Animology Quiz


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U. Bronze Goat

-You are hard working, but only think of yourself. Yet, you are very clever and often self-confident.

-Soul mate: Ocre and gray Dolphin

-In conflict with: Beige Raccoon

I think that is quite true. :puroperatchi:

H. Silver Badger

-You are very loyal to others and hardworking. You are a good friend, even if others find you sometimes a bit boring.

-Soul mate: Pink Sloth

-In conflict with: White Tiger

That sounds like me!


P. Gray Chicken-You are cowardly, and quick to react. When danger strikes, you immediately run away, only thinking of yourself.

-Soul mate: Tawny Mouse

-In conflict with: Orange Snake

That's definetly me! xD
Your my soulmate o_O







OoC: took me to this just on the first question:

D. Teal Cat

-You are as swift as a ninja. You can be soft-hearted and cruel at the same time, and extremely hard to please

-Soul mate: Beige raccoon

-In conflict with: Red Jaguar

Then I tried saying I was smart:

Y. Lavender Cheetah

-You are the fastest and most agile of all animologies. Because of this, sometimes you do things immediately without even stopping to think, and bad things occur to you.

-Soul mate: Indigo Beaver

-In conflict with: Saffron Rabbit

(I don't really think either of them really match me)

Ocre and gray (OG) Dolphin

-You are a good friend to others, and love to have fun. People lighten up because of you, even if sometimes you act pretty weird.

-Soul mate: Bronze goat

-In conflict with: Peach Pig

Funny, that is 100% me! This quiz is right!

Ocre and gray (OG) Dolphin-You are a good friend to others, and love to have fun. People lighten up because of you, even if sometimes you act pretty weird.

-Soul mate: Bronze goat

-In conflict with: Peach Pig

Funny, that is 100% me! This quiz is right!
^ that sound's more like me than my results did XD

U. Bronze Goat

-You are hard working, but only think of yourself. Yet, you are very clever and often self-confident.

-Soul mate: Ocre and gray Dolphin

-In conflict with: Beige Raccoon

I guess it's true.

I see people as animals, also.

AB. Beige Raccoon

-You are the nervous type, and are always unsure of yourself. Yet, you are nice, friendly and quite smart and sarcastic.

-Soul mate: Teal Cat

-In conflict with: Bronze Goat

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Y. Lavender Cheetah

-You are the fastest and most agile of all animologies. Because of this, sometimes you do things immediately without even stopping to think, and bad things occur to you.

-Soul mate: Indigo Beaver

-In conflict with: Saffron Rabbit

Impulsive indeed ^^

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