Anorexic Tamagotchi~


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Active member
Aug 13, 2007
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Not sure if this has already been posted, but I haven't been on here for awhile. My v4.5 Tamagotchi is an adult, but its weight keeps going down to like 7,this started when it was a teen. This has happend a couple times with different versions, but I was wandering if anyone had an answer.~ :)

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is your teen a ichigotchi? :)

because i am sure it is that character that goes down alot.

anyway, just feed it a lil extra all the time.


i dont really know why it is like that, but like i said before just feed it extra and also hopefully when it changes to an adult it should stop doing it.

On V4 and 4.5 there are a specific teen that goes to 0 in weight. Don't feel like typing it in right now, ura young :furawatchi: and :D

Oh, okay. That clears this up. Thanks for the help.~ ^_^


Yays~! I might get Version 5 todays~! :D

I think it's a glitch because v4.5s have the most glitches, or if you like to play games with it, it might weigh you know... ^_^

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I don't like playing the games much, only when they need excercise. It has happend in my V4 and 4.5. It seems to happen a lot before my teenager turns into Memetchi.~ :D

Also, I'm not sure if this has already been asked, but I keep trying to get Violetchi and get Gozarutchi. Do you know why?~ ^_^


Gozarutchi is a universal character, meaning bad care.


Do you want her on V4 or 4.5? In V4 you need a Young Memetchi or Ichigotchi, and raise it with Flag game (Kindness points).

On V4.5 she is universal. Try the same methods for Gozarutchi to get her, but use a female.

I always knew that the ichigotchi weighed 0, but i never new young furawatchi did! Whenever I get Ichigotchi I always just keep it aroung 10 pounds because it scares me that when it becomes an adult it will die from under weight! lol

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