vegetarian, because in my eyes, it was man's/god's will for us to eat meat, seeing as we ate it when we were prehistoric. :)

I'm going to stick around. I'll be the guidies snitch :)
i was just about to say that

word stealer! lol

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