Annoying Family members/siblings/relitives?


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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Nova scotia, Canada
I do, his name is Devin, and he likes to play video games with ALOT of flashing lights and the games make me have a staring seizure. and always plays stupid NHL games. plus he is very mean, so i sometimes call him mister meanie xD

and i have a step-sister she doesnt live with me but when she comes over she listens to Music way to loud i always feel that the house is going to collapse. o.o

For some reason my entire family is annoying.

So do you have any annoying brothers or sister or cousins or other family members?post here!

My sister absolutely irritates me to the max! I have Asperger's Syndrome so she uses that against me by being mean to me just to see me get upset. She is just to *beep* annoying!!!!!!!! I hate her.

Not really. None at all. I love them all just the way they are.

We may all make mistakes, have slight imperfections, but that's just us.

So in short, no, none of my family is annoying in my eyes. [:

^ Exactly what I had in mind. Very few of my relatives even live in Canada. Mostly it's just my parents, me and my brother. My brother and I get along very well. We very much alike in terms of looks, interests, etc. The last time we fought was a few weeks back when he broke my earphones on purpose. They were my second pair and he broke my last pair too so we didn't talk for a while. We make up pretty soon, though and we were back to before. Really, I think most siblings irritate you either to spend time with you or because they're still young. They'll grow out of it soon. x3

My sister. My older sister. It SUCKS being the youngest. He hits me with pillows, and the zipper thing hit me on my eye and it STILL stings....

She also slaps me on my behind...

Don't we all get annoying at times?

Eh, I guess I don't really count because my only sister is 22 and off on her own, so I've really never known annoying siblings.

And my parents, well, we all think our parents can be irrational at times.

So no, I guess.

Oh my gosh my uncle. o__x

xDD He picks on everyone just because he doesn't have kids. Well, the Mrs. is pregnant now so we'll see how that turns out. :'D

My little brother. I owned him with an umbrella in Glades though xD

My dad he's just jarring. Throwing things at people, calling people names ECT. He acts younger than Corey sometimes..

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Well I have a brother, enough said.

But my family is pretty cool ;D

^ O; My brother is amazing. :3

xD Sometimes I think a younger sibling would get on my nerves. But I am and always will be the youngest in my family. ;P

Oh yes.

One of my brothers can't go five minutes without starting a fight. Seriously, he will get his head bashed in when he takes things too far.

My cousin. He is freaking annoying. We look alike, we sound alike, we even act alike. Every time we're together, he starts a fight with me, I'm the badguy. I mean, sure I'm the one who starts the fights, but he triggers them. He's so annoying.

Then my uncle Kent. But I dont see much of him, so no worries there. :)

My little sister. She's 6, and she annoys me so much, I would cry of rage because my mom would ground me if I beat her up. What's even worse is that she has a twin. But, she's not bad... Anyway, today, she pushed her twin onto the sidewalk, she immitated me and chewed like a cow at the dinner table. She made all of us cry. I hate my little sister so much...

All of them.

Especially my sister and my cousin.

First; my eight year old sister Melissa. She pees everywhere in the backyard, comes in and annoys me when I'm talking on the phone and watched me take showers/get dressed. Living hell.

Then, my 14 year old cousin Rob. He likes scene kids. Ugh. He teases me for liking Short Stack, and he smoked a bit on Saturday and wouldn't let me smoke.

Yes, hell.

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