Annoying Neighbors


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2006
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So, I seem to have the world's most annoying neighbors. >.<"

They crank the music with bass up full blast every night, making my house and everything in it vibrate, make a ridiculous amount of noise, and don't seem to know that they're doing it. (Either that or they just don't care.) Even today, some dude over there was trying to drive his car with NO TIRES on the road. Just rims. The noise was so loud. You would have thought that someone was being murdered outside or something. Anyone else sharing my family's misery?

yes,the people who lived at the house behind us would party till 5 in the morning

my dad called the police on them once thaen like 4-5 months later they moved out

now i can sleep!

our neighbours' have this dog, (great dane) and one day my little brother was walking home from school and it knocked him over and took a chunk out of his wrist.. he had to get 3 stitches and he has a shiny scar x3

.. that was like 2 years ago. Otherwise our neighbours are okay. I love our next door neighbours, and their 3 adorable little boys :D

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My next door neighbours are the best neighbours possible. <3

Seriously. I wouldn't want anyone different.

But there's these people around the corner -- goodness. They're horrendous. Just like Ripcurl, they play their music on full blast everynight so no one can sleep. They scream, smoke, and drink. And they live in a trashcan. I try to avoid them as much as possible. :)

Oh. But I bet none of you have gang members living next door. That's right. Scary Mongrel Mob members. I swear they deal drugs. They have 2 sercurity cameras up and I hear them getting violent sometimes.

My neighbourhood is actually really nice.

Nobody ever plays loud music, everyone's pretty polite and stuff.

Not particularly exciting xD But I like it.

I have a person who Walks Alot has kids come over EVERY weekend, one of the kids are called zack and alex, the other one is megan (i hate her) you know why i hate megan? well,first of all, she is a real SNOB! trust me, you wouldnt want her as a younger sister, second, She throws alot of fits! luckly the kids wont be coming back for 5 mounths (THANK GOD!) but, meagan is still goning to come over and invite her cousin over (who is also a snob) and bother me! :blink: i wish i could move into a single house with No neighbours with kids! :D And megan gets violnent with her brothers, she says "i'll kick you both in the nuts!" o_o Harsh words... but if i hear them aruging, i play a movie and turn it WAY up. :D

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I barely even have neighbors. I can't even see their house from here. xD That's what you get for living in the middle of nowhere land. So, all you internet meanies, you'll never find me! > :D

I suppose it's a good thing though, because it's very quiet and calm.

My neighbors are pretty friendly. But I only kinda sorta know 2 of them because I live out in the middle of nowhere too. (Nicki)

But there is one family that kinda scares me. You see... they're dogs got out a couple of times and got into our fields so we called them to come pick them up. And the Mrs. was really mad and said we could just shoot the dogs if we had BB guns. o_x That made me mad.

Turns out later one of their dogs got run over. =__= The cutest little thing, too. D':

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I was thinking of making a topic about this. xD

The people across the road are quite interesting. My parents call them "The Revvers" They have all diesel trucks and use their yard as a driveway. They often get stuck in mud (because their yard is all tore up from them driving on it), and then they "rev" some more. It's so annoying, but It's funny. They randomly ride lawn mowers down the road some times xD

But they moved D: They only were here for about a year. I will miss the random comedy they brang

and i forgot to mencen my old neighbours, the screamers, they were hell. ._. they abused some girl and we had to call the police on them. luckly we are not living with them anymore, and i call them the sceamers is because they yelled alot. O_O

^ xD

My house was built next door to my grandparents' house, so they're not bad at all. xD Then, on the other side of my house, even though I can't see their house from here, is where my dad's cousin lives. So really, I can't complain. My grandmother calls a lot, though. xP

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